Книга: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition

Command Tables

Command Tables

To find a group of commands quickly, look for tables in each section that summarize commands. These tables are formatted like this:

Keystrokes Command name Action
C-n next-line Move to the next line.
C-x C-f File ? Open File find-file Open a specified file.
(none) yow Print ineffable wisdom from the Pinhead in the minibuffer.

The first column shows the default key binding for the command, the second column shows the command's full name, and the third column describes what the command does. For example, pressing C-n (also known as the next-line command) moves the cursor to the next line in the file. Some commands, like C-x C-f, can also be reached through menus. If there is a menu option for a particular command, it is given in italics below the keystrokes for the command. For example, you can use the find-file command by typing C-x C-f or by selecting Open File from the File menu. Sometimes you'll see (none) in the keystrokes column, which doesn't mean you can't use the command, but rather that the command isn't bound to particular keystrokes. To use commands with no keystrokes, type M-x, followed by the command's full name, and press Enter. (Try typing M-x pong Enter sometime.)

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