Книга: Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C

Project PDL

Project PDL

At the beginning of the program PORTB and PORTC pins are configured as outputs. The program then enters an endless loop where first of all the Most Significant Digit (MSD) of the number is calculated, function Display is called to find the bit pattern and then sent to the display, and digit 1 is enabled. Then, after a small delay, digit 1 is disabled, the Least Significant Digit (LSD) of the number is calculated, function Display is called to find the bit pattern and then sent to the display, and digit 2 is enabled. Then again after a small delay, digit 2 is disabled, and this process repeats indefinitely. Figure 6.33 shows the PDL of the project. 

 Create SEGMENT table
 Configure PORTB as outputs
 Configure PORTC as outputs
 Initialize CNT to 25
  Find MSD digit
  Get bit pattern from SEGMENT
  Enable digit 1
  Wait for a while
  Disable digit 1
  Find LSD digit
  Get bit pattern from SEGMENT
  Enable digit 2
  Wait for a while
  Disable digit 2

Figure 6.33: PDL of the project

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