Книга: Windows Server 2012 R2 Storage, Security, & Networking Pocket Consultant
User and computer script management
You can configure four types of scripts with Windows Server:
? Computer Startup Executed during startup
? Computer Shutdown Executed prior to shutdown
? User Logon Executed when a user logs on
? User Logoff Executed when a user logs off
Windows supports scripts written as command-shell batch scripts ending with the.bat or.cmd extension or scripts that use the Windows Script Host (WSH). WSH is a feature of Windows Server that enables you to use scripts written in a scripting language, such as VBScript, without needing to insert the script into a webpage. To provide a multipurpose scripting environment, WSH relies on scripting engines. A scripting engine is the component that defines the core syntax and structure of a particular scripting language. Windows Server ships with scripting engines for VBScript and JScript. Other scripting engines are also available.
Beginning with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, current Windows operating systems also support Windows PowerShell scripts. When Windows PowerShell is installed on computers that process a particular GPO, you can use Windows PowerShell scripts in much the same way as you use other scripts. You have the option of running Windows PowerShell scripts before or after other types of scripts.
- Разработка приложений баз данных InterBase на Borland Delphi
- Open Source Insight and Discussion
- Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- Chapter 6. Traversing of tables and chains
- Chapter 8. Saving and restoring large rule-sets
- Chapter 11. Iptables targets and jumps
- Chapter 12. Debugging your scripts
- Chapter 5 Installing and Configuring VirtualCenter 2.0
- Chapter 14. Example scripts
- Chapter 15. Graphical User Interfaces for Iptables
- Chapter 16. Commercial products based on Linux, iptables and netfilter
- Appendix A. Detailed explanations of special commands