Книга: Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems

11.3 Programmable Interval Timers

11.3 Programmable Interval Timers

The programmable interval timer (PIT), also known as the timer chip, is a device designed mainly to function as an event counter, elapsed time indicator, rate-controllable periodic event generator, as well as other applications for solving system-timing control problems.

The functionality of the PIT is commonly incorporated into the embedded processor, where it is called an on-chip timer. Dedicated stand-alone timer chips are available to reduce processor overhead. As different as the various timer chips can be, some general characteristics exist among them. For example, timer chips feature an input clock source with a fixed frequency, as well as a set of programmable timer control registers. The timer interrupt rate is the number of timer interrupts generated per second. The timer interrupt rate is calculated as a function of the input clock frequency and is set into a timer control register.

A related value is the timer countdown value, which determines when the next timer interrupt occurs. It is loaded in one of the timer control registers and decremented by one every input clock cycle. The remaining timer control registers determine the other modes of timer operation, such as whether periodic timer interrupts are generated and whether the countdown value should be automatically reloaded for the next timer interrupt.

Customized embedded systems come with schematics detailing the interconnection of the system components. From these schematics, a developer can determine which external components are dependent on the timer chip as the input clock source. For example, if a timer chip output pin interconnects with the control input pin of the DMA chip, the timer chip controls the DRAM refresh rate.

Timer-chip initialization is performed as part of the system startup. Generally, initialization of the timer chip involves the following steps:

· Resetting and bringing the timer chip into a known hardware state.

· Calculating the proper value to obtain the desired timer interrupt frequency and programming this value into the appropriate timer control register.

· Programming other timer control registers that are related to the earlier interrupt frequency with correct values. This step is dependent on the timer chip and is specified in detail by the timer chip hardware reference manual.

· Programming the timer chip with the proper mode of operation.

· Installing the timer interrupt service routine into the system.

· Enabling the timer interrupt.

The behavior of the timer chip output is programmable through the control registers, the most important of which is the timer interrupt-rate register (TINTR), which is as follows:

TINTR = F(x)

where x = frequency of the input crystal

Manufacturers of timer chips provide this function and the information is readily available in the programmer's reference manual.

The timer interrupt rate equals the number of timer interrupt occurrences per second. Each interrupt is called a tick, which represents a unit of time. For example, if the timer rate is 100 ticks, each tick represents an elapsed time of 10 milliseconds.

The periodic event generation capability of the PIT is important to many real-time kernels. At the heart of many real-time kernels is the announcement of the timer interrupt occurrence, or the tick announcement, from the ISR to the kernel, as well as to the kernel scheduler, if one exists. Many of these kernel schedulers run through their algorithms and conduct task scheduling at each tick.

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