Книга: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition

13.2.1 "But I Already Have Emacs"

13.2.1 "But I Already Have Emacs"

Mac OS X comes with a version of Emacs installed: 21.2.1 with Panther (10.3.2) and 21.1.1 with Jaguar (10.2.8). To start this version, use the Terminal application in your Utilities folder (which is inside the Applications folder) and just type emacs.

Figure 13-3 shows the built-in Emacs running in the Terminal application.

Figure 13-3. The Terminal-based Emacs built into Mac OS X

But you should be aware that although it is built-in and certainly the easiest to start using, this version of Emacs has a few shortcomings:

1. It runs, well, you know, in a Terminal.

2. It does not have any of the graphical user interface features such as icons or expected mouse behavior.

3. The Terminal application often supersedes Emacs when handling things like the scrollbars and some key bindings.

If you can live with those restrictions—or have no choice—then feel free to skip the next section on installing Emacs and get on with using the version you have. The vast majority of information in this book still applies.

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