Книга: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition

13.3.5 Installing Ispell

13.3.5 Installing Ispell

Installing Ispell on Windows can be tricky. Emacs 20 and beyond includes features like Flyspell and earlier versions of Ispell won't handle that functionality. Many Windows users do not compile their own software, and even if they did, the very newest Ispell also doesn't work with Emacs.

We found the version we describe here in a post by Raymond Zeitler (http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/help-emacs-windows/2004-06/msg00023.html), and we thank him heartily for it. The only downside to this version is that it is designed for English speakers. It may well work with other languages, but you'd have to find the <language>.hash file appropriate for your language.

The first step is to download a Windows binary of Ispell 3.1.20.[96]

Open a command window. On Windows XP, you open it using Start ? Run, then typing command and clicking OK.

Create a temporary directory and move there (you can substitute another name for tmp).

C:> mkdir tmp
C:> cd tmp

FTP to gatekeeper.dec.com.

C:tmp> ftp gatekeeper.dec.com

Type anonymous as your username and your email address as your password.

Move to the /pub/GNU/windows/emacs/contrib directory.

C:tmp> cd /pub/GNU/windows/emacs/contrib

Type bin to change to binary mode.

C:tmp> bin

Download ispell.zip.

C:tmp> get ispell.zip

Type bye to close your ftp session, then exit to close the MS-DOS window.

Unzip the archive with WinZip or Windows' own decompression utility. We need to move a few files around to make Ispell work properly with Emacs.

Move ispell.exe to Emacs' bin folder. For example, if you called the folder where you installed Emacs nqmacs, you would place the file in nqmacsbin.

Move english.hash to your home directory (either C: or the one you defined earlier as the location for your .emacs file). Now copy english.hash to american.hash (both files must exist for Ispell to work properly). We suspect but cannot verify that this would not be necessary for users of systems expecting British English dictionaries.

There's a lot more to the world of Emacs in Windows. We encourage you to check out the frequently asked questions and documentation available online at http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows/.

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