Книга: Distributed operating systems

4.6.2. Design Issues

4.6.2. Design Issues

Real-time distributed systems have some unique design issues. In this section we will examine some of the most important ones.

Clock Synchronization

The first issue is the maintenance of time itself. With multiple computers, each having its own local clock, keeping the clocks in synchrony is a key issue. We examined this point in Chap. 3, so we will not repeat that discussion here.

Event-Triggered versus Time-Triggered Systems

In an event-triggered real-time system, when a significant event in the outside world happens, it is detected by some sensor, which then causes the attached CPU to get an interrupt. Event-triggered systems are thus interrupt driven. Most real-time systems work this way. For soft real-time systems with lots of computing power to spare, this approach is simple, works well, and is still widely used. Even for more complex systems, it works well if the compiler can analyze the program and know all there is to know about the system behavior once an event happens, even if it cannot tell when the event will happen.

The main problem with event-triggered systems is that they can fail under conditions of heavy load, that is, when many events are happening at once. Consider, for example, what happens when a pipe ruptures in a computer-controlled nuclear reactor. Temperature alarms, pressure alarms, radioactivity alarms, and other alarms will all go off at once, causing massive interrupts. This event shower may overwhelm the computing system and bring it down, potentially causing problems far more serious than the rupture of a single pipe.

An alternative design that does not suffer from this problem is the time-triggered real-time system. In this kind of system, a clock interrupt occurs every AT milliseconds. At each clock tick (selected) sensors are sampled and (certain) actuators are driven. No interrupts occur other than clock ticks.

In the ruptured pipe example given above, the system would become aware of the problem at the first clock tick after the event, but the interrupt load would not change on account of the problem, so the system would not become overloaded. Being able to operate normally in times of crisis increases the chances of dealing successfully with the crisis.

It goes without saying that AT must be chosen with extreme care. If it is too small, the system will get many clock interrupts and waste too much time fielding them. If it is too large, serious events may not be noticed until it is too late. Also, the decision about which sensors to check on every clock tick, and which to check on every other clock tick, and so on, is critical. Finally, some events may be shorter than a clock tick, so they must be saved to avoid losing them. They can be preserved electrically by latch circuits or by microprocessors embedded in the external devices.

As an example of the difference between these two approaches, consider the design of an elevator controller in a 100-story building. Suppose that the elevator is sitting peacefully on the 60th floor waiting for customers. Then someone pushes the call button on the first floor. Just 100 msec later, someone else pushes the call button on the 100th floor. In an event-triggered system, the first call generates an interrupt, which causes the elevator to take off downward. The second call comes in after the decision to go down has already been made, so it is noted for future reference, but the elevator continues on down.

Now consider a time-triggered elevator controller that samples every 500 msec. If both calls fall within one sampling period, the controller will have to make a decision, for example, using the nearest-customer-first rule, in which case it will go up.

In summary, event-triggered designs give faster response at low load but more overhead and chance of failure at high load. Time-trigger designs have the opposite properties and are furthermore only suitable in a relatively static environment in which a great deal is known about system behavior in advance. Which one is better depends on the application. In any event, we note that there is much lively controversy over this subject in real-time circles.


One of the most important properties of any real-time system is that its behavior be predictable. Ideally, it should be clear at design time that the system can meet all of its deadlines, even at peak load. Statistical analyses of behavior assuming independent events are often misleading because there may be unsuspected correlations between events, as between the temperature, pressure, and radioactivity alarms in the ruptured pipe example above.

Most distributed system designers are used to thinking in terms of independent users accessing shared files at random or numerous travel agents accessing a shared airline data base at unpredictable times. Fortunately, this kind of chance behavior rarely holds in a real-time system. More often, it is known that when event E is detected, process X should be run, followed by processes Y and Z, in either order or in parallel. Furthermore, it is often known (or should be known) what the worst-case behavior of these processes is. For example, if it is known that X needs 50 msec, Y and Z need 60 msec each, and process startup takes 5 msec, then it can be guaranteed in advance that the system can flawlessly handle five periodic type E events per second in the absence of any other work. This kind of reasoning and modeling leads to a deterministic rather than a stochastic system.

Fault Tolerance

Many real-time systems control safety-critical devices in vehicles, hospitals, and power plants, so fault tolerance is frequently an issue. Active replication is sometimes used, but only if it can be done without extensive (and thus time-consuming) protocols to get everyone to agree on everything all the time. Primary-backup schemes are less popular because deadlines may be missed during cutover after the primary fails. A hybrid approach is to follow the leader, in which one machine makes all the decisions, but the others just do what it says to do without discussion, ready to take over at a moment's notice.

In a safety-critical system, it is especially important that the system be able to handle the worst-case scenario. It is not enough to say that the probability of three components failing at once is so low that it can be ignored. Failures are not always independent. For example, during a sudden electric power failure, everyone grabs the telephone, possibly causing the phone system to overload, even though it has its own independent power generation system. Furthermore, the peak load on the system often occurs precisely at the moment when the maximum number of components have failed because much of the traffic is related to reporting the failures. Consequently, fault-tolerant real-time systems must be able to cope with the maximum number of faults and the maximum load at the same time.

Some real-time systems have the property that they can be stopped cold when a serious failure occurs. For instance, when a railroad signaling system unexpectedly blacks out, it may be possible for the control system to tell every train to stop immediately. If the system design always spaces trains far enough apart and all trains start braking more-or-less simultaneously, it will be possible to avert disaster and the system can recover gradually when the power comes back on. A system that can halt operation like this without danger is said to be fail-safe.

Language Support

While many real-time systems and applications are programmed in general-purpose languages such as C, specialized real-time languages can potentially be of great assistance. For example, in such a language, it should be easy to express the work as a collection of short tasks (e.g., lightweight processes or threads) that can be scheduled independently, subject to user-defined precedence and mutual exclusion constraints.

The language should be designed so that the maximum execution time of every task can be computed at compile time. This requirement means that the language cannot support general while loops. iteration must be done using for loops with constant parameters. Recursion cannot be tolerated either (it is beginning to look like FORTRAN has a use after all). Even these restrictions may not be enough to make it possible to calculate the execution time of each task in advance since cache misses, page faults, and cycle stealing by DMA channels all affect performance, but they are a start.

Real-time languages need a way to deal with time itself. To start with, a special variable, clock, should be available, containing the current time in ticks. However, one has to be careful about the unit that time is expressed in. The finer the resolution, the faster clock will overflow. If it is a 32-bit integer, for example, the range for various resolutions is shown in Fig. 4-27. Ideally, the clock should be 64 bits wide and have a 1 nsec resolution.

Clock resolution Range
1 nsec 4 seconds
1 µsec 72 minutes
1 msec 50 days
1 sec 136 years

Fig. 4-27. Range of a 32-bit clock before overflowing for various resolutions.

The language should have a way to express minimum and maximum delays. In Ada®, for example, there is a delay statement that specifies a minimum value that a process must be suspended. However, the actual delay may be more by an unbounded amount. There is no way to give an upper bound or a time interval in which the delay is required to fall.

There should also be a way to express what to do if an expected event does not occur within a certain interval. For example, if a process blocks on a semaphore for more than a certain time, it should be possible to time out and be released. Similarly, if a message is sent, but no reply is forthcoming fast enough, the sender should be able to specify that it is to be deblocked after k msec.

Finally, since periodic events play such a big role in real-time systems, it would be useful to have a statement of the form

every (25 msec) { … }

that causes the statements within the curly brackets to be executed every 25 msec. Better yet, if a task contains several such statements, the compiler should be able to compute what percentage of the CPU time is required by each one, and from these data compute the minimum number of machines needed to run the entire program and how to assign processes to machines.

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