Книга: Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Exam Preparation Kit
Hardware and Software Exceptions
Hardware and Software Exceptions
Windows Embedded CE uses the same structured exception handling (SEH) approach for all hardware and software exceptions. The central processing unit (CPU) can raise hardware exceptions in response to invalid instruction sequences, such as division by zero or an access violation caused by an attempt to access an invalid memory address. Drivers, system applications, and user applications, on the other hand, can raise software exceptions to invoke the operating system's SEH mechanisms by using the RaiseException function. For example, you can raise an exception if a required device is not accessible (such as a USB camera or a database connection), if the user specified an invalid command-line parameter, or for any other reason that requires you to run special instructions outside the normal code path. You can specify several parameters in the RaiseException function call to specify information that describes the exception. This specification can then be used in the filter expression of an exception handler.
- Chapter 12 Exception Handling
- Exception Handling Overview
- Exception Handling and Kernel Debugging
- Разработка приложений баз данных InterBase на Borland Delphi
- Open Source Insight and Discussion
- Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- Chapter 6. Traversing of tables and chains
- Chapter 8. Saving and restoring large rule-sets
- Chapter 11. Iptables targets and jumps
- Chapter 5 Installing and Configuring VirtualCenter 2.0
- Chapter 16. Commercial products based on Linux, iptables and netfilter
- Appendix A. Detailed explanations of special commands