Книга: Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Exam Preparation Kit

Lesson Summary

Lesson Summary

Platform Builder for Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R2 includes an OS Design Wizard to help you accomplish the basic OS design creation steps quickly and conveniently. You can select one or multiple BSPs to include all hardware-specific device drivers and utilities for your target platform and a design template with possible template variants to include additional catalog items. After completing the OS Design Wizard, you can further customize the OS design. You can exclude unnecessary catalog items, include additional components, and configure project properties such as the Debug and Release build options. In the Debug build configuration, Platform Builder includes debug information in the run-time image, which leads to an increase of 50 percent to 100 percent in comparison to Release builds. However, Debug builds facilitate debugging and step-by-step code execution during the development process. Because you can configure Debug and Release build options separately, you might encounter a situation in which your OS design compiles in the Debug configuration but not in the Release configuration. In this case, it can be helpful to set environment variables in both Debug and Release to the same values. In order to distribute your OS designs, you need to locate the source files, which you can find by default in the %_WINCEROOT%OSDesigns directory. You can use source control software to coordinate the work of a development team.

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