Книга: Distributed operating systems

6.3.5. Weak Consistency

6.3.5. Weak Consistency

Although PRAM consistency and processor consistency can give better performance than the stronger models, they are still unnecessarily restrictive for many applications because they require that writes originating in a single process be seen everywhere in order. Not all applications require even seeing all writes, let alone seeing them in order. Consider the case of a process inside a critical section reading and writing some variables in a tight loop. Even though other processes are not supposed to touch the variables until the first process has left its critical section, the memory has no way of knowing when a process is in a critical section and when it is not, so it has to propagate all writes to all memories in the usual way.

A better solution would be to let the process finish its critical section and then make sure that the final results were sent everywhere, not worrying too much whether all intermediate results had also been propagated to all memories in order, or even at all. This can be done by introducing a new kind of variable, a synchronization variable, that is used for synchronization purposes. the operations on it are used to synchronize memory. When a synchronization completes, all writes done on that machine are propagated outward and all writes done on other machines are brought in. In other words, all of (shared) memory is synchronized.

Dubois et al. (1986) define this model, called weak consistency, by saying that it has three properties:

1. Accesses to synchronization variables are sequentially consistent.

2. No access to a synchronization variable is allowed to be performed until all previous writes have completed everywhere.

3. No data access (read or write) is allowed to be performed until all previous accesses to synchronization variables have been performed.

Point 1 says that all processes see all accesses to synchronization variables in the same order. Effectively, when a synchronization variable is accessed, this fact is broadcast to the world, and no other synchronization variable can be accessed in any other process until this one is finished everywhere.

Point 2 says that accessing a synchronization variable "flushes the pipeline." It forces all writes that are in progress or partially completed or completed at some memories but not others to complete everywhere. When the synchronization access is done, all previous writes are guaranteed to be done as well. By doing a synchronization after updating shared data, a process can force the new values out to all other memories.

Point 3 says that when ordinary (i.e., not synchronization) variables are accessed, either for reading or writing, all previous synchronizations have been performed. By doing a synchronization before reading shared data, a process can be sure of getting the most recent values.

It is worth mentioning that quite a bit of complexity lurks behind the word "performed" here and elsewhere in the context of DSM. A read is said to have been performed when no subsequent write can affect the value returned. A write is said to have performed at the instant when all subsequent reads return the value written by the write. A synchronization is said to have performed when all shared variables have been updated. One can also distinguish between operations that have performed locally and globally. Dubois et al. (1988) go into this point in detail.

From an implementation standpoint, when the contract between the software and the memory says that memory only has to be brought up to date when a synchronization variable is accessed, a new write can be started before the previous ones have been completed, and in some cases writes can be avoided altogether. Of course, this contract puts a greater burden on the programmer, but the potential gain is better performance. Unlike the previous memory models, it enforces consistency on a group of operations, not on individual reads and writes. This model is most useful when isolated accesses to shared variables are rare, with most coming in clusters (many accesses in a short period, then none for a long time).

int a, b, c, d, e, x, y; /* variables */
int * p, *q;             /* pointers */
int f(int *p, int *q);   /* function prototype */
a = x * x;               /* a is stored in a register */
b = y * y;               /* b too */
c = a*a*a + b*b + a*b;   /* used later */
d = a * a * c;           /* used later */
p = &a;                  /* p gets the address of a */
q = &b;                  /* q gets the address of b */
e = f(p, q);             /* function call */

Fig. 6-21. A program fragment in which some variables may be kept in registers.

The idea of having memory be wrong is nothing new. Many compilers cheat too. For example, consider the program fragment of Fig. 6-21, with all the variables initialized to appropriate values. An optimizing compiler may decide to compute a and b in registers and keep the values there for a while, not updating their memory locations. Only when the function / is called does the compiler have to put the current values of a and b back in memory, because / might try to access them.

Having memory be wrong is acceptable here because the compiler knows what it is doing (i.e., because the software does not insist that memory be up-to-date). Clearly, if a second process existed that could read memory in an unconstrained way, this scheme would not work. For example, if during the assignment to d, the second process read a, b, and c, it would get inconsistent values (the old values of a and b, but the new value of c). One could imagine a special way to prevent chaos by having the compiler first write a special flag bit saying that memory was out-of-date. If another process wanted to access a, it would busy wait on the flag bit. In this way one can live with less than perfect consistency, provided that synchronization is done in software and all parties obey the rules. 

Fig. 6-22. (a) A valid sequence of events for weak consistency. (b) An invalid sequence for weak consistency. 

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