Книга: Mastering VMware® Infrastructure3

Using VCB for Single VMDK Backups 

Using VCB for Single VMDK Backups 

Sometimes a full backup is just too much: too much data that hasn't changed, or too much data that is backed up more regularly and isn't needed again. For example, what if just the operating system drive needs to be backed up, not all the user data stored on other virtual machine disk files? A full backup would back up everything. For those situations, VCB provides a means of performing single virtual machine disk backups.

Perform the following steps for a single VMDK backup:

1. Log in to the backup proxy where VCB is installed.

2. Open a command prompt and change directories to the C:Program FilesVMwareVMware Consolidated Backup Framework directory.

3. Use the vcbVmName tool to enumerate virtual machine identifiers. At the command prompt, type:

vcbVmName <IP or name of VirtualCenter> -u <username> -p <password> -s ipaddr:<IP address of virtual machine to backup>

4. From the results of running the vcbVmName command, note the moref value of the virtual  machine.

5. Use the following command to create a snapshot of the virtual machine:

vcbSnapshot -h <IP or name of VirtualCenter> -u <username> -p <password> -c <moref value of virtual machine> <name of snapshot>

6. Note the snapshot ID (SsiDd) from the results of step 5.

7. Enumerate the disks within the snapshot using the vcbSnapshot command:

vcbSnapshot -h <IP or name of VirtualCenter> -u <username> -p <password> -l <moref value of virtual machine> <snapshot ID>

8. Change to the backup directory of the virtual machine and export the desired VMDK using the vcbExport command:

vcbExport -d <name of new VMDK copy> -s <name of existing VMDK> 

9. Remove the snapshot by once again using the vcbSnapshot command:

vcbSnapshot -h <IP or name of VirtualCenter> -u <username> -p <password> -d <moref value of virtual machine> <snapshot ID>

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