Книга: Embedded Linux Primer: A Practical, Real-World Approach

13.5.3. objdump

13.5.3. objdump

The objdump utility has considerable overlap with the readelf tool. However, one of the more useful features of objdump is its capability to display disassembled object code. Listing 13-17 provides an example of disassembly of the .text section of the simple "hello world" PowerPC version. We include only the main() routine, to save space. The entire dump, including C library prologue and epilogue, would consume many pages.

Listing 13-17. Disassembly Using objdump

$ ppc_82xx-objdump -S -m powerpc:common -j .text hello
10000488 <main>:
10000488:       94 21 ff e0     stwu    r1,-32(r1)
1000048c:       7c 08 02 a6     mflr    r0
10000490:       93 e1 00 1c     stw     r31,28(r1)
10000494:       90 01 00 24     stw     r0,36(r1)
10000498:       7c 3f 0b 78     mr      r31,r1
1000049c:       90 7f 00 08     stw     r3,8(r31)
100004a0:       90 9f 00 0c     stw     r4,12(r31)
100004a4:       3d 20 10 00     lis     r9,4096
100004a8:       38 69 08 54     addi    r3,r9,2132
100004ac:       4c c6 31 82     crclr   4*cr1+eq
100004b0:       48 01 05 11     bl      100109c0
100004b4:       38 00 00 00     li      r0,0
100004b8:       7c 03 03 78     mr      r3,r0
100004bc:       81 61 00 00     lwz     r11,0(r1)
100004c0:       80 0b 00 04     lwz     r0,4(r11)
100004c4:       7c 08 03 a6     mtlr    r0
100004c8:       83 eb ff fc     lwz     r31,-4(r11)
100004cc:       7d 61 5b 78     mr      r1,r11
100004d0:       4e 80 00 20     blr

Much of the code from the simple main() routine is stack frame creation and destruction. The actual call to printf() is represented by the branch link (bl) instruction near the center of the listing at address 0x100004b0. This is a PowerPC function call. Because this program was compiled as a dynamically linked object, we will not have an address for the printf() function until runtime, when it is linked with the shared library printf() routine. Had we compiled this as a statically linked object, we would see the symbol and corresponding address for the call to printf().

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