Книга: Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C
Project PDL
Project PDL
The operation of the project is shown in Figure 6.26 with a PDL. At the beginning of the program an array called SEGMENT is declared and filled with the relationships between the numbers 0 and 9 and the data to be sent to PORTC. The PORTC pins are then configured as outputs, and a variable is initialized to 0. The program then enters an endless loop where the variable is incremented between 0 and 9 and the corresponding bit pattern to turn ON the appropriate segments is sent to PORTC continuously with a one-second delay between outputs.
Create SEGMENT table
Configure PORTC as outputs
Initialize CNT to 0
Get bit pattern from SEGMENT corresponding to CNT
Send this bit pattern to PORTC
Increment CNT between 0 and 9
Wait 1 second
Figure 6.26: PDL of the project