Книга: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition

2.3.2 Recovering Earlier Deletions

2.3.2 Recovering Earlier Deletions

Earlier we mentioned the kill ring, a temporary storage area in which Emacs saves the stuff you delete. So far, we've assumed that you're interested in resurrecting what you've most recently killed. However, the kill ring does a lot more. It actually stores your last 30 deletions. We've seen that C-y restores the text you deleted most recently. Typing M-y deletes the text you just yanked and gets the next most recent text from the kill ring.

Here's how it works. In Table 2-4, assume that you've just killed the words "most recent." C-y retrieves these words from the kill ring. When you press M-y, Emacs gets rid of "most recent" and gets the next entry from the kill ring ("second-last").

Table 2-4. The kill ring in action

Keystrokes Action
C-y This was the most recent_deletion.
M-y This was the second-last_deletion.
M-y This was the third-last_deletion.
M-y This was the fourth-last_deletion.

You can keep on typing M-y, retrieving successively more ancient deletions, until you reach the end of the kill ring (at which point it cycles back to the most recently killed text; that's why it's called a ring).

Thirty deletions by default is a nice size—far more generous than most programs offer. But you can enlarge or reduce the size of the kill ring if you wish, using a variable called kill-ring-max. To experiment, give the command: M-x set-variable Enter kill-ring-max Enter new-valueEnter (where new-value is a number).

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