Книга: Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems

10.5 Processing General Exceptions

Having introduced the fundamentals of exceptions and external interrupts, it is time to discuss processing exceptions and external interrupts. The overall exception handling mechanism is similar to the mechanism for interrupt handling. In a simplified view, the processor takes the following steps when an exception or an external interrupt is raised:

· Save the current processor state information.

· Load the exception or interrupt handling function into the program counter.

· Transfer control to the handler function and begin execution.

· Restore the processor state information after the handler function completes.

· Return from the exception or interrupt and resume previous execution.

A typical handler function does the following:

· Switch to an exception frame or an interrupt stack.

· Save additional processor state information.

· Mask the current interrupt level but allow higher priority interrupts to occur.

· Perform a minimum amount of work so that a dedicated task can complete the main processing.

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