Книга: Философия DevOps. Искусство управления IT



• Fowler, Chad. «Your Most Important Skill: Empathy». ChadFowler.com, January 19, 2014. http://bit.ly/fowler-empathy.

• Granovetter, Mark S. «The Strength of Weak Ties». American Journal of Sociology 78, no. 6 (May 1973).

• Herting, Stephen R. «Trust Correlated with Innovation Adoption in Hospital Organizations». Paper presented for the American Society for Public Administration, National Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, March 8, 2002.

• Hewstone, Miles, Mark Rubin, and Hazel Willis. «Intergroup Bias». Annual Review of Psychology 53 (2002).

• Hunt, Vivian, Dennis Layton, and Sara Prince. «Why Diversity Matters». McKinsey.com, January 2015. http://bit.ly/mckinsey-diversity.

• Kohtamaki, Marko, Tauno Kekale, and Riitta Viitala. «Trust and Innovation: From Spin-Off Idea to Stock Exchange». Creativity and Innovation Management 13, no. 2 (June 2004).

• Mind Tools Editorial Team. «The Greiner Curve: Understanding the Crises That Come with Growth». MindTools.com, N.d. http://bit.ly/greiner-curve.

• Schwartz, Katrina. «How Do You Teach Empathy? Harvard Pilots Game Simulation». KQED.org, May 9, 2013. http://bit.ly/teach-empathy.

• Sussna, Jeff. «Empathy: The Essence of Devops». Ingineering.IT, January 11, 2014. http://bit.ly/sussna-empathy.

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