Книга: Embedded Linux Primer: A Practical, Real-World Approach

14.4.2. Debugging with a JTAG Probe

14.4.2. Debugging with a JTAG Probe

Instead of interfacing directly with a JTAG probe via its user interface, many JTAG probes can interface with your source-level debugger. By far the most popular debugger supported by hardware probes is the gdb debugger. In this usage scenario, gdb is instructed to begin a debug session with the target via an external connection, usually an Ethernet connection. Rather than communicate directly with the JTAG probe via a user interface, the debugger passes commands back and forth between itself and the JTAG probe. In this model, the JTAG probe uses the gdb remote protocol to control the hardware on behalf of the debugger. Refer again to Figure 14-6 for connection details.

JTAG probes are especially useful for source-level debugging of bootloader and early startup code. In this example, we demonstrate the use of gdb and an Abatron BDI-2000 for debugging portions of the U-Boot bootloader on a PowerPC target board.

Many processors contain debugging registers that include the capability to set traditional address breakpoints (stop when the program reaches a specific address) as well as data breakpoints (stop on conditional access of a specified memory address). When debugging code resident in read-only memory such as Flash, this is the only way to set a breakpoint. However, these registers are typically limited. Many processors contain only one or two such registers. This limitation must be understood before using hardware breakpoints. The following example demonstrates this.

Using a setup such as that shown in Figure 14-6, assume that our target board has U-Boot stored in Flash. When we presented bootloaders in Chapter 7, you learned that U-Boot and other bootloaders typically copy themselves into RAM as soon as possible after startup. This is because hardware read (and write) cycles from RAM are orders of magnitude faster than typical read-only memory devices such as Flash. This presents two specific debugging challenges. First, we cannot modify the contents of read-only memory (to insert a software breakpoint), so we must rely on processor-supported breakpoint registers for this purpose.

The second challenge comes from the fact that only one of the execution contexts (Flash or RAM) can be represented by the ELF executable file from which gdb reads its symbolic debugging information. In the case of U-Boot, it is linked for the Flash environment where it is initially stored. The early code relocates itself and performs any necessary address adjustments. This means that we need to work with gdb within both of these execution contexts. Listing 14-21 shows an example of such a debug session.

Listing 14-21. U-Boot Debugging Using JTAG Probe

$ ppc-linux-gdb --silent u-boot
(gdb) target remote bdi:2001
Remote debugging using bdi:2001
_start () at /home/chris/sandbox/u-boot-1.1.4/cpu/mpc5xxx/start.S:91
91        li      r21, BOOTFLAG_COLD   /* Normal Power-On */
Current language:  auto; currently asm
<< Debug a flash resident code snippet >>
(gdb) mon break hard
(gdb) b board_init_f
Breakpoint 1 at 0xfff0457c: file board.c, line 366.
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 1, board_init_f (bootflag=0x7fc3afc) at board.c:366
366             gd = (gd_t *) (CFG_INIT_RAM_ADDR + CFG_GBL_DATA_OFFSET);
Current language: auto; currently c
(gdb) bt
#0 board_init_f (bootflag=0x1) at board.c:366
#1 0xfff0456c in board_init_f (bootflag=0x1) at board.c:353
(gdb) i frame
Stack level 0, frame at 0xf000bf50:
 pc = 0xfff0457c in board_init_f (board.c:366); saved pc 0xfff0456c
  called by frame at 0xf000bf78
  source language c.
  Arglist at 0xf000bf50, args: bootflag=0x1
  Locals at 0xf000bf50, Previous frame's sp is 0x0
<< Now debug a memory resident code snippet after relocation >>
(gdb) del 1
(gdb) symbol-file
Discard symbol table from '/home/chris/sandbox/u-boot-1.1.4-powerdna/u-boot'?
(y or n) y
No symbol file now.
(gdb) add-symbol-file u-boot 0x7fa8000
add symbol table from file "u-boot" at
        .text_addr = 0x7fa8000
(y or n) y
Reading symbols from u-boot...done.
(gdb) b board_init_r
Breakpoint 2 at 0x7fac6c0: file board.c, line 608.
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 2, board_init_r (id=0x7f85f84, dest_addr=0x7f85f84) at board.c:608
608             gd = id;      /* initialize RAM version of global data */
(gdb) i frame
Stack level 0, frame at 0x7f85f38:
 pc = 0x7fac6c0 in board_init_r (board.c:608); saved pc 0x7fac6b0
 called by frame at 0x7f85f68
 source language c.
 Arglist at 0x7f85f38, args: dest_addr=0x7f85f84
 Locals at 0x7f85f38, Previous frame's sp is 0x0
(gdb) mon break soft

Study this example carefully. Some subtleties are definitely worth taking the time to understand. First, we connect to the Abatron BDI-2000 using the target remote command. The IP address in this case is that of the Abatron unit, represented by the symbolic name bdi.[98] The Abatron BDI-2000 uses port 2001 for its remote gdb protocol connection.

Next we issue a command to the BDI-2000 using the gdb mon command. The mon command tells gdb to pass the rest of the command directly to the remote hardware device. Therefore, mon break hard sets the BDI-2000 into hardware breakpoint mode.

We then set a hardware breakpoint at board_init_f. This is a routine that executes while still running out of Flash memory at address 0xfff0457c. After the breakpoint is defined, we issue the continue c command to resume execution. Immediately, the breakpoint at board_init_f is encountered, and we are free to do the usual debugging activities, including stepping through code and examining data. You can see that we have issued the bt command to examine the stack backtrace and the i frame command to examine the details of the current stack frame.

Now we continue execution again, but this time we know that U-Boot copies itself to RAM and resumes execution from its copy in RAM. So we need to change the debugging context while keeping the debugging session alive. To accomplish this, we discard the current symbol table (symbol-file command with no arguments) and load in the same symbol file again using the add-symbol-file command. This time, we instruct gdb to offset the symbol table to match where U-Boot has relocated itself to memory. This ensures that our source code and symbolic debugging information match the actual memory resident image.

After the new symbol table is loaded, we can add a breakpoint to a location that we know will reside in RAM when it is executed. This is where one of the subtle complications is exposed. Because we know that U-Boot is currently running in Flash but is about to move itself to RAM and jump to its RAM-based copy, we must still use a hardware breakpoint. Consider what happens at this point if we use a software breakpoint. gdb dutifully writes the breakpoint opcode into the specified memory location, but U-Boot overwrites it when it copies itself to RAM. The net result is that the breakpoint is never hit, and we begin to suspect that our tools are broken. After U-Boot has entered the RAM copy and our symbol table has been updated to reflect the RAM-based addresses, we are free to use RAM-based breakpoints. This is reflected by the last command in Listing 14-21 setting the Abatron unit back to soft breakpoint mode.

Why do we care about using hardware versus software breakpoints? If we had unlimited hardware breakpoint registers, we wouldn't. But this is never the case. Here is what it looks like when you run out of processor-supported hardware breakpoint registers during a debug session:

(gdb) b flash_init
Breakpoint 3 at 0x7fbebe0: file flash.c, line 70.
(gdb) c
warning: Cannot insert breakpoint 3:
Error accessing memory address 0x7fbebe0: Unknown error 4294967295.

Because we are debugging remotely, we aren't told about the resource constraint until we try to resume after entering additional breakpoints. This is because of the way gdb handles breakpoints. When a breakpoint is hit, gdb restores all the breakpoints with the original opcodes for that particular memory location. When it resumes execution, it restores the breakpoint opcodes at the specified locations. You can observe this behavior by enabling gdb 's remote debug mode:

(gdb) set debug remote 1

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