Книга: Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Exam Preparation Kit

Lesson 4: Managing Catalog Items

One of Windows Embedded CE's most useful features is its catalog system. By using the catalog, developers can quickly and conveniently customize the Windows Embedded CE firmware to suit their needs. If you create a custom catalog item for each of your components, you can facilitate the installation and configuration of your components. This is a differentiating factor between ad-hoc and professional Windows Embedded CE solutions. For ad-hoc solutions, it might be sufficient to provide basic installation notes and a list of required SYSGEN variables, but professional software should include catalog items with proper values for SYSGEN variables and configuration settings.

After this lesson, you will be able to:

? Customize the content of the catalog.

? Add a new component entry to a BSP catalog.

Estimated lesson time: 20 minutes.

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