Книга: Бессознательный брендинг. Использование в маркетинге новейших достижений нейробиологии

Сноски из книги

· #1

Lindstrom Martin. Buyology. New York: Broadway Books, 2008. Р. 20.

· #2

Global Market Research 2011. An ESOMAR Industry Report in cooperation with KPMG Advisory. Amsterdam: ESOMAR, 2011.

· #3

Dziersk Mark. Six Ways to Avoid Landing in the Product Failure Bin. URL: www.fastcompany.com/blog/mark-dziersk/design-finds-you/6-ways-avoid-landing-product-failure-bin (23.05.2009).

· #4

Campbel Ginge. MD. Interview with Neuropsychologist Dr. Chris Frith, Author of Making Up the Mind: How the Brain Creates Our Mental World // Brain Science Podcast. URL: www.brainsciencepodcast.com/storage/transcripts/bsp-year-3/57-brainscience-Frith.pdf (23.05.2012).

· #5

Zaltman Gerald. How Customers Think. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2003. Р. xiii.

· #6

O’Barr William M. Subliminal. Advertising // Advertising & Society Review 6, 2005. № 4. URL: www.muse.jhu.edu/journals/asr/v006/6.4unit03.html (24.05.2012).

· #7

O’Barr William M. Subliminal. Advertising // Advertising & Society Review 6, 2005. № 4. URL: www.muse.jhu.edu/journals/asr/v006/6.4unit03.html (24.05.2012).

· #8

Там же.

· #9

Gafford Richard. The Operational Potential of Subliminal Perception. September 18. URL: www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/kent-csi/vol2no2/html/v02i2a07p_0001.htm (24.05.2012).

· #10

Danzig Fred. Subliminal Advertising – Today It’s Just Historic Flashback for Researcher Vicary // Advertising Age.1962. September, 17. Р. 72–73.

· #11

O’Barr William M. Subliminal Advertising.

· #12

Keim Brandon. Brain Scanners Can See Your Decisions Before You Make Them. 2008. April, 13. URL: www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2008/04/mind_decision. (24.05.2012).

· #13

Byrne John A. The 12 greatest entrepreneurs of our time. URL: money.cnn.com/galleries/2012/news/companies/1203/gallery.greatest-entrepreneurs.fortune/2.html. (02.06.2012).abzacJobs Steve. On iPad’s success, Walter Isaacson. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2011. Р. 478.

· #14

Posit Science. Types of Memory. URL: www.positscience.com/about-the-brain/brain-facts/types-of-memory (22.05.2012).

· #15

Coca-Cola Company. Teaching the World to Sing. URL: www.thecoca-colacompany.com/heritage/ourheritage.html (22.05.2012).

· #16

Bhasin Kim. 15 Facts about Coca-Cola That Will Blow Your Mind, 2011. June 9. URL: www.businessinsider.com/facts-about-coca-cola-2011–6?op=1#ixzz1qLF60Zqf (24.05.2012).

· #17

Figures according to Steve Neder, Volkswagen // Agency Sales and Business Review, 2011 Presentation. Herndon, Virginia. 2012. Jan 23.

· #18

Brooks David. The Social Animal. 2011. March 14. URL: blog.ted.com/2011/03/14/the-social-animal-david-brooks-on-ted-com/ (24.05.2012).

· #19

Pinker Steven. The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature. New York: Viking, 2002.

· #20

Gur Ruben, Sackeim Harold, Starek Joanna. Lying to Ourselves. URL: www.radiolab.org/2008/mar/10/lying-to-ourselves/ (24.05.2012).

· #21

Eagleman David. Incognito. New York: Pantheon, 2011. Р. 8.

· #22

Pradeep A. K. The Buying Brain. New Jersey: Wiley & Sons, 2010. Р. 4.

· #23

Gravelle Marc. lecture entitled Hypno Diagnostics, Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Tarzana, CA. 2006. September 14.

· #24

Medina John. Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School. Seattle: Pear Press, 2008.

· #25

Bloomfield Jane & Nyalisy Greg, Hall & Partners. The Future of Research for Advertising. Admap. 2008. October. Р. 24.

· #26

Ariely Dan. Predictably Irrational. New York: Harper Collins, 2010. Р. 67.

· #27

Tomlin Ross. Neuroscience breaks down soft drink «battle» inside brain. 2004. November. URL: www.bioedonline.org/from-the-labs/article.cfm?art=283 (24.05.2012).

· #28

Там же.

· #29

Lehrer Jonah. How We Decide. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2009. Р. 41.

· #30

Poldrack Russell. Multitasking: The Brain Seeks Novelty. 2009. October 28. URL: www.huffingtonpost.com/russell-poldrack/multitasking-the-brain-se_b_334674.html (24.05.2012).

· #31

Ariely. Predictably Irrational.Р. 167.

· #32

Tomlin Ross. Neuroscience breaks down soft drink «battle» inside brain. 2004. November. URL: www. bioedonline.org/from-the-labs/article.cfm?art=283 (24.05.2012).

· #33

Food Safety News Desk. FDA Urged to Ban Cola Caramel Coloring. 2011. February 17. URL: www.foodsafetynews.com/2011/02/cspi-urges-fda-to-ban-popular-ingredient-caramel-coloring/ (24.05.2012).

· #34

Medina John. Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School. Seattle: Pear Press, 2008. Р. 210.

· #35

Stone Age Minds: A conversation with evolutionary psychologists Leda Cosmides and John Tooby with Paul Feine. 2010. Aug. 5. URL: reason.com/reasontv/2010/08/05/leda-and-john-short (18.08.2012).

· #36

Eagleman David. Incognito. New York: Pantheon, 2011. Р. 6.

· #37

Miller G. A. The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information // Psychological Review 63, 1956. Р. 81–97.

· #38

Reading Your Mind. 60 Minutes // CBS News, 2009. January 4.

· #39

Burkitt Laura. Neuromarketing: Companies Use Neuroscience for Consumer Insights. 2009. October 29. URL: www.forbes.com/forbes/2009/1116/marketing-hyundai-neurofocus-brain-waves-battle-for-the-brain.html (24.05.2012).abzacHaley, Russell I. and Baldinger, Allan L. ARF Copy Validity Project // Journal of Advertising Research, 2006. November. Р. 114–135.

· #40

Wikipedia. URL: www. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pets.com (22.05.2012).

· #41

Stogel Chuck. It’s Insane! Crazy Eddie Returns. 2009. April 14. URL: www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/its-insane-crazy-eddie-returns-105601 (24.05.2012).

· #42

Lehrer Jonah. How We Decide. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2009.

· #43

Bas van Rijn. Lust for sex depends on size of brain. 2004. February 13. URL: www.stunning-stuff.com/read-weird-news-stories/28.html?ci=5 (24.05.2012).

· #44

Pradeep A. K. The Buying Brain. New Jersey: Wiley & Sons, 2010.

· #45

Saad Gad. The Consuming Instinct. New York: Prometheus Books, 2011. Р. 26.

· #46

The Quotations Page. URL: www.quotationspage.com/quote/5154.html (18.08.2012).

· #47

Good Reads. C. G. Jung. goodreads.com. URL: www.goodreads.com/quotes/show/44379 (25.05.2012).

· #48

Edward A., Wilson О. On Human Nature. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1978. Р. 167.

· #49

Hill A., Ward S., Deino A., Curtis G., Drake R. Earliest Homo. Nature 1992. Р. 719–722.abzacCosmides Leda and Tooby John. Evolutionary Psychology: A Primer. Santa Barbara: Univ. of California. Santa Barbara, 1997. Р. 12.

· #50

Эпоха плейстоце2на – эпоха четвертичного периода, начавшаяся 2,588 млн лет назад и закончившаяся 11,7 тыс. лет назад. – Прим. ред.

· #51

Stevenson John. The Evolution of the Human. URL: www.onelife.com/evolve/manev.html (22.05.2012).

· #52

Cosmides Leda and Tooby John. Evolutionary Psychology: A Primer. Santa Barbara: Univ. of California. Santa Barbara, 1997. Р. 12.

· #53

Там же. Р. 12.

· #54

Там же. Р. 12.

· #55

Серенгети – экосистема в Восточной Африке. – Прим. ред.

· #56

Dan Avi. VW’s CMO Mahoney on Becoming America’s Fastest Growing Car Company. 2012. April 4. URL: www.forbes.com/sites/avidan/2012/04/04/vw-cmo-tim-mahoney-on-how-it-became-americas-fastest-growing-car-company/ (24.05.2012).

· #57

MacNeill Allan. The Modern Scholar: Evolutionary Psychology: The Science of Human Nature. Maryland: Recorded Books, 2010.

· #58

Pinker Steven. The Blank Slate. New York: Penguin Books, 2002. Р. 40–41.

· #59

На русском языке книга выпущена издательством «Питер» в 2013 году. – Прим. ред.

· #60

AOL Autos Staff. The Best Selling Cars in America: 2010. November. // URL: autos.aol.com/gallery/best-selling-cars/ (24.05.2012).

· #61

U. S. Food and Drug Administration. Facts about Generic Drugs. URL: www.fda.gov/Drugs/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/BuyingUsingMedicineSafely/UnderstandingGenericDrugs/ucm167991.htm (24.05.2012).

· #62

InBev Annual Report 2006. Stella Artois. URL: www.ab-inbev.com/annualreport2006/stella_artois.cfm (22.05.2012).

· #63

Cialdini Robert.Influence. New York: HarperBusiness, 2006. Р. 20.

· #64

Bible Holy. Matthew 7:12.

· #65

Briggs Helen. Altruism «in-built» in humans. 2006. March 3. URL: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4766490.stm (24.05.2012).

· #66

Bawa Kapil, Shoemaker Robert. The Effects of Free Sample Promotions on Incremental Brand Sales. Marketing Science. Summer 2004. Р. 345–363.

· #67

URL: http://epublications.marquette.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1202&context=mulr.

· #68

Trivers Robert L. The Evolution of Reciprocal Altruism. The Quarterly Review of Biology 46. 1971. March. № 1. Р. 35–57.

· #69

Cialdini Robert. Influence. Р. 20.

· #70

Enloe James G. Hunter-Gather Food Sharing. URL: http://www.uiowa.edu/~zooarch/enloehuntergath.pdf (24.05.2012).

· #71

Cloud John. Competitive Altruism. 2009. June 3. URL: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1902361,00.html (24.05.2012).

· #72

Nudd Tim. Apple’s «Get a Mac» the Complete Campaign. 2011. April 13. URL: http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/apples-get-mac-complete-campaign-130552 (27.05.2012).

· #73

Apple is «World’s Most Valuable Brand» // Mac News. URL: http://www.macnews.com/2012/03/19/apple-worlds-most-valuable-brand (22.05.2012).

· #74

Leda Cosmides Leda, Tooby John. Center for Evolutionary Psychology. URL: http://www.psych.ucsb.edu/research/cep/cep.html (22.05.2012).

· #75

Praet Douglas Van. Interview with Robert Kurzban, Associate Professor of Psychology at University of Pennsylvania. Chapman University, Orange California. 2011. January 19.

· #76

Last Human Standing. PBS. 2011. August 31.

· #77

Pinker Steven. The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature. New York: Viking, 2002.

· #78

Biggest Fast Food Companies in Industry by Rank // QSR Magazine. 2011. URL: http://www.qsrmagazine.com/reports/top-50-sorted-rank (24.05.2012).

· #79

Buss David M. The Evolution Of Desire: Strategies Of Human Mating. New York: Basic Books, 1994. Р. 14.

· #80

Linden David J. The Accidental Mind // Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2007. Р. 7.

· #81

MacNeill Allan. The Modern Scholar: Evolutionary Psychology: The Science of Human Nature. Maryland: Recorded Books, 2010.

· #82

Medina John. Brain Rules Seattle: Pear Press, 2008. Р. 7.

· #83

Geehr Edward. Do Calorie Counts on Restaurant Menus Work? 2011. February 2. URL: http://healthbistro.lifescript.com/2011/02/02/do-calorie-counts-on-restaurant-menus-work/ (24.05.2012).

· #84

Brizendine Louann. The Male Brain. New York: Broadway Books, 2010. Р. 34.

· #85

Wright Robert. The Moral Animal. New York: Vintage Books, 2005. Р. 58.

· #86

Study shows chimps exchange meat for sex. UPI, 2009. April 8. URL: http://www.upi.com/Science_News/2009/04/08/Study-shows-chimps-exchange-meat-for-sex/UPI-44101239238066/#ixzz1K7n9MNYF (27.05.2012).

· #87

Waytz Adam. The Psychology of Social Status, 2009. December 8. URL: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=the-psychology-of-social (24.05.2012).

· #88

Deaner Robert O., Khera Amit V., Platt Michael L. Monkeys Pay Per View: Adaptive Valuation of Social Images by Rhesus Macaques. Current Biology, 2005. Volume 15. Issue 6. March 29. Р. 543–548.

· #89

Wolpert Stuart. Researchers find genetic link between physical pain and social rejection. UCLA Newsroom. 2009. August 17. URL: http://news room.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/a-genetic-link-between-pain-and-98593.aspx (24.05.2012).

· #90

Там же.

· #91

Eisenberger Naomi, Juvonen Jaana, Bradbury Thomas. The Science of Relationships: From Romance to Rejection. 2010. July 5. URL: http://www.virtualprofessors.com/the-science-of-relationships-from-romance-to-rejection (24.05.2012).

· #92

Lametti Daniel. Mirroring Behavior. 2009. June 9. URL: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=mirroring-behavior (24.05.2012).

· #93

Там же.

· #94

Lindstrom. Buyology. New York: Crown Business, 2008.

· #95

Eisenstadt Leah. Empathy on the Brain. URL: http://www.bu.edu/sjmag/scimag2005/features/mirrorneurons.htm (22.05.2012).

· #96

Best of Digital Decade // The One Club. URL: http://www.oneclub.org/DigitalDecade/ (22.05.2012).

· #97

Best-Ever Social Media Campaigns // Forbes. 2010. August 17. URL: http://www.forbes.com/2010/08/17/facebook-old-spice-farmville-pepsi-forbes-viral-marketing-cmo-network-social-media_slide.html (24.05.2012).

· #98

Paranormal Activity an Abnormal Success // The Associated Press. 2009. October 14. URL: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/10/14/entertainment/main5383879.shtml (24.05.2012).

· #99

Tao Nelson. PunchDub Quantitative Study Results. Deutsch Data Strategy. // Reported, 2010. May 20. Surveys conducted 5/17–5/20, 2010.

· #100

Sands Research Announces Results of Neuromarketing Study Ranking Effectiveness Of 2010 Super Bowl Commercials // Sands Research. 2010. February 24. URL: http://www.sandsresearch.com/PressRelease_SB2010.aspx [0] (24.05.2012).

· #101

Miller Geoffrey. Spent. New York: Viking Press, 2009.

· #102

Number of active users at Facebook over the years // The Associated Press. 2012. May 17. URL: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301–505250_162–57436609/number-of-active-users-at-facebook-over-the-years/ (24.05.2012).

· #103

60 Minutes. Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook, Part I // CBS News, 2010. December 5.

· #104

Best of Digital Decade // The One Club. URL: http://www.oneclub.org/DigitalDecade/ (22.05.2012).

· #105

На русском языке книга выпущена издательством «Питер» в 2001 году. – Прим. ред.

· #106

Oatley Keith. Emotions: A Brief History. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 2004. Р. 53.

· #107

Crystalinks. Reptilian Brain. URL: http://www.crystalinks.com/reptilianbrain.html (22.05.2012).

· #108

Cralle Physical Therapy. Excerpt from Smart Moves. 2012. January 14. URL: http://www.raycralle.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=201: excerpt-from-smart-moves&catid=88: articles&Itemid=27 (24.05.2012).

· #109

Linden David J. The Accidental Mind. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2007. Р. 9.

· #110

Damasio Antonio. Self Comes to Mind. New York: Pantheon, 2010. Р. 74.

· #111

Maclean Paul D. The Triune Brain in Evolution. New York: Springer Publishing, 1990.

· #112

Lehrer Jonah. How We Decide. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2009. Р. 18.

· #113

Dispenza Joe. Evolve Your Brain. Florida: HCI Books, 2007. Р. 136–137.

· #114

Goleman Daniel. Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam Books, 2006. Р. 20.

· #115

Allen Daniel. Big Think Interview with Joseph LeDoux, 2010. June 24. URL: http://bigthink.com/ideas/20451 (24.05.2012).

· #116

Layton Julia. How Fear Works. URL: http://health.howstuffworks.com/mental-health/human-nature/other-emotions/fear1.htm (22.05.2012).

· #117

Pringle Hamish and Field Peter. Brand Immortality. Philadelphia: Kogan Page, 2009.

· #118

Maclean Paul D. The Triune Brain in Evolution. New York: Springer Publishing, 1990.

· #119

Cytowic Richard. The Neurological Side of Neuropsychology. Boston: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996. Р. 107.

· #120

Explorer Brain. Prefrontal Cortex. URL: http://www.brainexplorer.org/glossary/prefrontal_cortex.shtml (22.05.2012).

· #121

Nummela Renate, Caine Geoffrey. Making Connections: Teaching and the HumanBrain. Nashville, TN: Incentive Publications, 1990.

· #122

Maclean Paul D. The Triune Brain in Evolution. New York: Springer Publishing, 1990.

· #123

Pinker Steven. How the Mind Works. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1999.

· #124

Linden David J. The Accidental Mind. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2007.

· #125

На русском языке книга выпущена издательством «АСТ» в 2013 году. – Прим. ред.

· #126

Dawkins Richard. The Selfish Gene. New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 1989. Р. 192.

· #127

Там же. Р. 258.

· #128

Murphy Kate. First Camera, Then Fork, 2010. April 6. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/07/dining/07camera.html (24.05.2012).

· #129

O’Neill Megan. The 7 Most Viral YouTube Video Topics of All Time, 2010. April, 12. URL: http://www.socialtimes.com/2010/04/youtube-video-topics/ (24.05.2012).

· #130

Best-Ever Social Media Campaigns // Forbes, 2010. August 17. URL: http://www.forbes.com/2010/08/17/facebook-old-spice-farmville-pepsi-forbes-viral-marketing-cmo-network-social-media_slide_8.html (24.05.2012).

· #131

Damasio Antonio. This Time with Feeling. The Aspen Institute, 2009. July, 4. URL: http://fora.tv/2009/07/04/Antonio_Damasio_This_Time_With _Feeling (24.05.2012).

· #132

Stalker Richard. Kate Upton Ad Creates Big Returns for Carl’s Jr. 2012. April 2. URL: http://www.webpronews.com/kate-upton-ad-creates-big-returns-for-carls-jr-2012–04 (24.05.2012).

· #133

Dawson Michael. The Marketing Front: The Real Essence of Advertising. 2005. December 13. URL: http://www.spinwatch.org.uk/-articles-by-category-mainmenu-8/42-media-spin/202-the-marketing-front-the-real-essence-of-advertising (24.05.2012).

· #134

Lagace Martha. Connecting with Consumers Using Deep Metaphors. 2008. May 5. 2 URL: http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5871.html (24.05.2012).

· #135

TiVo: Jackson Stunt Most Replayed Moment Ever // Hollywood Reporter, 2004. February 3. URL: http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/ptech/02/03/television.tivo.reut/index.html (24.05.2012).

· #136

Miles Barry. McCartney Paul: Many Years From Now. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1997. Р. 499.

· #137

Jones Alison. James Cameron and the Lace G-Strings. 2009. December 20. URL: http://blogs.sundaymercury.net/anorak-city/2009/12/james-cameron-and-the-lace-g-s.html (24.05.2012).

· #138

Chiang Oliver. Call of Duty: Black Ops Claims «Biggest Entertainment Launch in History». 2010. November 11. URL: http://www.forbes.com/sites/oliverchiang/2010/11/11/call-of-duty-black-ops-claims-biggest-entertainment-launch-in-history/ (08.07.2012).abzacStuart Keith. Modern Warfare 3 smashes entertainment launch records, 2011. November 11. URL: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/gamesblog/2011/nov/11/ (07.07.2012).

· #139

Interview with Eric Hirshberg. CEO of Activision // NBC. Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, 2011. June, 13.

· #140

Best-Ever Social Media Campaigns // Forbes. 2010. August, 17. 2010. URL: http://www.forbes.com/2010/08/17/facebook-old-spice-farmville-pepsi-forbes-viral-marketing-cmo-network-social-media_slide_2.html (24.05.2012).

· #141

Pinker Steven. The History of Violence // The New Republic, 2007. March 19.

· #142

Gilsdorf Ethan. Geek Pride. 2010. November 17. URL: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/geek-pride/201011/violent-video-games-are-good-you (07.07.2012).

· #143

Sample Ian. Blind Man Amazes Scientists with His Ability to Detect Objects He Cannot See. 2008. December 23. URL: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2008/dec/23/neuroscience (24.05.2012).

· #144

Devin Kate. Blind Man Navigates Obstacle Course Using «Blindsight». 2008. December 22. URL: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/3902864/Blind-man-navigates-obstacle-course-using-blindsight.html (24.05.2012).

· #145

Sample. Blind Man Amazes Scientists With His Ability To Detect Objects He Cannot See.

· #146

Ramachandran V. S. Ramachandran On How «Blind-Sight» Gives Us Clues About The Nature Of Consciousness. 2008. December 23. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuNDkcbq8PY. [0] (24.05.2012).

· #147

Там же.

· #148

Там же.

· #149

James William. The Principles of Psychology. New York: Henry Holt Reprinted Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1999. Vol. 2. Р. 449–450.

· #150

Lehrer Jonah. How We Decide. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2009. Р. 23.

· #151

Brockman John. Parallel Memories: Putting Emotions Back Into the Brain. A Talk with Joseph LeDoux. 1997. February 17. URL: http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/ledoux/ledoux_p4.html (24.05.2012).

· #152

LeDoux Joseph. The Amygdaloids at 92nd Street Y. 2008. May 2. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmrm4-hYiNw (24.05.2012).

· #153

Allen Austin. Big Think Interview with Joseph LeDoux. 2010. June 24. URL: http://bigthink.com/ideas/20451 (24.05.2012).

· #154

На русском языке книга выпущена издательством «ЭКСМО» в 2010 году. – Прим. ред.

· #155

Lindstrom Martin. Brandwashed. New York: Crown Business, 2011. Р. 66.

· #156

Miller Max. More Ideas from LeDoux. 2010. September 16. URL: http://bigthink.com/ideas/24131 (24.05.2012).

· #157

Abumrad Jad & Krulwich Robert. Seeing Imposters: When Loved Ones Suddenly Aren’t. 2010. March 30. URL: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=124745692 (24.05.2012).

· #158

Lehrer. How We Decide. Р. 14–15.

· #159

Там же.

· #160

Damasio Antonio. When Emotions Make Better Decisions. The Aspen Institute. 2009. July 4. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wup_K2WN0I&feature=relatedDamasio (24.05.2012).

· #161

Lindstrom Martin. Your Love Your iPhone. Literally. 2011. September 30. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/01/opinion/you-love-your-iphone-literally.html (24.05.2012).

· #162

Blair-Broeker Charles T., Ernst Randal M., Myers David G. Thinking About Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior. New York: Worth Publishers, 2003. Р. 118.

· #163

Damasio Antonio. What role do emotions play in consciousness? 2010. November 10. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw2yaozi0Gg (24.05.2012).

· #164

Damasio Antonio. Descartes’ Error. New York: Harper Perennial, 1995.

· #165

Baude David. Super Bowl 2011 Is Most Watched Program EVER. 2011. February 7. URL: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/07/super-bowl-2011-ratings-s_n_819559.html (24.05.2012).

· #166

Nudd Tim. The 10 Best Commercials of 2011. 2011. November 28. URL: http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/10-best-commercials-2011–136663?page=10 (24.05.2012).

· #167

Research Sands. VW Darth Vader Achieves Highest Score To Date On Sands Research Annual Super Bowl Ad Neuro Ranking, 2011. February 16. URL: http://sandsresearch.com/PressRelease_SRI_SB2011.aspx (24.05.2012).

· #168

Там же.

· #169

Webinar hosted by Sean Scott Ameritest and Dr. Steven Sands Sands Research. Finding the Sweet Spot Between Neuroscience and Quantitative Research, 2011. June 23.

· #170

Garfield Bob. Ad Age Advertising Century: The Top 100 Campaigns, 1999. March 29. URL: http://adage.com/century/campaigns.html (24.05.2012).

· #171

Politzer Thomas. Vision Is Our Dominant Sense, 2008. November. URL: http://www.brainline.org/content/2008/11/vision-our-dominant-sense.html (24.05.2012).

· #172

Nufflied Department of Clinical Neurosciences. Vision Group Research. URL: http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/vision/vision-group-research-2 (23.05.2012).

· #173

Lehrer Jonah. How We Decide, 2009. January 22. URL: http://scienceblogs.com/cortex/2009/01/22/how-we-decide/ (24.05.2012).

· #174

Eagleman David. Incognito. New York: Pantheon, 2011. Р. 44.

· #175

Там же. Р. 48.

· #176

Там же. Р. 47.

· #177

Medina John. Brain Rules:12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School. Seattle: Pear Press, 2008.

· #178

Baars Bernard J., Gage Nicole M. Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience. Waltham, MA: Academic Press, 2007. Р. 173.

· #179

Linden David J. The Accidental Mind. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2007. Р. 94–97.

· #180

Lehrer Jonah. How We Decide. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2009.

· #181

Ad Age Advertising Century: Top 10 Icons // Advertising Age. 1999. March 29. URL: http://adage.com/century/ad_icons.html (24.05.2012).

· #182

Poldrack Russell. Multitasking: The Brain Seeks Novelty. 2009. October 28. URL: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/russell-poldrack/multitasking-the-brain-se_b_334674.html (24.05.2012).

· #183

Wellcome Trust. Neuroscientists Discover A Sense Of Adventure, 2008. June 25. URL: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/06/080625122945.htm (24.05.2012).

· #184

Novelty Aids Learning. University College London. 2006. August 4. URL: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/08/060804084518.htm (24.05.2012).

· #185

Там же.

· #186

Там же.

· #187

Lehrer. How We Decide. Р. 35.

· #188

Small Simon. Who Is In Control of Your Brand? 2010. August 12. URL: http://from.simontsmall.com/index.php/2010/08/12/old-spice-campaign-case-study/ (24.05.2012).

· #189

Vega Jose. M.D., Ph.D. Thalamus. 2008. November 7. URL: http://stroke.about.com/od/glossary/g/Thalamus.htm (24.05.2012).

· #190

Email from Brian Thomas. General Manager, Volkswagen. Herndon, Virginia, 2012. May 24.

· #191

Lehrer. How We Decide. Р. 36–39, 54.

· #192

The Fun Theory Case Study // Volkswagen, 2011. April 7. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihai50diA7o (24.05.2012).

· #193

Editor. «Have You Lost Your Mind» If Not, Would You Like To? 2012. April 11. URL: http://westranchbeacon.com/2012/04/the-john-boston-report-have-you-lost-your-mind-if-not-would-you-like-to/ (24.05.2012).

· #194

Ethernet – это наиболее распространенная технология организации локальных сетей. – Прим. ред.

· #195

Ganz Caryn. Meet the Mystery Meat Dress: Lady Gaga Explains Rare VMAs Outfit. 2010. September 12. URL: http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/stopthepresses/279379/meet-the-mystery-meat-dress-lady-gaga-explains-rare-vmas-outfit/ (25.05.2012).

· #196

Pomerantz Dorothy. Lady Gaga Tops Celebrity 100 List. 2011. May 18. URL: http://www.forbes.com/2011/05/16/lady-gaga-tops-celebrity-100–11.html (25.05.2012).

· #197

Pink Daniel. Drive. New York: Penguin, 2011. Р. 106.

· #198

O’Reilly Terry. The Age of Persuasion, 2011. June 11. URL: http://www.cbc.ca/ageofpersuasion/episode/season-5/2011/06/11/season-five-terrys-book-club-1/ (25.05.2012).

· #199

Our Story // Cici’s Pizza, 2012. January 8. URL: http://www.cicispizza.com/about-us/our-story (25.05.2012).

· #200

Webinar, Scott and Sands. Finding the Sweet Spot Between Neuroscience and Quantitative Research.

· #201

. Global 500 2008 // CNN Money. URL: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/global500/2008/index.html (23.05.2012).

· #202

Murse Tom. When Did the Great Recession End? 2010. October 24. URL: http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/moneymatters/a/When-Did-The-Great-Recession-End.htm (25.05.2012).

· #203

Ross Brian, Rhee Joseph. Big Three CEOs Flew Private Jets to Plead for Public Funds, 2008. November 19. URL: http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/WallStreet/story?id=6285739&page=1 (25.05.2012).

· #204

Stein Jonathan. Throw the Bums Out (of Detroit). 2008. November 19. URL: http://motherjones.com/mojo/2008/11/throw-bums-out-detroit (25.05.2012).

· #205

Ross Brian, Rhee Joseph. Big Three CEOs Flew Private Jets to Plead for Public Funds, 2008. November 19. URL: http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/WallStreet/story?id=6285739&page=1 (25.05.2012).

· #206

Frick Ali. Rep. Ackerman: Auto Execs’ Private Jet Travel Like Guy At «The Soup Kitchen In High Hat And Tuxedo», 2008. November 19. URL: http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2008/11/19/32576/big3-private-jets/ (25.05.2012).

· #207

Ross Brian and Rhee Joseph. Big Three CEOs Flew Private Jets to Plead for Public Funds. URL: http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/WallStreet/story?id=6285739&page=1 (25.05.2012).

· #208

Frick Ali.. Rep. Ackerman: Auto Execs’ Private Jet Travel Like Guy At «The Soup Kitchen In High Hat And Tuxedo». 2008. November 19. URL: http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2008/11/19/32576/big3-private-jets/ (25.05.2012).

· #209

White Mark D. Jerry Evensky on Adam Smith, trust, and the Great Recession. 2011. June 1. URL: http://www.economicsandethics.org/2011/06/jerry-evensky-on-adam-smith-trust-and-the-great-recession.html (25.05.2012).

· #210

Covey Stephen. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Free Press, 1990. Р. 273.

· #211

Feigerman Seth. Why You Shouldn’t Shop While Relaxed, 2011. August 26. URL: http://www.mainstreet.com/article/smart-spending/why-you-shouldn-t-shop-while-relaxed (25.05.2012).

· #212

Dolley Roger. The Relaxation Effect. URL: http://www.neurosciencemarketing.com/blog/articles/whats-better-than-an-excited-customer.htm (08.08.2011).

· #213

Advertising Research Foundation. Reinvention: Chapter 1. URL: http://thearf-org-aux-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/ogilvy/cs2010/General%20Motors_CaseStudy.pdf (25.05.2012).

· #214

Dawkins Richard. Why the Universe Seems So Strange. TEDGlobal 2005, June. URL: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/richard_dawkins_on_our_queer_universe.html (25.05.2012).

· #215

Wright Robert. The Moral Animal. New York: Vintage Books, 1995. Р. 278.

· #216

Там же. Р. 208.

· #217

Fuggetta Rob. Customer Trust in the Social Media Age. TedxConstitutionDrive. Menlo Park. CA. 2010. December 22. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VuwMRMv-uc (25.05.2012).

· #218

Там же.

· #219

DeAngelis Tori. The Two Faces of Oxytocin. 2008. February. URL: http://www.apa.org/monitor/feb08/oxytocin.aspx (25.05.2012).

· #220

Reuters. Breast-feeding triggers pulses of feel-good hormone. 2008. July 17. URL: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN1746293720080718 (25.05.2012).

· #221

Penenberg Adam. Social Networking Affects Brains Like Falling in Love. 2010. July 1. URL: http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/147/doctor-love.html (25.05.2012).

· #222

Cosmides Leda, Tooby John. Stone Age Minds. 2010. August 5. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNW_B8EwgH4 (25.05.2012).

· #223

Там же.

· #224

Penenberg. Social Networking Affects Brains Like Falling in Love.

· #225

Scientists study Trust in a Bottle // Associated Press, 2005. June 1. URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8059069/ns/health-mental_health (25.05.2012).

· #226

Brizendin Louann. Female Brain. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2007. Р. 94.

· #227

Oatts Joanne. Hormone Increases Advertising Influence. 2010. November 15. URL: http://www.marketingweek.co.uk/disciplines/advertising/hormone-increases-advertising-influence/3020523.article (25.05.2012).

· #228

Zerbe Leah. Boost Your Love Hormone Levels Naturally. http://www.rodale.com/oxytocin (25.05.2012).

· #229

Zak Paul. Trust, Morality – and Oxytocin. TEDGlobal. Edinburgh, Scotland. 2011. July.

· #230

Macaray David. The Secret of Southwest Airlines. 2010. April 1. URL: http://www.counterpunch.org/2010/04/01/the-secret-of-southwest-airlines/ (25.05.2012).

· #231

Smiles and free peanuts // The Economist, 2011. June 2. URL: http://www.economist.com/node/18774997 (25.05.2012).

· #232

Macaray. The Secret of Southwest Airlines.

· #233

Kelly Gary. Let the Summer Travel Season Begin. URL: ttp://www.southwest.com/assets/pdfs/about-southwest/garys-greeting.pdf (25.05.2012).

· #234

Focus Editors. Top 10 Big Brother Companies: Ranking the Worst Consumer Privacy Infringers. URL: http://www.focus.com/fyi/top-10-big-brother-companies-privacy-infringement/ (25.05.2012).

· #235

Rosenberg Dave. Study: Amazon.com is Most Trusted Brand in U.S. 2010. February 22. URL: http://news.cnet.com/8301–13846_3–10457727–62.html (25.05.2012).

· #236

James Andrea. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos on Kindle, Advertising, and Being Green. URL: http://blog.seattlepi.com/amazon/2009/05/28/amazons-jeff-bezos-on-kindle-advertising-and-being-green/ (23.05.2012).

· #237

Anderson Chris. The Zen of Jeff Bezos, 2005. January. URL: http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/13.01/bezos.html (23.05.2012).

· #238

Kappas John G., Founder Ph.D. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a non-profit nationally accredited college and clinic of hypnotherapy, Tarzana, California.

· #239

Margalit Fox. Robert Zajonc, Who Looked at Mind’s Ties to Actions, Is Dead at 85. 2008. December 6. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/07/education/07zajonc.html?_r=1&pagewanted=print (25.05.2012).

· #240

Vendantam Shankar. Hidden Brain. New York: Spiegel & Grau, 2010. Р. 28.

· #241

Goldstein Noah J. Martin Steve J., Cialdini Robert B. Yes! New York: Free Press, 2008. Р. 114–115.

· #242

Brendl Miguel. Name-letter Branding. November. 2009. URL: http://insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu/index.php/Kellogg/article/name-letter_branding (25.05.2012).

· #243

Brooks David. The Social Animal. New York: Random House, 2011. Р. 08.

· #244

Goleman. Social Intelligence. Р. 70–71.

· #245

Brooks David. The Social Animal. Р. xv.

· #246

Schuman Ken. Michaelangelo’s Hidden Message. URL: http://michelangelomethod.com/articles/michelangelo_hidden_message.html (23.05.2012).

· #247

Там же.

· #248

Chiang Oliver. Call of Duty: Black Ops Claims «Biggest Entertainment Launch in History», 2010. November 11. URL: http://www.forbes.com/sites/oliverchiang/2010/11/11/call-of-duty-black-ops-claims-biggest-entertainment-launch-in-history/ (08.07.2012).

· #249

Хэштег – слово или короткая фраза, которой предшествует символ, дающий возможность последующей группировки. – Прим. ред.

· #250

Best Media Info Bureau-Delhi. Nike launches «Find your greatness» campaign. 2012. July 30. URL: http://www.bestmediainfo.com/2012/07/nike-launches-find-your-greatness-campaign/ (01.08.2012).abzacRussell Mallory. Nike Ambushes Adidas on World Stage… Again. AdAgeDIGITAL. 2012. July 31. http://adage.com/article/the-viral-video-chart/nike-ambushes-adidas-world-stage/236400/ (18.08.2012).

· #251

Goleman. Social Intelligence. Р. 357–358.

· #252

Grand EFFIE Goes to Dove’s «Real Beauty // Marketing Vox, 2006. June 8. URL: http://www.marketingvox.com/grand_effie_goes_to_doves_real_beauty-021934/ (25.05.2012).

· #253

Layfield Tom. The Top 10 Best Social Media Marketing Campaigns of All Time. URL: http://www.acquisitionengine.com/top-10-best-social-media-marketing-campaigns-all-time/ (23.05.2012).

· #254

Bryan Adam. The Media Business: Advertising – Addenda; Awards Presented At 2 Ceremonies, 1993. March 17. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/1993/03/17/business/the-media-business-advertising-addenda-awards-presented-at-2-ceremonies.html (25.05.2012).

· #255

Vergano Dan. Mind Meld: Brain cells synchronize during good conversations. 2010. July 27. URL: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/sciencefair/post/2010/07/mind-meld-neurons-conversation-brain/1 (25.05.2012).

· #256

Whitfield John. Copycat Waitresses Get Bigger Tips, 2003. July 4. www.bioedonline.org/news/news.cfm?art=401 (25.05.2012).

· #257

Van Baaren Rick B. The Parrot Effect. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 2005. February. URL: http://cqx.sagepub.com/content/46/1/79.abstract (25.05.2012).

· #258

Stanchak Jesse. What Does the Decline of Peer Trust Mean for Social Marketing? 2010. February 8. URL: http://smart blogs.com/socialmedia/2010/02/08/what-does-the-decline-of-peer-trust-mean-for-social-marketing/ (25.05.2012).

· #259

Bush Michael. In Age of Friending, Consumers Trust Their Friends Less, 2010. February 8. URL: http://adage.com/article/news/social-media-consumers-trust-friends/141972/ (25.05.2012).

· #260

Ferenstein Greg. The Science of Building Trust with Social Media. 2010. February 24. URL: http://mashable.com/2010/02/24/social-media-trust/ (25.05.2012).

· #261

Фолловер (читатель, последователь, подписчик) – на твиттер-сленге этим словом называют пользователя, который подписался на обновления аккаунта в «Твиттере». – Прим. ред.

· #262

Cashmore. Pete. Southwest Tweets, Blogs Apology to Kevin Smith. 2010. February 14. URL: http://mashable.com/2010/02/14/southwest-kevin-smith/ (25.05.2012).

· #263

Ferenstein. The Science of Building Trust with Social Media.

· #264

Hara Estroff Marano. The Benefits of Laughter, 2003. April 29. URL: http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200304/the-benefits-laughter (25.05.2012).

· #265

Груминг – это активное поведение животных, направленное на очистку поверхности тела. – Прим. ред.

· #266

Gorman James. Scientists Hint at Why Laughter Feels So Good, 2011. September 13. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/14/science/14laughter.html (25.05.2012).

· #267

Solliday-McRoy Cindy. Laughter Is the Best Emotional Medicine, 2011. April 26. URL: http://www.livestrong.com/article/12141-laughter-best-emotional-medicine/ (25.05.2012).

· #268

Edmonds Molly. Is Laughter Contagious? URL: http://health.howstuffworks.com/mental-health/human-nature/happiness/laughter-contagious.htm (25.05.2012).

· #269

Sacks Mike. Canned Laughter: Ben Glenn II, Television Historian, 2010. July 20. URL: http://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2010/07/20/canned-laughter-ben-glenn-ii-television-historian/ (25.05.2012).

· #270

Haley Russell I, Baldinger Allan L. ARF Copy Validity Project // Journal of Advertising Research, 2006. November. Р. 114–135. URL: http://www.aeforum.org/aeforum.nsf/b6f532dc08e2a32e80256c5100355eab/39d4869ae7d09e92802567f600405431/FILE/acut0066.pdf (25.05.2012).

· #271

Gelfand Alexander. Long-Promised, Voice Commands Are Finally Going Mainstream, 2008. June 4. URL: http://www.wired.com/software/coolapps/news/2008/06/speech_tech (25.05.2012).

· #272

Aula Anne, Khan Rehan, Guan Zhiwei. Frowns, Sighs, and Advanced Queries – How Does Search Behavior Change as Search Becomes More Difficult, 2010. September 17. URL: googleresearch.blog spot.com/2010/09/frowns-sighs-and-advanced-queries-how.html (25.05.2012).

· #273

Spigel Alix. When the «trust hormone» is out of balance, 2010. July 17. URL: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=126141922 (25.05.2012).

· #274

Dolley Roger. The Relaxation Effect, 2011. August 8. URL: http://www.neurosciencemarketing.com/blog/articles/whats-better-than-an-excited-customer.htm (25.05.2012).

· #275

Editor. Increase Sales with Color, Sound, Taste, Smell and Touch, 2001. March 8. URL: http://www.marketingprofs.com/webnews/2/news3–8–01.asp (25.05.2012).

· #276

Там же.

· #277

Mackay Hugh. Life’s an adventure, or is it? 2004. December 4. URL: http://www.theage.com.au/news/Hugh-Mackay/Lifes-an-adventure-or-is-it/2004/12/03/1101923331151.html (25.05.2012).

· #278

Fisher Tessa. Shirley Polykoff. Jewish Women’s Archive. URL: http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/polykoff-shirley (23.05.2012).

· #279

McG. Thomas Robert Jr. Ad Writer Whose Query Colored a Nation, 1998. June 08. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/1998/06/08/nyregion/shirley-polykoff-90-ad-writer-whose-query-colored-a-nation.html (23.05.2012).

· #280

Mini-case study. Nike’s «Just Do It» // Center for Applied Research. Advertising Campaign. URL: http://www.cfar.com/Documents/nikecmp.pdf (23.05.2012).

· #281

Hunsberger Brent. Nike’s «Just Do It» Slogan Celebrates 20 Years: The Iconic Saying, Now 20, Is Featured in the Company’s Olympics Campaign, 2008. July 18. URL: http://www.oregonlive.com/business/oregonian/index.ssf?/base/business/1216353305226620.xml&coll=7 (25.05.2012).

· #282

Parpis Eleftheria. On the Spot: Dan Wieden, 2009. May 22, 2009. URL: http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/spot-dan-wieden-101196 (25.05.2012).

· #283

Hunsberger Brent. Nike Celebrates «Just Do It» 20th Anniversary with New Ads. 2008. July 17. URL: http://blog.oregonlive.com/playbooksandprofits/2008/07/nike_celebrates_just_do_it_20t.html (25.05.2012).

· #284

Там же.

· #285

Quotation Vault. «Sigmund Freud. URL: http://www.quotationvault.com/author/Sigmund_Freud (23.05.2012).

· #286

Van Praet Douglas. Interview with Paul Zak, Professor of Economics and Department Chair at Claremont Graduate University. Claremont, California, 2011. January 4.

· #287

Afremow Jim. PhD., LPC. Trust the Talent, 2011. September 3. URL: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/trust-the-talent/201109/visualize-actualize (25.05.2012).

· #288

Lebon F., Collet C., Guillot A. Benefits of Motor Imagery Training on Muscle Strength // Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2010. June. Р. 1680–87.

· #289

Silhouette Campaign // Marketing Campaign Case Studies, 2008. February 28. URL: http://marketing-case-studies.blogspot.com/2008/02/silhouette-campaign.html (25.05.2012).

· #290

Deutsch Inc. Beliefs. URL: http://www.deutschinc.com/#!/about/beliefs (25.05.2012).

· #291

Joseph Noah. Toronto Porsche Dealer Redefines Direct Marketing. 2012. July 31. URL: http://www.carbuzz.com/news/2012/7/31/Toronto-Porsche-Dealer-Redefines-Direct-Marketing-7710046/ (01.08.2012).

· #292

Turner Mark. The Way We Imagine // In Imaginative Minds. London: Oxford University Press & The British Academy, 2007. Р. 213–236.

· #293

Turner Mark. Blending & Conceptual Integration. URL: http://markturner.org/blending.html (23.05.2012).

· #294

Pressfield Steven. The War of Art. New York: Rugged Land, 2002.

· #295

Lehrer Jonah. Harold and the Purple Crayon. The Frontal Cortex, 2009. August 17. URL: http://scienceblogs.com/cortex/2009/08/17/childhood-rituals/ (25.05.2012).

· #296

Brooks David. The Social Animal. New York: Random House, 2011. Р. 350.

· #297

Jary David, Jary Julia. Collins Dictionary of Sociology. New York: Harper-Collins, 1995. Р. 93.

· #298

The Sims. Wikipedia. URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sims (23.05.2012).

· #299

Brightman James. The Sims 3 Is Best-Selling PC Game Worldwide in 2009. 2010. January 22. URL: http://www.industrygamers.com/news/the-sims-3-is-best-selling-pc-game-worldwide-in-2009/ (25.05.2012).

· #300

Howe Charles. Fantasy Football: Is It Ruining the NFL? 2010. August 30. URL: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/446740-fantasy-football-is-it-ruining-the-nfl (25.05.2012).

· #301

Pink Daniel H. A Whole New Mind. New York: Riverhead Books, 2005. Р. 101.

· #302

West Scott and Anthony Mitch. Storyselling for Financial Advisors. Chicago: Dearborn Financial Publishing, Inc., 2000. Р. 181.

· #303

Пиньята – мексиканская по происхождению полая игрушка довольно крупных размеров, изготовленная из папье-маше или легкой оберточной бумаги с орнаментом и украшениями. – Прим. ред.

· #304

Figures according to Steve Neder. Volkswagen // Agency Sales and Business Review 2011 Presentation. Herndon, Virginia, 2012. Jan 23.

· #305

Volkswagen Selected as Clio Awards 2012 Global Advertiser of the Year. Volkswagen, 2012. May 4. URL: http://media.vw.com/press release/1053/1/volkswagen-selected-clio-awards-2012-global-advertiser-year (25.05.2012).

· #306

Jung Carl. Man and his Symbols. New York: Dell, 1968. Р. 41.

· #307

Language and Symbols // Human Origins Initiative of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History. URL: http://humanorigins.si.edu/human-characteristics/language (23.05.2012).

· #308

Riley Alex and Boome Adam. Superbrands» Success Fuelled By Sex, Religion And Gossip, 2011. May 16. URL: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13416598 (25.05.2012).

· #309

Lindstorm Martin. Buyology. New York: Crown Business, 2008. Р. 124.

· #310

Zonco Lauriane. On the Cutting Edge. URL: http://www.swissstyle.com/victorinox-cutting-edge (23.05.2012).

· #311

Kalinina Alexandra, Schar Anne, Ukic Dijana. Victorinox Intercultural Stakeholder Management Groupwork. URL: http://www.marketing.imu.unibe.ch/download/lehre/intstake/10_Victorinox.pdf (23.05.2012).

· #312

Ramachandran V. S. V. S. Ramachandran On Your Mind. TED Talks 2007, March. URL: http://www.ted.com/talks/vilayanur_ramachandran_on_your_mind.html (27.05.2012).

· #313

Phillips Donald T. Run to Win. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2002.

· #314

Family of Vince Lombardi. Famous Quotes by Vince Lombardi. URL: http://www.vincelombardi.com/about.html (23.05.2012).

· #315

Gilani Nadia. Christianity Is Still the Largest Religion in the World but Followers Have Moved Away from Europe. 2011. December 22. URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2077272/Christianity-largest-religion-world-despite-shift-away-Europe.html (25.05.2012).

· #316

Weigel George. World Religions by the Numbers. URL: http://www.catholiceducation.org/articles/facts/fm0010.html (23.05.2012).

· #317

Waldo Ralph. Is the Catholic Church the Richest Organization in the World? 2009. September 16. URL: http://www.dailypaul.com/107294/is-the-catholic-church-the-richest-organization-in-the-world (25.05.2012).

· #318

Pinker Steven. The Evolutionary Psychology of Religion, 2004. October 29. URL: http://pinker.wjh.harvard.edu/articles/media/2004_10_29_religion.htm (25.05.2012).

· #319

Macrae Fiona. Brains «Are Hardwired to Believe in God and Imaginary Friends», 2009. February 5. URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1136482/Brains-hardwired-believe-God-imaginary-friends.html (25.05.2012).

· #320

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· #321

Begley Sharon. Unwired for God. 2009. August 12. URL: http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2009/08/12/un-wired-for-god.html (25.05.2012).

· #322

Индоктринация – передача фундаментальных положений системы верований. – Прим. ред.

· #323

Macrae Fiona. Brains «Are Hardwired To Believe in God and Imaginary Friends».

· #324

Canon 284 – Clerical Dress // National Conference of Catholic Bishops. URL: http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/what-we-believe/canon-law/complementary-norms/canon-284-clerical-dress.cfm (23.05.2012).

· #325

Реверберация – это процесс постепенного уменьшения интенсивности звука при его многократных отражениях. – Прим. ред.

· #326

Daye Derrick. Great Moments in Branding: Roy Disney’s Speech, 2008. January 30. URL: http://www.brandingstrategyinsider.com/2008/01/great-moments-3.html (25.05.2012).

· #327

Costco’s Secrets Revealed // ABC News, 2010. March 29. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/YourMoney/video/costcos-success-secrets-revealed-10228994 (25.05.2012).

· #328

Damasio Antonio. How Our Brains Feel Emotion, 2010. October 19. URL: http://bigthink.com/ideas/23022 (25.05.2012).

· #329

Shachar Ron, Erdem Tulin, Cutright Keisha M., Fitzsimons Gavan J. Brands: The Opiate of the Nonreligious Masses? // Marketing Science,2010. September 24. Р. 1–19.

· #330

Damasio Antonio. How Our Brains Feel Emotion, 2010. October 19. URL: http://bigthink.com/ideas/23022 (25.05.2012).

· #331

Zonco Lauriane. On the Cutting Edge. URL: http://www.swissstyle.com/victorinox-cutting-edge (23.05.2012).

· #332

Dooley Roger. Connect Emotionally to Boost Sales, 2011. September 1. URL: http://www.neurosciencemarketing.com/blog/articles/connect-emotionally.htm (25.05.2012).

· #333

Galanoy Terry. Don’t Inhale that New Car Smell, 2008. July 31. URL: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/wayoflife/07/31/aa.new.car.smell/ (25.05.2012).

· #334

Carlin George. You Are All Diseased. HBO, New York, 1999. February 6.

· #335

Vries Peter De. The Mackerel Plaza. New York: Oxford University Press, 1958.

· #336

Macrae Fiona. Brains «Are Hardwired To Believe In God And Imaginary Friends».

· #337

Praet Douglas Van. Interview with Robert Kurzban // Associate Professor of Psychology at University of Pennsylvania. Chapman University, Orange California, 2011. January 19.

· #338

Scientists Prove Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Wrong? IBN Live. November 20. URL: http://ibnlive.in.com/videos/204110/scientists-prove-einsteins-theory-of-relativity-wrong.html.

· #339

Walter Isaacson. Steve Jobs. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011. Р. 117–119 [0].

· #340

На русском языке книга выпущена издательством «Питер» в 2013 году. – Прим. ред.

· #341

Pink Daniel. Drive. Р. 137.

· #342

Dilts Robert. Neurological Levels. URL: http://www.integratedsociopsychology.net/neurological_levels.html (23.05.2012).

· #343

Iftekhar Irfan. Best Advertising Slogans, 2011. October 20. URL: http://www.newzglobe.com/article/20111020/best-advertising-slogans (25.05.2012).

· #344

Там же.

· #345

Think Exist. Albert Einstein. URL: http:// thinkexist.com/quotation/no_problem_can_be_solved_from_the_same_level_of/222376.html (25.05.2012).

· #346

Dilts Robert. Neurological Levels.

· #347

На русском языке книга выпущена издательством «АСТ» в 2012 году. – Прим. ред.

· #348

Figures according to Steve Neder // Volkswagen. Agency Sales and Business Review 2011 Presentation, Herndon, Virginia, 2012. Jan 23.

· #349

Dan Avi. VW’s CMO Mahoney on Becoming America’s Fastest Growing Car Company, 2012. April 4. URL: http://www.forbes.com/sites/avidan/2012/04/04/vw-cmo-tim-mahoney-on-how-it-became-americas-fastest-growing-car-company/ (25.05.2012).

· #350

Jobs Steve. Commencement address at Stanford University, 2005. June 12.

· #351

Brown Jeff, Fenske Mark. The Winner’s Brain. Cambridge: De Capo Press, 2010.

· #352

-Dooley Roger. Smiles Really DO Boost Sales. 2007. October 26. URL: http://www.neurosciencemarketing.com/blog/articles/smiles-boost-sales.htm (25.05.2012).

· #353

. Damasio Antonio. The Feeling of What Happens. New York: Mariner Books, 2000. Р. 40.

· #354

Lehrer Jonah. The New State of Mind. Seed Magazine, 2008. Aug. 8. URL: http://seedmagazine.com/content/article/a_new_state_of_mind/ (25.05.2012).

· #355

Там же.

· #356

Damasio Antonio. Descartes’ Error. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1994. Р. 34–51.

· #357

Hanson Robin. Bias and Power. 2008. March 7. URL: http://www.overcomingbias.com/tag/standard-biases/page/6 (25.05.2012).

· #358

Mistry Bhavna. Case Study: Andrex Says Thank You. 2003. October 1. URL: http://www.brandrepublic.com/news/191551/ (25.05.2012).

· #359

Everding Gerry. Brain Region Learns To Anticipate Risk, Provides Early Warnings, Suggests New Study In Science, 2005. March 2. URL: http://news.wustl.edu/news/Pages/4804.aspx (25.05.2012).

· #360

Goleman Daniel. The Power of Mindsight. Greater Good, 2008. March 3. URL: http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/the_power_of_mind sight (25.05.2012).

· #361

Helm Burt. Which Ads Don’t Get Skipped? 2007. September 3. URL: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/07_36/b4048026.htm (25.05.2012).

· #362

Seabrook John. How To Make It: James Dyson Built A Better Vacuum. Can He Pull Off A Second Industrial Revolution? // New Yorker, 2010. URL: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/09/20/100920fa_fact_seabrook#ixzz1vZH6DteI (25.05.2012).

· #363

Finch Julia. Dyson’s Profits Rise To «190m», 2010. May 26. URL: http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/may/26/dyson-profits-rise (25.05.2012).

· #364

Там же.

· #365

Kahneman Daniel. Thinking, Fast and Slow. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011. Р. 81.

· #366

Krulwich Robert and Abumrad Jad. Why Is it So Hard to Do the Right Thing? 2009, January 26. URL: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=122781981 (25.05.2012).

· #367

Kahneman Daniel.. Thinking, Fast and Slow.Р. 87.

· #368

Editor. 5126 Failures – The Dyson Brand Story. 2007. April 18. URL: http://brandstory.typepad.com/writer/innovation/.

· #369

Kahneman Daniel.Thinking, Fast and Slow. Р. 284.

· #370

Там же. Р. 6–68.

· #371

Lehrer Jonah. Why Are Easy Decisions So Hard? 2011. March 2, 2011. URL: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/03/why-are-easy-decisions-so-hard/ (25.05.2012).

· #372

Advertising: It’s Everywhere // Media Awareness Network. URL: http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/parents/marketing/advertising_everywhere.cfm (25.05.2012).

· #373

Caldwell S Christopher. Select All: Can You Have Too Many Choices? // New Yorker, 2004. March 1. URL: http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2004/03/01/040301crbo_books#ixzz1vZIijS6h (25.05.2012).

· #374

Feinberg Cara. The Mind fulness Chronicles, 2010. September-October. URL: http://harvardmagazine.com/2010/09/the-mindfulness-chronicles?page=all (25.05.2012).

· #375

Астротурфинг – в русскоязычной литературе и интернете этот термин используется в несколько ином значении: как искусственное управление общественным мнением с помощью современного программного обеспечения либо специально нанятых пользователей. – Прим. ред.

· #376

Microsoft Funded «Grass Roots» Campaign // Associated Press, 2001. August 23. URL: http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2001–08–23-microsoft-letters.htm (25.05.2012).

· #377

Ranjan Prakash. Honda Product Manager Gets Caught Astroturfing, 2010. December 27. URL: http://e-marketingstories.com/2010/12/27/honda-product-manager-gets-caught-astroturfing/ (25.05.2012).

· #378

Hill Kashmir. Chick-fil-A Has Completely Lost Control of Its Facebook Page, 2012. July 25. URL: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/07/25/chick-fil-a-has-completely-lost-control-of-its-facebook-page/ (01.08.2012).

· #379

Marriott Michael. The Short Life of a Rap Star, Shadowed by Many Troubles, 1997. March 17. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/1997/03/17/nyregion/the-short-life-of-a-rap-star-shadowed-by-many-troubles.html (25.05.2012).

· #380

Spiegler Marc. Marketing Street Culture Bringing Hip-Hop Style to the Mainstream. URL: http://www.businessresearchsources.com/business-school/American-Demographics_234/ (23.05.2012).

· #381

Tommy Hilfiger // Minneapolis Star Tribune,1996. June 22. URL: http://www.answers.com/topic/tommy-hilfiger#ixzz1m70tXdLW (25.05.2012).

· #382

Editor. Tommy Hilfiger Corporation. 2012. May 23. URL: http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/Tommy-Hilfiger-Corporation-Company-History.html (23.05.2012).

· #383

Editor. History and Background of Tommy Hilfiger. URL: http://www.fragrancex.com/products/_bid_Tommy – Hilfiger-am-cid_perfume-am-lid_T__brand_history.html (25.05.2012).

· #384

Tommy Hilfiger – The Struggles of an American Fashion Icon // IBS Center for Management Research, URL: http://www.icmrindia.org/casestudies/catalogue/Marketing/Tommy%20Hilfiger-Marketing.htm (23.05.2012).

· #385

Editor. Tommy Hilfiger. URL: http://www.answers.com/topic/tommy-hilfiger (23.05.2012).

· #386

W. C. Privy’s Original Bathroom Companion / ed. Barrett Erin, Mingo Jack. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2003. Р. 407–410.

· #387

Morgan Mary. A History in Marketing of Marlboro Brand Cigarettes, 2007. February 19. URL: http://voices.yahoo.com/a-history-marketing-marlboro-brand-cigarettes-204451.html?cat=9 (25.05.2012).

· #388

Schalch Kathleen. Present at the Creation: The Marlboro Man. NPR, 2002. October 21.

· #389

Flaherty Stacy, Minnick Mimi. Marlboro Oral History And Documentation Project, Ca. 1926–1986. 2000. November. URL: http://american history.si.edu/archives/d7198.htm (25.05.2012).

· #390

Jaffe Jessica. The Imagery, Fantasy, and Symbolism of the Marlboro Man. URL: http://www.rochester.edu/College/ANT/faculty/foster/ANT226/Spring01/papers/jaffe_imagery.html (23.05.2012).

· #391

The Marlboro Man // Advertising Age, 1999. March 29. URL: http://adage.com/century/icon01.html (25.05.2012).

· #392

Roman Kenneth. The Kings of Madison Avenue. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

· #393

The Marlboro Man // Advertising Age.

· #394

Market Information // Philip Morris USA. URL: http://www.philipmorrisusa.com/en/cms/Company/Market_Information/default.aspx (23.05.2012).

· #395

Консюмеризм – уклад общества, потакающий покупке товаров и услуг в больших количествах сверх всякой необходимости. Помимо это-го значения, под консюмеризмом может пониматься защита прав потребителей. – Прим. ред.

· #396

Miller Geoffrey. Spent. New York: Viking Adult, 2009.

· #397

Там же.

· #398

Там же.

· #399

Linden David. The Accidental Mind // Cambridge: Belknap Press, 2007. Р. 24.

· #400

Kahneman Daniel. Thinking, Fast and Slow. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011. Р. 52.

· #401

Kiley David. Can You Name That Slogan? 2004. October 14. URL: http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/oct2004/nf20041014_4965_db-035.htm (25.05.2012).

· #402

W. C. Privy’s Original Bathroom Companion / ed. Barrett and Mingo. Р. 407–410.

· #403

Kahneman Daniel. Thin Russell A. king, Fast and Slow.

· #404

Dewey Russell A., Ph.D, Priming. URL: http://www.intropsych.com/ch06_memory/priming.html (23.05.2012).

· #405

Jacoby L. L. Perceptual Enhancement: Persistent Effects of an Experience // Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 9 (1), 1983. Р. 21–38.

· #406

University of Chicago Press Journals. I Like It, But I Don’t Know Why: How Does Conditioning Affect Consumer Choice? // ScienceDaily, 2010. May 18.

· #407

Dooley Roger. Brainfluence. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012. Р. 59.

· #408

Wilson Timothy D. Strangers to Ourselves Cambridge: Belknap Press, 2002. Р. 185.

· #409

Там же. Р. 187.

· #410

Whitewell Stuart. Ingredient branding case study: Intel. 2005. July 11. URL: http://www.intangiblebusiness.com/Brand-Services/Marketing-services/News/Ingredient-branding-case-study-Intel~466.html (25.05.2012).

· #411

Walia Dr. Damon, Mathur Ashank Dayal, Shrivastava Abhinaw and Singh Evenpreet. Inside Intel Inside. URL: http://www.scribd.com/doc/38851337/Inside-Intel-Inside (23.05.2012).

· #412

Intel Inside Program. Intel. URL: http://www.intel.com/pressroom/intel_inside.htm (23.05.2012).

· #413

Там же.

· #414

Рефрейминг – термин, который широко применяют в нейролингвистическом программировании для описания используемых им процедур переосмысления и перестройки механизмов восприятия, мышления, поведения с целью избавления от неудачных (возможно, даже патогенных) психических шаблонов. – Прим. ред.

· #415

Harness Charles R. The Other White Meat. URL: http://naldc.nal.usda.gov/download/IND89023175/PDF (23.05.2012).

· #416

Dougherty Tom. Pork: It’s No Longer the Other White Meat. Sadly, 2011. March 8. URL: http://www.stealingshare.com/blog/?p=2271 (25.05.2012).

· #417

The Other White Meat Brand. URL: http://www.porkbeinspired.com/towm_promo_heritage_page.aspx (24.05.2012).

· #418

Pradeep A. K. The Buying Brain. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2010.

· #419

Dougherty Tom. How to Avoid Being the Shack. URL: http://www.stealingshare.com/pages/How%20to%20Avoid%20Being%20The%20Shack.htm (24.05.2012).

· #420

Edwards Jim. Pizza Hut Plan to Change Name to «The Hut» Meets With Ridicule. 2009. June 20. URL: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301–505123_162–42741949/pizza-hut-plan-to-change-name-to-the-hut-meets-with-ridicule/ (25.05.2012).

· #421

Smith Elizabeth A., Ph.D., Malone Ruth E., Ph.D. Altria Means Tobacco: Philip Morris’s Identity Crisis, 2003. April. URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1447789/ (25.05.2012).

· #422

NBA. Michael Jordan. URL: http://www.nba.com/history/players/jordan_bio.html (23.05.2012).

· #423

Editor. The Media Business; Pepsi Drops Michael Jackson. 1993. November 15. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/1993/11/15/business/the-media-business-pepsi-drops-michael-jackson.html (25.05.2012).

· #424

1. Glebas Francis. Directing the Story. Waltham. MA: Focal Press, 2008. Р. 123.

· #425

Wilson Timothy D. Strangers to Ourselves. Cambridge: Belknap Press, 2002. Р. 212.

· #426

Morrison Maureen. Starbucks Forges «Moments Of Connection» By Offering Experience. 2011. November 7. URL: http://adage.com/Article/Special-Report-Marketer-Alist/Marketer-A-List-Starbucks/230837/ (25.05.2012).

· #427

Ries Al. Have We Killed Brand Advertising? 2011. June 2. URL: http://adage.com/Article/Al-Ries/Viewpoint-Killed-Brand-Advertising/227893/ (24.05.2012).

· #428

Shultz Howard. Looking Forward to Starbucks Next Chapter, 2011. January 5. URL: http://www.starbucks.com/Blog/Looking-Forward-To-Starbucks-Next-Chapter (24.05.2012).

· #429

Wilson. Strangers to Ourselves. Р. 212.

· #430

Daily World Jewish. Science Confirms What Rabbis Understood: Jewish Practice Makes You Happier And More Fulfilled. URL: http://www.worldjewishdaily.com/Wisdom-Judaism.Php (24.05.2012).

· #431

LCosmides Leda and Tooby John. Evolutionary Psychology:A Primer. Santa Barbara: University Of California, Santa Barbara, 1997. Р. 12.

· #432

Taylor Jacques Henri. Why Your Brain Is Made for Movement. 2011. August 1. URL: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/Jacques-Henri-Taylor/Mindful-Movement_B_892955.Html (27.05.2012).

· #433

Там же.

· #434

Dubuc Bruno. The Brain From Top To Bottom. URL: http://thebrain.mcgill.ca/flash/D/D_07/D_07_Cr/D_07_Cr_Tra/D_07_Cr_Tra.Html (24.05.2012).

· #435

Freudenrich Craig, Ph.D. and Boyd Robynne. How Your Brain Works. URL: http://science.howstuffworks.com/Environ mental/Life/Human-Biology/Brain2.Htm (24.05.2012).

· #436

Viamontes George I., Beitman Bernard D. Mapping The Unconscious In The Brain. Psychiatric Annals 37. Р. 243–258.

· #437

Там же.

· #438

Bilderback Leslie. An Explanation of Taste. 2009. February 6. URL: http://leslie-bilderback.suite101.com/An-Explanation-Of-Taste-A94569 (25.05.2012).

· #439

Gschwandtner Gerhard. Everything I Know About Sales Success. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006. Р. 124.

· #440

Там же. Р. 133.

· #441

Dolan Kerry A. The Soda with Buzz. 2005. March 28. URL: http://www.forbes.com/global/2005/0328/028_print.html (25.05.2012).

· #442

Там же.

· #443

Gschwandtner. Everything I Know About Sales Success.

· #444

Manz Charles C. Emotional Discipline. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2003.

· #445

Gschwandtner. Everything I Know About Sales Success. Р. 124.

· #446

Там же. Р. 135.

· #447

Dolan.The Soda with Buzz.

· #448

Mcdonald Duff. Red Bull’s Millionaire Maniac. 2011. May 19.URL: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/11_22/B4230064852768.htm (25.05.2012).

· #449

Dolan. The Soda with Buzz.

· #450

Company Figures. URL: http://www.Redbull.com/Cs/Satellite/En_INT/Company-Figures/001242939605518? Pcs_C=PCS_Article&Pcs_Cid=1242937556133 (24.05.2012).

· #451

Mcdonald Duff. Red Bull’s Millionaire Maniac, 2011. May 19.URL: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/11_22/B4230064852768.htm (25.05.2012).

· #452

Rodgers Annie Layne. It’s a (Red) Bull Market After All. URL: http://www.fastcompany.com/Articles/2001/10/redbull.html (30.09.2001).

· #453

Saad Gad. The Consuming Instinct. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2011.

· #454

Dutton D. G., Aron A. Р. Some Evidence For Heightened Sexual Attraction Under Conditions Of High Anxiety // Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology. № 30. Р. 510–517.

· #455

Ariely A. Dan. Predictably Irrational. New York: Harper Collins, 2010. Р. 78–88.

· #456

Blakeslee Sandra. Cells That Read Minds. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/10/Science/10mirr.html?_R=1&pagewanted=all (10.01.2006).

· #457

Ramachandran V. S. The Neurons That Shaped Civilizatio. Speech // TED India, 2009. November. URL: http://blog.ted.com/2010/01/04/The_Neurons_Tha/ (25.05.2012).

· #458

Там же.

· #459

Ramachandran V. S. The Neurons That Shaped Civilizatio. Speech // TED India, 2009. November. URL: http://blog.ted.com/2010/01/04/The_Neurons_Tha/ (25.05.2012).

· #460

Там же.

· #461

Saad. The Consuming Instinct.

· #462

Gigerenzer Gerd. Gut Feelings. New York: Viking Adult, 2007. Р. 79.

· #463

Kahneman Daniel. Thinking, Fast And Slow. New York: Farrar. Straus and Giroux, 2011. Р. 409.


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