Книга: Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Exam Preparation Kit

Device Driver Code Locations

Device Driver Code Locations

Table 5-8 lists the source code locations for device drivers according to the PQOAL model. If your BSP is based on the same processor as the reference BSP, then the adaptation of device drivers mainly requires modification to the source code in the %TGTPLATROOT% folder. It is also possible to add new drivers to the BSP if the new platform includes peripherals that are not present in the reference platform. For more information about developing device drivers, see Chapter 6, "Developing Device Drivers."

Table 5-8 Source code folders for device drivers

Folder Description
%_WINCEROOT%Platform%_TGTPLAT% Contains platform dependent drivers.
%_WINCEROOT%PlatformCommonSrcSoc Contains drivers for processor-native peripherals.
%_WINCEROOT%PublicCommonOakDrivers Contains drivers for non-native peripherals that include external controllers.

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