Книга: Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Exam Preparation Kit

Lesson Summary

Lesson Summary

Platform Builder for Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R2 integrates with the build-logging system of Visual Studio 2005 to provide you with convenient access to status information, warnings, and error messages generated during the build process and tracked in Build.log, Build.wrn, and Build.err files. Depending on how you start the build process in Visual Studio, these files reside either in the %_WINCEROOT% folder or in a subproject directory, yet the actual location of the files is not important because you can analyze the content from these files directly in the Output window and the Error List window in Visual Studio. It is not necessary to open these files in Notepad or another text editor.

By analyzing build log files, you can gain a better understanding of the build process in general and build issues in particular. Typical build issues you might encounter occasionally are compiler errors, linker errors, Sysgen errors, build errors, and other errors generated during the Release Copy and Make Run-time Image phases. If a build error is related directly to a line in a source code file, you can double-click the message entry in the Error List window, and Visual Studio automatically opens the source-code file and jumps to the critical line. Other issues, such as buildrel errors due to inadequate hard drive space, require you to perform troubleshooting steps outside of the Visual Studio IDE.

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