Книга: Linux Network Administrator Guide, Second Edition

A More Complex ncpmount Example

A More Complex ncpmount Example

Let's look at a more complex ncpmount example involving a number of the features we've described. First, let's build a simple ~/.nwclient file:

# NetWare login details for the Virtual Brewery and Winery
# Brewery Login
ALES_F1/MATT staoic1
# Winery Login
REDS01/MATT staoic1

Make sure its permissions are correct:

$ chmod 600 ~/.nwclient

Let's mount one volume of the Winery's server under a subdirectory of a shared directory, specifying the file and directory permissions such that others may share the data from there:

$ ncpmount -S REDS01 -V RESEARCH -f 0664 -d 0775 /usr/share/winery/data/

This command, in combination with the ~/.nwclient file shown, would mount the RESEARCH volume of the REDS01 server onto the /usr/share/winery/data/ directory using the NetWare login ID of MATT and the password retrieved from the ~/.nwclient file. The permissions of the mounted files are 0664 and the directory permissions are 0775.

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