Книга: Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C

3.1.9 Escape Sequences

3.1.9 Escape Sequences

Escape sequences are used to represent nonprintable ASCII characters. Table 3.3 shows some commonly used escape sequences and their representation in C language. For example, the character combination “n” represents the newline character.

Table 3.3: Some commonly used escape sequences

Escape sequence Hex value Character
a 0x07 BEL (bell)
b 0x08 BS (backspace)
t 0x09 HT (horizontal tab)
n 0x0A LF (linefeed)
v 0x0B VT (vertical feed)
f 0x0C FF (formfeed)
r 0x0D CR (carriage return)
xH   String of hex digits

An ASCII character can also be represented by specifying its hexadecimal code after a backslash. For example, the newline character can also be represented as “x0A”.

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