Книга: Distributed operating systems

6.2.2. Bus-Based Multiprocessors

6.2.2. Bus-Based Multiprocessors

If we look closely at Fig. 6-1(a), we see that the connection between the CPU and the memory is a collection of parallel wires, some holding the address the CPU wants to read or write, some for sending or receiving data, and the rest for controlling the transfers. Such a collection of wires is called a bus. This bus is on-chip, but in most systems, buses are external and are used to connect printed circuit boards containing CPUs, memories, and I/O controllers. On a desktop computer, the bus is typically etched onto the main board (the parent-board), which holds the CPU and some of the memory, and into which I/O cards are plugged. On minicomputers the bus is sometimes a flat cable that wends its way among the processors, memories, and I/O controllers.

A simple but practical way to build a multiprocessor is to base it on a bus to which more than one CPU is connected. Fig. 6-2(a) illustrates a system with three CPUs and a memory shared among all of them. When any of the CPUs wants to read a word from the memory, it puts the address of the word it wants on the bus and asserts (puts a signal on) a bus control line indicating that it wants to do a read. When the memory has fetched the requested word, it puts the word on the bus and asserts another control line to announce that it is ready. The CPU then reads in the word. Writes work in an analogous way.

Fig. 6-2. (a) A multiprocessor. (b) A multiprocessor with caching.

To prevent two or more CPUs from trying to access the memory at the same time, some kind of bus arbitration is needed. Various schemes are in use. For example, to acquire the bus, a CPU might first have to request it by asserting a special request line. Only after receiving permission would it be allowed to use the bus. The granting of this permission can be done in a centralized way, using a bus arbitration device, or in a decentralized way, with the first requesting CPU along the bus winning any conflict.

The disadvantage of having a single bus is that with as few as three or four CPUs the bus is likely to become overloaded. The usual approach taken to reduce the bus load is to equip each CPU with a snooping cache (sometimes called a snoopy cache), so called because it "snoops" on the bus. caches are shown in Fig. 6-2(b). They have been the subject of a large amount of research over the years (Agarwal et al., 1988; Agarwal and Cherian, 1989; Archibald and Baer, 1986; Cheong and Veidenbaum, 1988; Dahlgren et al., 1994; Eggers and Katz, 1989a, 1989b; Nayfeh and Olukotun, 1994; Przybylski et al., 1988; Scheurich and Dubois, 1987; Thekkath and Eggers, 1994; Vernon et al., 1988; and Weber and Gupta, 1989). All of these papers present slightly different cache consistency protocols, that is, rules for making sure that different caches do not contain different values for the same memory location.

One particularly simple and common protocol is called write through. When a CPU first reads a word from memory, that word is fetched over the bus and is stored in the cache of the CPU making the request. If that word is needed again later, the CPU can take it from the cache without making a memory request, thus reducing bus traffic. These two cases, read miss (word not cached) and read hit (word cached) are shown in Fig. 6-3 as the first two lines in the table. In simple systems, only the word requested is cached, but in most, a block of words of say, 16 or 32 words, is transferred and cached on the initial access and kept for possible future use.

Event Action taken by a cache in response to its own CPU's operation Action taken by a cache in response to a remote CPU's operation
Read miss Fetch data from memory and store in cache (No action)
Read hit Fetch data from local cache (No action)
Write miss Update data in memory and store in cache (No action)
Write hit Update memory and cache Invalidate cache entry

Fig. 6-3. The write-through cache consistency protocol. The entries for hit in the third column mean that the snooping CPU has the word in its cache, not that the requesting CPU has it.

Each CPU does its caching independent of the others. Consequently, it is possible for a particular word to be cached at two or more CPUs at the same time. Now let us consider what happens when a write is done. If no CPU has the word being written in its cache, the memory is just updated, as if caching were not being used. This operation requires a normal bus cycle. If the CPU doing the write has the only copy of the word, its cache is updated and memory is updated over the bus as well.

So far, so good. The trouble arises when a CPU wants to write a word that two or more CPUs have in their caches. If the word is currently in the cache of the CPU doing the write, the cache entry is updated. Whether it is or not, it is also written to the bus to update memory. All the other caches see the write (because they are snooping on the bus) and check to see if they are also holding the word being modified. If so, they invalidate their cache entries, so that after the write completes, memory is up-to-date and only one machine has the word in its cache.

An alternative to invalidating other cache entries is to update all of them. Updating is slower than invalidating in most cases, however. Invalidating requires supplying just the address to be invalidated, whereas updating needs to provide the new cache entry as well. If these two items must be presented on the bus consecutively, extra cycles will be required. Even if it is possible to put an address and a data word on the bus simultaneously, if the cache block size is more than one word, multiple bus cycles will be needed to update the entire block. The issue of invalidate vs. update occurs in all cache protocols and also in DSM systems.

The complete protocol is summarized in Fig. 6-3. The first column lists the four basic events that can happen. The second one tells what a cache does in response to its own CPU's actions. The third one tells what happens when a cache sees (by snooping) that a different CPU has had a hit or miss. The only time cache S (the snooper) must do something is when it sees that another CPU has written a word that S has cached (a write hit from 5"s point of view). The action is for S to delete the word from its cache.

The write-through protocol is simple to understand and implement but has the serious disadvantage that all writes use the bus. While the protocol certainly reduces bus traffic to some extent, the number of CPUs that can be attached to a single bus is still too small to permit large-scale multiprocessors to be built using it.

Fortunately, for many actual programs, once a CPU has written a word, that CPU is likely to need the word again, and it is unlikely that another CPU will use the word quickly. This situation suggests that if the CPU using the word could somehow be given temporary "ownership" of the word, it could avoid having to update memory on subsequent writes until a different CPU exhibited interest in the word. Such cache protocols exist. Goodman (1983) devised the first one, called write once. However, this protocol was designed to work with an existing bus and was therefore more complicated than is strictly necessary. Below we will describe a simplified version of it, which is typical of all ownership protocols. Other protocols are described and compared by Archibald and Baer(1986).

Our protocol manages cache blocks, each of which can be in one of the following three states:

1. INVALID — This cache block does not contain valid data.

2. CLEAN — Memory is up-to-date; the block may be in other caches.

3. DIRTY — Memory is incorrect; no other cache holds the block.

The basic idea is that a word that is being read by multiple CPUs is allowed to be present in all their caches. A word that is being heavily written by only one machine is kept in its cache and not written back to memory on every write to reduce bus traffic.

The operation of the protocol can best be illustrated by an example. For simplicity in this example, we will assume that each cache block consists of a single word. Initially, B has a cached copy of the word at address W, as illustrated in Fig. 6-4(a). The value is W1. The memory also has a valid copy. In Fig. 6-4(b), A requests and gets a copy of W from the memory. Although B sees the read request go by, it does not respond to it.

Fig. 6-4. An example of how a cache ownership protocol works.

Now A writes a new value, W2 to W. B sees the write request and responds by invalidating its cache entry. A's state is changed to DIRTY, as shown in Fig. 6-4(c). The DIRTY state means that A has the only cached copy of W and that memory is out-of-date for W.

At this point, A overwrites the word again, as shown in Fig. 6-4(d). The write is done locally, in the cache, with no bus traffic. All subsequent writes also avoid updating memory.

Sooner or later, some other CPU, C in Fig. 6-4(e), accesses the word. A sees the request on the bus and asserts a signal that inhibits memory from responding. Instead, A provides the needed word and invalidates its own entry. C sees that the word is coming from another cache, not from memory, and that it is in DIRTY state, so it marks the entry accordingly. C is now the owner, which means that it can now read and write the word without making bus requests. However, it also has the responsibility of watching out for other CPUs that request the word, and servicing them itself. The word remains in DIRTY state until it is purged from the cache it is currently residing in for lack of space. At that time it disappears from all caches and is written back to memory.

Many small multiprocessors use a cache consistency protocol similar to this one, often with small variations. It has three important properties:

1. Consistency is achieved by having all the caches do bus snooping.

2. The protocol is built into the memory management unit.

3. The entire algorithm is performed in well under a memory cycle.

As we will see later, some of these do not hold for larger (switched) multiprocessors, and none of them hold for distributed shared memory.

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