Книга: Distributed operating systems

4.5.7. Agreement in Faulty Systems

4.5.7. Agreement in Faulty Systems

In many distributed systems there is a need to have processes agree on something. Examples are electing a coordinator, deciding whether to commit a transaction or not, dividing up tasks among workers, synchronization, and so on. When the communication and processors are all perfect, reaching such agreement is often straightforward, but when they are not, problems arise. In this section we will look at some of the problems and their solutions (or lack thereof).

The general goal of distributed agreement algorithms is to have all the non-faulty processors reach consensus on some issue, and do that within a finite number of steps. Different cases are possible depending on system parameters, including:

1. Are messages delivered reliably all the time?

2. Can processes crash, and if so, fail-silent or Byzantine?

3. Is the system synchronous or asynchronous?

Before considering the case of faulty processors, let us look at the "easy" case of perfect processors but communication lines that can lose messages. There is a famous problem, known as the two-army problem, which illustrates the difficulty of getting even two perfect processors to reach agreement about 1 bit of information. The red army, with 5000 troops, is encamped in a valley. Two blue armies, each 3000 strong, are encamped on the surrounding hillsides overlooking the valley. If the two blue armies can coordinate their attacks on the red army, they will be victorious. However, if either one attacks by itself it will be slaughtered. The goal of the blue armies is to reach agreement about attacking. The catch is that they can only communicate using an unreliable channel: sending a messenger who is subject to capture by the red army.

Suppose that the commander of blue army 1, General Alexander, sends a message to the commander of blue army 2, General Bonaparte, reading: "I have a plan — let's attack at dawn tomorrow." The messenger gets through and Bonaparte sends him back with a note saying: "Splendid idea, Alex. See you at dawn tomorrow." The messenger gets back to his base safely, delivers his messages, and Alexander tells his troops to prepare for battle at dawn.

However, later that day, Alexander realizes that Bonaparte does not know if the messenger got back safely and not knowing this, may not dare to attack. Consequently, Alexander tells the messenger to go tell Bonaparte that his (Bonaparte's) message arrived and that the battle is set.

Once again the messenger gets through and delivers the acknowledgement. But now Bonaparte worries that Alexander does not know if the acknowledgement got through. He reasons that if Bonaparte thinks that the messenger was captured, he will not be sure about his (Alexander's) plans, and may not risk the attack, so he sends the messenger back again.

Even if the messenger makes it through every time, it is easy to show that Alexander and Bonaparte will never reach agreement, no matter how many acknowledgements they send. Assume that there is some protocol that terminates in a finite number of steps. Remove any extra steps at the end to get the minimum protocol that works. Some message is now the last one and it is essential to the agreement (because this is the minimum protocol). If this message fails to arrive, the war is off.

However, the sender of the last message does not know if the last message arrived. If it did not, the protocol did not complete and the other general will not attack. Thus the sender of the last message cannot know if the war is scheduled or not, and hence cannot safely commit his troops. Since the receiver of the last message knows the sender cannot be sure, he will not risk certain death either, and there is no agreement. Even with nonfaulty processors (generals), agreement between even two processes is not possible in the face of unreliable communication.

Now let us assume that the communication is perfect but the processors are not. The classical problem here also occurs in a military setting and is called the Byzantine generals problem. In this problem the red army is still encamped in the valley, but n blue generals all head armies on the nearby hills. Communication is done pairwise by telephone and is perfect, but m of the generals are traitors (faulty) and are actively trying to prevent the loyal generals from reaching agreement by feeding them incorrect and contradictory information (to model malfunctioning processors). The question is now whether the loyal generals can still reach agreement.

For the sake of generality, we will define agreement in a slightly different way here. Each general is assumed to know how many troops he has. The goal of the problem is for the generals to exchange troop strengths, so that at the end of the algorithm, each general has a vector of length n corresponding to all the armies. If general i is loyal, then element i is his troop strength; otherwise, it is undefined.

A recursive algorithm was devised by Lamport et al. (1982) that solves this problem under certain conditions. In Fig. 4-23 we illustrate the working of the algorithm for the case of n=4 and m=1. For these parameters, the algorithm operates in four steps. In step one, every general sends a (reliable) message to every other general announcing his truth strength. Loyal generals tell the truth; traitors may tell every other general a different lie. In Fig. 4-23(a) we see that general 1 reports 1K troops, general 2 reports 2K troops, general 3 lies to everyone, giving x, y, and z, respectively, and general 4 reports 4K troops. In step 2, the results of the announcements of step 1 are collected together in the form of the vectors of Fig. 4-23(b).

Fig. 4-23. The Byzantine generals problem for 3 loyal generals and 1 traitor. (a) The generals announce their troop strengths (in units of 1K). (b) The vectors that each general assembles based on (a). (c) The vectors that each general receives in step 2.

Step 3 consists of every general passing his vector from Fig. 4-23(b) to every other general. Here, too, general 3 lies through his teeth, inventing 12 new values, a through l. The results of step 3 are shown in Fig. 4-23(c). Finally, in step 4, each general examines the i th element of each of the newly received vectors. If any value has a majority, that value is put into the result vector. If no value has a majority, the corresponding element of the result vector is marked UNKNOWN. From Fig. 4-23(c) we see that generals 1, 2, and 4 all come to agreement on (1, 2, UNKNOWN, 4) which is the correct result. The traitor was not able to gum up the works.

Now let us revisit this problem for m=3 and n=1, that is, only two loyal generals and one traitor, as illustrated in Fig. 4-24. Here we see that in Fig. 4-24(c) neither of the loyal generals sees a majority for element 1, element 2, or element 3, so all of them are marked UNKNOWN. The algorithm has failed to produce agreement.

Fig. 4-24. The same as Fig. 4-23, except now with 2 loyal generals and one traitor.

In their paper, Lamport et al. (1982) proved that in a system with m faulty processors, agreement can be achieved only if 2m+1 correctly functioning processors are present, for a total of 3m+1. Put in slightly different terms, agreement is possible only if more than two-thirds of the processors are working properly.

Worse yet, Fischer et al. (1985) proved that in a distributed system with asynchronous processors and unbounded transmission delays, no agreement is possible if even one processor is faulty (even if that one processor fails silently). The problem with asynchronous systems is that arbitrarily slow processors are indistinguishable from dead ones. Many other theoretical results are known about when agreement is possible and when it is not. Surveys of these results are given by Barborak et al. (1993) and Turek and Shasha (1992).

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