Книга: Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C

Using a Semaphore

Using a Semaphore

The program given in Figure 10.14 is working and displays the measured voltage on the PC screen. This program can be improved slightly by using a semaphore to synchronize the display of the measured voltage with the A/D samples. The modified program (RTOS4.C) is given in Figure 10.16. The operation of the new program is as follows:

• The semaphore variable (sem) is set to 1 at the beginning of the program.

• Task Get_voltage decrements the semaphore (calls rtos_wait) variable so that task To_RS232 is blocked (semaphore variable sem=0) and cannot send data to the PC. When a new A/D sample is ready, the semaphore variable is incremented (calls rtos_signal) and task To_RS232 can continue. Task To_RS232 then sends the measured voltage to the PC and increments the semaphore variable to indicate that it had access to the data. Task Get_voltage can then get a new sample. This process is repeated forever.

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a simple RTOS example. Analog voltage to be measured (between 0V
// and +5V) is connected to analog input AN0 of a PIC18F8520 type
// microcontroller. The microcontroller is operated from a 10MHz crystal. In
// addition, an LED is connected to port in RD7 of the microcontroller.
// RS232 serial output of the mirocontroller (RC6) is connected to a MAX232
// type RS232 voltage level converter chip. The output of this chip can be
// connected to the serial input of a PC (e.g., COM1) so that the measured
// voltage can be seen on the PC screen.
// The program consists of 3 tasks called "live", "Get_voltage", and
// "To_RS232".
// Task "Live" runs every 200ms and it flashes the LED connected to port RD7
// of the microcontroller to indicate that the program is running and is
// ready to measure voltages.
// task "Get_voltage" reads analog voltage from port AN0 and then converts the
// voltage into millivolts and stores in a variable called Volts.
// Task "To_RS232" gets the measured voltage and then sends to the PC over
// the RS232 serial line. The serial line is configured to operate at 2400
// Baud (higher Baud rates can also be used if desired).
// In this modified program, a semaphore is used to synchronize
// the display of the measured value with the A/D samples.
// Programmer: Dogan Ibrahim
// Date: September, 2007
// File: RTOS4.C
#include <18F8520.h>
#device adc=10
#use delay (clock=10000000)
#use rs232(baud=2400,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7)
unsigned int16 adc_value;
unsigned int32 Volts;
int8 sem;
// Define which timer to use and minor_cycle for RTOS
#use rtos(timer=0, minor_cycle=100ms)
// Declare TASK "Live" - called every 200ms
// This task flashes the LED on port RD7
#task(rate=200ms, max=1ms)
void Live() {
 output_toggle(PIN_D7); // Toggle RD7 LED
// Declare TASK "Get_voltage" - called every 10ms
#task(rate=2s, max=100ms)
void Get_voltage() {
 rtos_wait(sem);         // decrement semaphore
 adc_value = read_adc(); // Read A/D value
 Volts = (unsigned int32)adc_value*5000;
 Volts = Volts / 1024;  // Voltage in mV
 rtos_signal(sem);      // increment semaphore
// Declare TASK "To_RS232" - called every millisecond
#task(rate=2s, max=100ms)
void To_RS232() {
 rtos_wait(sem);                               // Decrement semaphore
 printf("Measured Voltage = %LumVnr",Volts); // Send to RS232
 rtos_signal(sem);                             // Increment semaphore
// Start of MAIN program
void main() {
 set_tris_d(0);               // PORTD all outputs
 output_d(0);                 // Clear PORTD
 set_tris_a(0xFF);            // PORTA all inputs
 setup_adc_ports(ALL_ANALOG); // A/D ports
 setup_adc(ADC_CLOCK_DIV_32); // A/D clock
 set_adc_channel(0);          // Select channel 0 (AN0)
 sem = 1;                     // Semaphore is 1
 rtos_run();                  // Start RTOS

Figure 10.16: Modified program listing


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