Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse



http://www.eclipse.org/ — The official website of the Eclipse Foundation. There’s a lot here and it’s worth taking the time to look through it. Specific features of the website will be explained in more detail as we go along. 

http://eclipse-plugins.2y.net/eclipse/index.jsp/ — Eclipse Plugins. This site will give you a feel for the extent of the Eclipse ecosystem. It lists over 1000 plug-ins, both commercial and Open Source.

http://www.eclipseplugincentral.com/ — Eclipse Plugin Resource Center and Marketplace. Not quite as extensive as Eclipse Plugins, this site lists some 400 plug-ins.

A Google search on “eclipse plugin” returns a great many hits, but except for the two sites listed above, all of the others seem to describe specific plug-ins mostly oriented toward Java and web development.

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