Книга: Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Exam Preparation Kit

PCI-Related Registry Settings

PCI-Related Registry Settings

Another registry helper function that you can use to populate a DDKPCIINFO structure with the standard PCI device instance information is DDKReg_GetPciInfo. Table 6-11 lists the PCI-related settings you can configure in a driver's registry subkey.

Table 6-11 PCI-related registry entries for device drivers

Registry Entry Type Description
DeviceNumber REG_DWORD The PCI device number.
FunctionNumber REG_DWORD The PCI function number of the device, which indicates a single function device on a multifunction PCI card.
InstanceIndex REG_DWORD The instance number of the device.
DeviceID REG_DWORD The type of the device
ProgIF REG_DWORD A register-specific programming interface, for example, USB OHCI or UHCI.
RevisionId REG_DWORD The revision number of the device.
Subclass REG_DWORD The basic function of the device; for example, an IDE controller.
SubSystemId REG_DWORD The type of card or subsystem that uses the device.
SubVendorId REG_DWORD The vendor of the card or subsystem that uses the device.
VendorId REG_MULTI_SZ The manufacturer of the device.

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