Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse

4.3.2 Code Templates

4.3.2 Code Templates

Code Templates are an element of Content Assist that provide starting points for frequently used sections of code. When you enter a letter combination followed by Ctrl+Space, a list of code templates that begin with that letter combination is displayed. Select one and it is automatically inserted into the file at the current cursor location.

Try this: after entering the #include lines in Figure 4.3, type “ma” Ctrl+Space. This brings up a template for the main() function. Note that the format of templates is independent of whichever Code Style you’ve selected and the default is KR. You can edit templates at Window?Preferences?C/C++?Editor?Templates. We’ll take a closer look at that later in the chapter. Other aspects of Content Assist can also be customized under Preferences.

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