Книга: Programming with POSIX® Threads

1.3.2 ... because the world is asynchronous

1.3.2 ... because the world is asynchronous

Thinking asynchronously can seem awkward at first, but it'll become natural with a little practice. Start by getting over the unnatural expectation that everything will happen serially unless you do something "unusual." On a one-lane road cars proceed one at a time—but on a two-lane road two cars go at once. You can go out for a cup of coffee, leaving your computer compiling some code and fully expecting that it will proceed without you. Parallelism happens everywhere in the real world, and you expect it.

A row of cashiers in a store serve customers in parallel; the customers in each line generally wait their turn. You can improve throughput by opening more lines, as long as there are registers and cashiers to serve them, and enough customers to be served by them. Creating two lines for the same register may avoid confusion by keeping lines shorter—but nobody will get served faster. Opening three registers to serve two customers may look good, but it is just a waste of resources.

In an assembly line, workers perform various parts of the complete job in parallel, passing work down the line. Adding a station to the line may improve performance if it parallels or subdivides a step in the assembly that was so complicated that the operator at the next station spent a lot of time waiting for each piece. Beware of improving one step so much that it generates more work than the next step on the assembly line can handle.

In an office, each project may be assigned to a "specialist." Common specialties include marketing, management, engineering, typing pool, sales, support, and so forth. Each specialist handles her project independently on behalf of the customer or some other specialist, reporting back in some fashion when done. Assigning a second specialist to some task, or defining narrower specialties (for example, assigning an engineer or manager permanently to one product) may improve performance as long as there's enough work to keep her busy. If not, some specialists play games while others' in-baskets overflow.

Motor vehicles move in parallel on a highway. They can move at different speeds, pass each other, and enter and exit the highway independently. The drivers must agree to certain conventions in order to avoid collisions. Despite speed limits and traffic signs, compliance with the "rules of the road" is mostly voluntary. Similarly, threads must be coded to "agree" to rules that protect the program, or risk ending up undergoing emergency debugging at the thread hospital.

Software can apply parallelism in the same ways you might use it in real life, and for the same reasons. When you have more than one "thing" capable of doing work, you naturally expect them to all do work at the same time. A multiprocessor system can perform multiple computations, and any time-sharing system can perform computations while waiting for an external device to respond. Software

parallelism is subject to all of the complications and problems that we have seen in real life—and the solutions may not be as easy to see or to apply. You need enough threads, but not too many; enough communication, but not too much. A key to good threaded programming is learning how to judge the proper balance for each situation.

Each thread can process similar parts of a problem, just like supermarket cashiers handling customers. Each thread can perform a specific operation on each data item in turn, just like the workers on an assembly line. Each thread can specialize in some specific operation and perform that operation repeatedly on behalf of other threads. You can combine these basic models in all sorts of ways; for example, in parallel assembly lines with some steps performed by a pool of servers.

As you read this book you'll be introduced to concepts that may seem unfamiliar: mutexes, condition variables, race conditions, deadlocks, and priority inversions. Threaded programming may feel daunting and unnatural. But I'll explain all those concepts as we move through this book, and once you've been writing multithreaded code for a while you may find yourself noticing real-world analogies to the concepts. Threads and all this other stuff are formalized and restricted representations of things you already understand.

If you find yourself thinking that someone shouldn't interrupt you because you have the conversation mutex locked, you've begun to develop an intuitive understanding of threaded programming. You can apply that understanding to help you design better threaded code with less effort. If something wouldn't make sense in real life, you probably shouldn't try it in a program either.

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