Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse

1.3 Status of Eclipse

1.3 Status of Eclipse

In addition to the Eclipse platform itself, Eclipse comprises dozens of tool-oriented and application-oriented projects that operate as independent open source projects. For the past three years, usually in June, the foundation has organized a coordinated major release of the platform along with a large number of the constituent sub-projects. This allows users to try out new features without worrying about version incompatibility among the various tools.

Interestingly, these releases are named after the moons of Jupiter. The 2008 release is named “Ganymede” and included 23 projects representing over 18 million lines of code.

The Eclipse sub-projects are grouped into 10 major project areas that include:

• The Eclipse Platform

• Eclipse Technology

• Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools

• Data Tools Platform

• Device Software Development Platform (DSDP)

• Modeling

• Service Oriented Architecture

• Development Tools

• Test and Performance Tools Platform

• Eclipse Web Tools Platform

Of particular interest to embedded developers are the Device Software Development Platform (DSDP) and the Development Tools projects. Under Development Tools is the C/C++ Development Tool (CDT) project, which is a major focus of this book and the basis for commercial IDEs using Eclipse.

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