Êíèãà: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition

Table A-3. Display

Table A-3. Display

Table A-3. Display (Chapter 2, Chapter 4)

Variable Default Description
next-screen-context-lines 2 Retain this many lines when scrolling forward or backward by C-v or M-v.
scroll-step 0 When moving the cursor vertically out of the current window, scroll this many lines forward or backward. If 0, scroll enough lines to place the cursor at the center of the window after scrolling.
hscroll-step 0 When moving the cursor horizontally out of the current window, scroll this many columns left or right. If 0, scroll enough lines to place the cursor at the center of the window after scrolling.
tab-width 8 Width of tab stops; when set, it becomes local to the current buffer.
left-margin 0 Number of columns to indent when typing C-j in fundamental mode and text mode.
standard-indent 4 The number of columns to indent when using commands that increase or decrease margins.
truncate-lines nil If non-nil, do not wrap long lines; instead, truncate them and use arrows to show that the line continues off-screen. (Nongraphical versions of Emacs use $ instead to show where the line extends.)
truncate-partial-width-windows t If non-nil, truncate long lines (as above) in all windows that are not the full width of the display.
window-min-height 4 Minimum allowable height of windows (in lines).
window-min-width 10 Minimum allowable width of vertically split windows (in columns).
ctl-arrow t Non-nil means display control characters using ^X, where X is the letter being "controlled." Otherwise, use octal (base 8) ASCII notation for display—for example, C-h appears as 10 in octal.
display-time-day-and-date nil If non-nil, M-x display-time Enter will also show the day and date.
line-number-mode t If non-nil, display the line number on the mode line.
line-number-display-limit nil Maximum size of buffer (in characters) for which line numbers should be displayed. A value of nil means no limit.
column-number-mode nil If non-nil, display the column number on the mode line.
visible-bell nil If non-nil, "flash" the screen instead of beeping when necessary.
track-eol nil If non-nil, whenever the cursor is at the end of the line, "stick" to the end of the line when moving the cursor up or down; otherwise, stay in the column where the cursor is.
blink-matching-paren t If non-nil, blink matching open parenthesis-type character when a corresponding close parenthesis is typed.
blink-matching-paren-distance 25600 Maximum number of characters to search through to find a matching open parenthesis character when a close parenthesis is typed.
blink-matching-delay 1 Number of seconds to pause when blinking a matching parenthesis.
echo-keystrokes 1 Echo prefixes for unfinished commands (e.g., C-) in minibuffer after user pauses for this many seconds; 0 means don't do echoing at all.
insert-default-directory t If non-nil, insert the current directory in the minibuffer when asking for a filename.
highlight-nonselected-windows nil If non-nil, highlight regions in windows other than the one currently selected; applies to GUI displays and others that support highlighting.
mouse-scroll-delay 0.25 Delay, in seconds, between screen scrolls when mouse is clicked and dragged from inside a window to beyond its borders. 0 means scroll as fast as possible.
mouse-scroll-min-lines 1 Scroll at least this many lines when mouse is clicked and dragged up or down beyond a window.

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