Êíèãà: Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C

Project Program

Project Program

The program listing for the program KEYPAD.C is given in Figure 6.48. Each key is given a numeric value as follows:

0  1  2  3
4  5  6  7
8  9  10 11
12 13 14 15

The program consists of a function called getkeypad, which reads the pressed keys, and the main program. Variable MyKey stores the key value (0 to 15) pressed, variables Op1 and Op2 store respectively the first and second numbers entered by the user. All these variables are cleared to zero at the beginning of the program. A while loop is then formed to read the first number and store in variable Op1. This loop exits when the user presses the ENTER key. Similarly, the second number is read from the keyboard in a second while loop. Then the operation to be performed is read and stored in variable MyKey, and a switch statement is used to perform the required operation and store the result in variable Calc. The result is converted into a string array using function LongToStr. The leading blank characters are then removed as in Project 8. The program displays the result on the LCD, waits for five seconds, and then clears the screen and is ready for the next calculation. This process is repeated forever.

In this project a 4 x 4 keypad is connected to PORTB of a PIC18F452
microcontroller. Also an LCD is connected to PORTC. The project is a simple
calculator which can perform integer arithmetic.
The keys are organized as follows:
0  1  2  3
4  5  6  7
8  9  10 11
12 13 14 15
The keys are labeled as follows:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 0   Enter
+ ? * /
Author: Dogan Ibrahim
Date:   July 2007
File:   KEYPAD.C
#define MASK 0xF0
#define Enter 11
#define Plus 12
#define Minus 13
#define Multiply 14
#define Divide 15
// This function gets a key from the keypad
unsigned char getkeypad() {
 unsigned char i, Key = 0;
 PORTB = 0x01;            // Start with column 1
 while((PORTB MASK) == 0) // While no key pressed
  PORTB = (PORTB << 1);   // next column
  Key++;                  // column number
  if (Key == 4) {
   PORTB = 0x01;          // Back to column 1
   Key = 0;
 Delay_Ms(20); // Switch debounce
 for(i = 0x10; i !=0; i <<= 1) // Find the key pressed
  if ((PORTB i) != 0) break;
  Key = Key + 4;
 while ((PORTB MASK) != 0); // Wait until key released
 Delay_Ms(20);              // Switch debounce
 return (Key);              // Return key number
// Start of MAIN program
void main() {
 unsigned char MyKey, i,j,lcd[5],op[12];
 unsigned long Calc, Op1, Op2;
 TRISC = 0;    // PORTC are outputs (LCD)
 TRISB = 0xF0; // RB4-RB7 are inputs
 // Configure LCD
 Lcd_Init(&PORTC);           // LCD is connected to PORTC
 Lcd_Out(1,1, "CALCULATOR"); // Display CALCULATOR
 Delay_ms(2000);             // Wait 2 seconds
 Lcd_Cmd(LCD_CLEAR);         // Clear display
 // Program loop
 for(;;) // Endless loop
  MyKey = 0;
  Op1 = 0;
  Op2 = 0;
  Lcd_Out(1,1, "No1: ");       // Display No1:
  while(1)                     // Get first no
   MyKey = getkeypad();
   if (MyKey == Enter) break;  // If ENTER pressed
   if (MyKey == 10) MyKey = 0; // If 0 key pressed
   Lcd_Chr_Cp(MyKey + '0');
   Op1 = 10*Op1 + MyKey;       // First number in Op1
  Lcd_Out(2,1, "No2: ");       // Display No2:
  while(1) // Get second no
   MyKey = getkeypad();
   if (MyKey == Enter) break;  // If ENTER pressed
   if (MyKey == 10) MyKey = 0; // If 0 key pressed
   Lcd_Chr_Cp(MyKey + '0');
   Op2 = 10*Op2 + MyKey;       // Second number in Op2
  Lcd_Cmd(LCD_CLEAR);          // Clear LCD
  Lcd_Out(1,1, "Op: ");        // Display Op:
  MyKey = getkeypad();         // Get operation
  Lcd_Out(1,1, "Res=");        // Display Res=
  switch(MyKey)                // Perform the operation
  case Plus:
   Calc = Op1 + Op2; // If ADD
  case Minus:
   Calc = Op1 - Op2; // If Subtract
  case Multiply:
   Calc = Op1 * Op2; // If Multiply
  case Divide:
   Calc = Op1 / Op2; // If Divide
  LongToStr(Calc, op); // Convert to string in op
  // Remove leading blanks
  for(i=0;i<=11;i++) {
   if (op[i] != ' ') // If a blank
  Lcd_Out_Cp(lcd); // Display result
  Delay_ms(5000);  // Wait 5 seconds

Figure 6.48: Program listing

Function getkeypad receives a key from the keypad. We start by sending a 1 to column 1, and then we check all the rows. When a key is pressed, a logic 1 is detected in the corresponding row and the program jumps out of the while loop. Then a for loop is used to find the actual key pressed by the user as a number from 0 to 15.

It is important to realize that when a key is pressed or released, we get what is known as contact noise, where the key output pulses up and down momentarily, producing a number of logic 0 and 1 pulses at the output. Switch contact noise is usually removed either in hardware or by programming in a process called contact debouncing. In software the simplest way to remove the contact noise is to wait for about 20ms after a switch key is pressed or switch key is released. In Figure 6.46, contact debouncing is accomplished in function getkeypad.

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