Книга: Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Exam Preparation Kit

Lesson Summary

Lesson Summary

Enabling the debugger is a straightforward configuration process in the Platform Builder IDE if you include KITL and debugger libraries in the run-time image. You can then display the Target Device Connectivity Options dialog box and select an appropriate transport and debugger. Typically, the transport is DMA or Ethernet, but you can also use a USB or serial cable to connect the development workstation to the target device.

Platform Builder provides most of the debugging features also found in other debuggers for Windows desktop applications. You can set breakpoints, step through the code line-by-line, and use the Watch window to view and change variable values and object properties. Platform Builder also supports conditional breakpoints to halt code execution according to specified criteria. The debugger of choice for software debugging is KdStub, although you can also use an eXDI driver with Platform Builder for hardware-assisted debugging based on a JTAG probe or other hardware debugger. Hardware-assisted debugging enables you to analyze system routines that run prior to loading the kernel, OAL components, and interrupt handler functions where you cannot use software breakpoints.

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