Книга: Distributed operating systems

2.4.1. Basic RPC Operation

2.4.1. Basic RPC Operation

To understand how RPC works, it is important first to fully understand how a conventional (i.e., single machine) procedure call works. Consider a call like

count = read(fd, buf, nbytes);

where fd is an integer, buf is an array of characters, and nbytes is another integer. If the call is made from the main program, the stack will be as shown in Fig. 2-17(a) before the call. To make the call, the caller pushes the parameters onto the stack in order, last one first, as shown in Fig. 2-17(b). (The reason that C compilers push the parameters in reverse order has to do with printf — by doing so, printf can always locate its first parameter, the format string.) After read has finished running, it puts the return value in a register, removes the return address, and transfers control back to the caller. The caller then removes the parameters from the stack, returning it to the original state, as shown in Fig. 2-17(c).

Fig. 2-17. (a) The stack before the call to read. (b) The stack while the called procedure is active. (c) The stack after the return to the caller.

Several things are worth noting. For one, in C, parameters can be call-by-value or call-by-reference. A value parameter, such as fd or nbytes, is simply copied to the stack as shown in Fig. 2-17(b). To the called procedure, a value parameter is just an initialized local variable. The called procedure may modify it, but such changes do not affect the original value at the calling side.

A reference parameter in C is a pointer to a variable (i.e., the address of the variable), rather than the value of the variable. In the call to read, the second parameter is a reference parameter because arrays are always passed by reference in C. What is actually pushed onto the stack is the address of the character array. If the called procedure uses this parameter to store something into the character array, it does modify the array in the calling procedure. The difference between call-by-value and call-by-reference is quite important for RPC, as we shall see.

One other parameter passing mechanism also exists, although it is not used in C. It is called call-by-copy/restore. It consists of having the variable copied to the stack by the caller, as in call-by-value, and then copied back after the call, overwriting the caller's original value. Under most conditions, this achieves the same effect as call-by-reference, but in some situations, such as the same parameter being present multiple times in the parameter list, the semantics are different.

The decision of which parameter passing mechanism to use is normally made by the language designers and is a fixed property of the language. Sometimes it depends on the data type being passed. In C, for example, integers and other scalar types are always passed by value, whereas arrays are always passed by reference, as we have seen. In contrast, Pascal programmers can choose which mechanism they want for each parameter. The default is call-by-value, but programmers can force call-by-reference by inserting the keyword var before specific parameters. Some Ada® compilers use copy/restore for in out parameters, but others use call-by-reference. The language definition permits either choice, which makes the semantics a bit fuzzy.

The idea behind RPC is to make a remote procedure call look as much as possible like a local one. In other words, we want RPC to be transparent — the calling procedure should not be aware that the called procedure is executing on a different machine, or vice versa. Suppose that a program needs to read some data from a file. The programmer puts a call to read in the code to get the data. In a traditional (single-processor) system, the read routine is extracted from the library by the linker and inserted into the object program. It is a short procedure, usually written in assembly language, that puts the parameters in registers and then issues a READ system call by trapping to the kernel. In essence, the read procedure is a kind of interface between the user code and the operating system.

Even though read issues a kernel trap, it is called in the usual way, by pushing the parameters onto the stack, as shown in Fig. 2-17. Thus the programmer does not know that read is actually doing something fishy.

RPC achieves its transparency in an analogous way. When read is actually a remote procedure (e.g., one that will run on the file server's machine), a different version of read, called a client stub, is put into the library. Like the original one, it too, is called using the calling sequence of Fig. 2-17. Also like the original one, it too, traps to the kernel. Only unlike the original one, it does not put the parameters in registers and ask the kernel to give it data. Instead, it packs the parameters into a message and asks the kernel to send the message to the server as illustrated in Fig. 2-18. Following the call to send, the client stub calls receive, blocking itself until the reply comes back.

Fig. 2-18. Calls and messages in an RPC. Each ellipse represents a single process, with the shaded portion being the stub.

When the message arrives at the server, the kernel passes it up to a server stub that is bound with the actual server. Typically the server stub will have called receive and be blocked waiting for incoming messages. The server stub unpacks the parameters from the message and then calls the server procedure in the usual way (i.e., as in Fig. 2-17). From the server's point of view, it is as though it is being called directly by the client — the parameters and return address are all on the stack where they belong and nothing seems unusual. The server performs its work and then returns the result to the caller in the usual way. For example, in the case of read, the server will fill the buffer, pointed to by the second parameter, with the data. This buffer will be internal to the server stub.

When the server stub gets control back after the call has completed, it packs the result (the buffer) in a message and calls send to return it to the client. Then it goes back to the top of its own loop to call receive, waiting for the next message.

When the message gets back to the client machine, the kernel sees that it is addressed to the client process (to the stub part of that process, but the kernel does not know that). The message is copied to the waiting buffer and the client process unblocked. The client stub inspects the message, unpacks the result, copies it to its caller, and returns in the usual way. When the caller gets control following the call to read, all it knows is that its data are available. It has no idea that the work was done remotely instead of by the local kernel.

This blissful ignorance on the part of the client is the beauty of the whole scheme. As far as it is concerned, remote services are accessed by making ordinary (i.e., local) procedure calls, not by calling send and receive as in Fig. 2-9.

All the details of the message passing are hidden away in the two library procedures, just as the details of actually making system call traps are hidden away in traditional libraries.

To summarize, a remote procedure call occurs in the following steps:

1. The client procedure calls the client stub in the normal way.

2. The client stub builds a message and traps to the kernel.

3. The kernel sends the message to the remote kernel.

4. The remote kernel gives the message to the server stub.

5. The server stub unpacks the parameters and calls the server.

6. The server does the work and returns the result to the stub.

7. The server stub packs it in a message and traps to the kernel.

8. The remote kernel sends the message to the client's kernel.

9. The client's kernel gives the message to the client stub.

10. The stub unpacks the result and returns to the client.

The net effect of all these steps is to convert the local call by the client procedure to the client stub to a local call to the server procedure without either client or server being aware of the intermediate steps.

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