Книга: Iptables Tutorial 1.2.2

Owner match

Owner match

The owner match extension is used to match packets based on the identity of the process that created them. The owner can be specified as the process ID either of the user who issued the command in question, that of the group, the process, the session, or that of the command itself. This extension was originally written as an example of what iptables could be used for. The owner match only works within the OUTPUT chain, for obvious reasons: It is pretty much impossible to find out any information about the identity of the instance that sent a packet from the other end, or where there is an intermediate hop to the real destination. Even within the OUTPUT chain it is not very reliable, since certain packets may not have an owner. Notorious packets of that sort are (among other things) the different ICMP responses. ICMP responses will never match.

Table 10-24. Owner match options

Match --cmd-owner
Kernel 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6
Example iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --cmd-owner httpd
Explanation This is the command owner match, and is used to match based on the command name of the process that is sending the packet. In the example, httpd is matched. This match may also be inverted by using an exclamation sign, for example -m owner ! --cmd-owner ssh.
Match --uid-owner
Kernel 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6
Example iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 500
Explanation This packet match will match if the packet was created by the given User ID (UID). This could be used to match outgoing packets based on who created them. One possible use would be to block any other user than root from opening new connections outside your firewall. Another possible use could be to block everyone but the http user from sending packets from the HTTP port.
Match --gid-owner
Kernel 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6
Example iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner 0
Explanation This match is used to match all packets based on their Group ID (GID). This means that we match all packets based on what group the user creating the packets is in. This could be used to block all but the users in the network group from getting out onto the Internet or, as described above, only to allow members of the http group to create packets going out from the HTTP port.
Match --pid-owner
Kernel 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6
Example iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --pid-owner 78
Explanation This match is used to match packets based on the Process ID (PID) that was responsible for them. This match is a bit harder to use, but one example would be only to allow PID 94 to send packets from the HTTP port (if the HTTP process is not threaded, of course). Alternatively we could write a small script that grabs the PID from a ps output for a specific daemon and then adds a rule for it. For an example, you could have a rule as shown in the Pid-owner.txt example.
Match --sid-owner
Kernel 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6
Example iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --sid-owner 100
Explanation This match is used to match packets based on the Session ID used by the program in question. The value of the SID, or Session ID of a process, is that of the process itself and all processes resulting from the originating process. These latter could be threads, or a child of the original process. So, for example, all of our HTTPD processes should have the same SID as their parent process (the originating HTTPD process), if our HTTPD is threaded (most HTTPDs are, Apache and Roxen for instance). To show this in example, we have created a small script called Sid-owner.txt. This script could possibly be run every hour or so together with some extra code to check if the HTTPD is actually running and start it again if necessary, then flush and re-enter our OUTPUT chain if needed.

Note The pid, sid and command matching is broken in SMP kernels since they use different process lists for each processor. It might be fixed in the future however

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