Книга: Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Exam Preparation Kit

IClass Power Management Interfaces

IClass Power Management Interfaces

Power Manager supports an IClass registry entry that you can configure in the driver's registry subkey to associate your driver with one or more device class values. An IClass value is a globally unique identifier (GUID) referring to an interface, defined under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlPowerInterfaces registry key. The most important interface for driver developers is the interface for generic power management-enabled devices, associated with the GUID {A32942B7-920C-486b-B0E6-92A702A99B35}. By adding this GUID to the IClass registry entry of your device driver, you can inform Power Manager to send your driver IOCTLs for power management notifications, as illustrated in Figure 6-7.

Figure 6-7 Configuring the IClass registry entry to receive power management notifications


Registry settings for power management

You can also use registry settings and device classes to configure the default power states for a device, as explained in Lesson 5, "Implementing Power Management," of Chapter 3.

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