Книга: Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C
5.1.3 Simulators
5.1.3 Simulators
A simulator is a computer program that runs on a PC without the microcontroller hardware. It simulates the behavior of the target microcontroller by interpreting the user program instructions using the microcontroller instruction set. Simulators can display the contents of registers, memory, and the status of input-output ports as the user program is interpreted. Breakpoints can be set to stop the program and check the contents of various registers at desired locations. In addition, the user program can be executed in a single-step mode, so the memory and registers can be examined as the program executes one instruction at a time as a key is pressed.
Some assembler programs contain built-in simulators. Three popular PIC18 microcontroller assemblers with built-in simulators are:
• MPLAB IDE (http://www.microchip.com)
• Oshon Software PIC18 simulator (http://www.oshonsoft.com)
• Forest Electronics PIC18 assembler (http://www.fored.co.uk)