Книга: Distributed operating systems

4.3.2. Design Issues for Processor Allocation Algorithms

4.3.2. Design Issues for Processor Allocation Algorithms

A large number of processor allocation algorithms have been proposed over the years. In this section we will look at some of the key choices involved in these algorithms and point out the various trade-offs. The major decisions the designers must make can be summed up in five issues:

1. Deterministic versus heuristic algorithms.

2. Centralized versus distributed algorithms.

3. Optimal versus suboptimal algorithms.

4. Local versus global algorithms.

5. Sender-initiated versus receiver-initiated algorithms.

Other decisions also come up, but these are the main ones that have been studied extensively in the literature. Let us look at each of these in turn.

Deterministic algorithms are appropriate when everything about process behavior is known in advance. Imagine that you have a complete list of all processes, their computing requirements, their file requirements, their communication requirements, and so on. Armed with this information, it is possible to make a perfect assignment. In theory, one could try all possible assignments and take the best one.

In few, if any, systems, is total knowledge available in advance, but sometimes a reasonable approximation is obtainable. For example, in banking, insurance, or airline reservations, today's work is just like yesterday's. The airlines have a pretty good idea of how many people want to fly from New York to Chicago on a Monday morning in early Spring, so the nature of the workload can be accurately characterized, at least statistically, making it possible to consider deterministic allocation algorithms.

At the other extreme are systems where the load is completely unpredictable. Requests for work depend on who's doing what, and can change dramatically from hour to hour, or even from minute to minute. Processor allocation in such systems cannot be done in a deterministic, mathematical way, but of necessity uses ad hoc techniques called heuristics.

The second design issue is centralized versus distributed. This theme has occurred repeatedly throughout the book. Collecting all the information in one place allows a better decision to be made, but is less robust and can put a heavy load on the central machine. Decentralized algorithms are usually preferable, but some centralized algorithms have been proposed for lack of suitable decentralized alternatives.

The third issue is related to the first two: Are we trying to find the best allocation, or merely an acceptable one? Optimal solutions can be obtained in both centralized and decentralized systems, but are invariably more expensive than suboptimal ones. They involve collecting more information and processing it more thoroughly. In practice, most actual distributed systems settle for heuristic, distributed, suboptimal solutions because it is hard to obtain optimal ones.

The fourth issue relates to what is often called transfer policy. When a process is about to be created, a decision has to be made whether or not it can be run on the machine where it is being generated. If that machine is too busy, the new process must be transferred somewhere else. The choice here is whether or not to base the transfer decision entirely on local information. One school of thought advocates a simple (local) algorithm: if the machine's load is below some threshold, keep the new process; otherwise, try to get rid of it. Another school says that this heuristic is too crude. Better to collect (global) information about the load elsewhere before deciding whether or not the local machine is too busy for another process. Each school has its points. Local algorithms are simple, but may be far from optimal, whereas global ones may only give a slightly better result at much higher cost.

The last issue in our list deals with location policy. Once the transfer policy has decided to get rid of a process, the location policy has to figure out where to send it. Clearly, the location policy cannot be local. It needs information about the load elsewhere to make an intelligent decision. This information can be disseminated in two ways, however. In one method, the senders start the information exchange. In another, it is the receivers that take the initiative.

As a simple example, look at Fig. 4-16(a). Here an overloaded machine sends out requests for help to other machines, in hopes of offloading its new process on some other machine. The sender takes the initiative in locating more CPU cycles in this example. In contrast, in Fig. 4-16(b), a machine that is idle or underloaded announces to other machines that it has little to do and is prepared to take on extra work. Its goal is to locate a machine that is willing to give it some work to do.

Fig. 4-16. (a) A sender looking for an idle machine. (b) A receiver looking for work to do.

For both the sender-initiated and receiver-initiated cases, various algorithms have different strategies for whom to probe, how long to continue probing, and what to do with the results. Nevertheless, the difference between the two approaches should be clear by now.

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