Книга: Distributed operating systems

8.4.1. Ports

8.4.1. Ports

The basis of all communication in Mach is a kernel data structure called a port. A port is essentially a protected mailbox. When a thread in one process wants to communicate with a thread in another process, the sending thread writes the message to the port and the receiving thread takes it out. Each port is protected to ensure that only authorized processes can send to it and receive from it.

Ports support unidirectional communication, like pipes in UNIX. A port that can be used to send a request from a client to a server cannot also be used to send the reply back from the server to the client. A second port is needed for the reply.

Ports support reliable, sequenced, message streams. If a thread sends a message to a port, the system guarantees that it will be delivered. Messages are never lost due to errors, overflow, or other causes (at least if there are no crashes). Messages sent by a single thread are also guaranteed to be delivered in the order sent. If two threads write to the same port in an interleaved fashion, taking turns, the system does not provide any guarantee about message sequencing, since some buffering may take place in the kernel due to locking and other factors.

Unlike pipes, ports support message streams, not byte streams. Messages are never concatenated. If a thread writes five 100-byte messages to a port, the receiver will always see them as five distinct messages, never as a single 500-byte message. Of course, higher-level software can ignore the message boundaries if they are not important to it.

A port is shown in Fig. 8-13. When a port is created, 64 bytes of kernel storage space are allocated and maintained until the port is destroyed, either explicitly, or implicitly under certain conditions, for example, when all the processes that are using it have exited. The port contains the fields shown in Fig. 8-13 and a few others.

Messages are not actually stored in the port itself but in another kernel data structure, the message queue. The port contains a count of the number of messages currently present in the message queue and the maximum permitted. If the port belongs to a port set, a pointer to the port set data structure is present in the port. As we mentioned briefly above, a process can give other processes capabilities to use its ports. For various reasons, the kernel has to know how many capabilities of each type are outstanding, so the port stores the counts.

If certain errors occur when using the port, they are reported by sending messages to other ports whose capabilities are stored there. Threads can block when reading from a port, so a pointer to the list of blocked threads is included. It is also important to be able to find the capability for reading from the port (there can only be one), so that information is present too. If the port is a process port, the next field holds a pointer to the process it belongs to. If it is a thread port, the field holds a pointer to the kernel's data structure for the thread, and so on. A few miscellaneous fields not described here are also needed.

Fig. 8-13. A Mach port.

When a thread creates a port, it gets back an integer identifying the port, analogous to a file descriptor in UNIX. This integer is used in subsequent calls that send messages to the port or receive messages from it in order to identify which port is to be used. Ports are kept track of per process, not per thread, so if one thread creates a port and gets back the integer 3 to identify it, another thread in the same process will never get 3 to identify its new port. The kernel, in fact, does not even maintain a record of which thread created which port.

A thread can pass port access to another thread in a different process. Clearly, it cannot do so merely by putting the appropriate integer in a message, any more than a UNIX process can pass a file descriptor for standard output through a pipe by writing the integer 1 to the pipe. The exact mechanism used is protected by the kernel and will be discussed later. For the moment, it is sufficient to know that it can be done.

In Fig. 8-14 we see a situation in which two processes, A and B, each have access to the same port. A has just sent a message to the port, and B has just read the message. The header and body of the message are physically copied from A to the port and later from the port to B.

Fig. 8-14. Message passing goes via a port.

Ports may be grouped into port sets for convenience. A port may belong to at most one port set. It is possible to read from a port set (but not write to one). A server, for example, can use this mechanism to read from a large number of ports at the same time. The kernel returns one message from one of the ports in the set. No promises are made about which port will be selected. If all the ports are empty, the server is blocked. In this way a server can maintain a different port for each of the many objects that it supports, and get messages for any of them without having to dedicate a thread to each one. The current implementation queues all the messages for the port set onto a single chain. In practice, the only difference between receiving from a port and receiving from a port set is that in the latter, the actual port sent to is identified to the receiver and in the former it is not.

Some ports are used in special ways. Every process has a special process port that it needs to communicate with the kernel. Most of the "system calls" associated with processes (see Fig. 8-3) are done by writing messages to this port. Similarly, each thread also has its own port for doing the "system calls" related to threads. Communication with I/O drivers also uses the port mechanism.


To a first approximation, for each process, the kernel maintains a table of all ports to which the process has access. This table is kept safely inside the kernel, where user processes cannot get at it. Processes refer to ports by their position in this table, that is, entry 1, entry 2, and so on. These table entries are effectively classical capabilities. We will refer to them as capabilities and will call the table containing the capabilities a capability list.

Each process has exactly one capability list. When a thread asks the kernel to create a port for it, the kernel does so and enters a capability for it in the capability list for the process to which the thread belongs. The calling thread and all the other threads in the same process have equal access to the capability. The integer returned to the thread to identify the capability is usually an index into the capability list (but it can also be a large integer, such as a machine address). We will refer to this integer as a capability name, (or sometimes just a capability, where the context makes it clear that we mean the index and not the capability itself). It is always a 32-bit integer, never a string.

Each capability consists not only of a pointer to a port, but also a rights field telling what access the holder of the capability has to the port. (All the threads in a process are equally considered holders of the process' capabilities.) Three rights exist: RECEIVE, SEND, and SEND-ONCE. The RECEIVE right gives the holder the ability to read messages from the port. Earlier we mentioned that communication in Mach is unidirectional. What this really means is that at any instant only one process may have the RECEIVE right for a port. A capability with a RECEIVE right may be transferred to another process, but doing so causes it to be removed from the sender's capability list. Thus for each port there is a single potential receiver.

A capability with the SEND right allows the holder to send messages to the specified port. Many processes may hold capabilities to send to a port. This situation is roughly analogous to the banking system in most countries: anyone who knows a bank account number can deposit money to that account, but only the owner can make withdrawals.

The SEND-ONCE right also allows a message to be sent, but only one time. After the send is done, the kernel destroys the capability. This mechanism is used for request-reply protocols. For example, a client wants something from a server, so it creates a port for the reply message. It then sends the server a request message containing a (protected) capability for the reply port with the SEND-ONCE right. After the server sends the reply, the capability is deallocated from its capability list and the name is made available for a new capability in the future.

Capability names have meaning only within a single process. It is possible for two processes to have access to the same port but use different names for it, just as two UNIX processes may have access to the same open file but use different file descriptors to read it. In Fig. 8-15 both processes have a capability to send to port Y, but in A it is capability 3 and in B it is capability 4.

A capability list is tied to a specific process. When that process exits or is killed, its capability list is removed. Ports for which it holds a capability with the RECEIVE right are no longer usable and are therefore also destroyed, even if they contain undelivered (and now undeliverable) messages.

Fig. 8-15. Capability lists.

If different threads in a process acquire the same capability multiple times, only one entry is made in the capability list. To keep track of how many times each is present, the kernel maintains a reference count for each port. When a capability is deleted, the reference count is decremented. Only when it gets to zero is the capability actually removed from the capability list. This mechanism is important because different threads may acquire and release capabilities without each other's knowledge, for example, the UNIX emulation library and the program being run.

Each capability list entry is one of the following four items:

1. A capability for a port.

2. A capability for a port set.

3. A null entry.

4. A code indicating that the port that was there is now dead.

The first possibility has already been explained in some detail. The second allows a thread to read from a set of ports without even being aware that the capability name is backed up by a set rather than by a single port. The third is a place holder that indicates that the corresponding entry is not currently in use. If an entry is allocated for a port that is later destroyed, the capability is replaced by a null entry to mark it as unused.

Finally, the fourth option marks ports that no longer exist but for which capabilities with SEND rights still exist. When a port is deleted, for example, because the process holding the RECEIVE capability for it has exited, the kernel tracks down all the SEND capabilities and marks them as dead. Attempts to send to null and dead capabilities fail with an appropriate error code. When all the SEND capabilities for a port are gone, for whatever reasons, the kernel (optionally) sends a message notifying the receiver that there are no senders left and no messages will be forthcoming.

Primitives for Managing Ports

Mach provides about 20 calls for managing ports. All of these are invoked by sending a message to a process port. A sampling of the most important ones is given in Fig. 8-16.

Call Description
Allocate Create a port and insert its capability in the capability list
Destroy Destroy a port and remove its capability from the list
Deallocate Remove a capability from the capability list
Extract-right Extract the n-th capability from another process
Insert-right Insert a capability in another process' capability list
Move-member Move a capability into a capability set
Set_qlimit Set the number of messages a port can hold

Fig. 8-16. Selected port management calls in Mach.

The first one, allocate, creates a new port and enters its capability into the caller's capability list. The capability is for reading from the port. A capability name is returned so that the port can be used.

The next two undo the work of the first. Destroy removes a capability. If it is a RECEIVE capability, the port is destroyed and all other capabilities for it in all processes are marked as dead. Deallocate decrements the reference count associated with a capability. If it is zero, the capability is removed but the port remains intact. Deallocate can only be used to remove SEND or SEND-ONCE capabilities or dead capabilities.

Extract_right allows a thread to select out a capability from another process' capability list and insert the capability in its own list. Of course, the calling thread needs access to the process port controlling the other process (e.g., its own child). Insert_right goes the other way. It allows a process to take one of its own capabilities and add it to (for example) a child's capability list.

The move_member call is used for managing port sets. It can add a port to a port set or remove one. Finally, set_qlimit determines the number of messages a port can hold. When a port is created, the default is five messages, but with this call that number can be increased or decreased. The messages can be of any size since they are not physically stored in the port itself.

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