Книга: Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C

5.1.4 High-Level Language Simulators

5.1.4 High-Level Language Simulators

High-level language simulators, also known as source-level debuggers, are programs that run on a PC and locate errors in high-level programs. The programmer can set breakpoints in high-level statements, execute the program up to a breakpoint, and then view the values of program variables, the contents of registers, and memory locations at that breakpoint.

A source-level debugger can also invoke hardware-based debugging using a hardware debugger device. For example, the user program on the target microcontroller can be stopped and the values of various variables and registers can be examined.

Some high-level language compilers, including the following three, have built-in source-level debuggers:

• C18 C

• Hi-Tech PIC18 C

• mikroC C

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