Êíèãà: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition

Table B-8. Games and amusements

Table B-8. Games and amusements

Table B-8. Games and amusements

Package Description Startup
animate Draws animated text. animate-birthday-present
blackbox Major mode to play the Blackbox game. blackbox-mode
decipher Major mode to cryptanalyze monoalphabetic substitution ciphers (break simple codes). decipher
dissociate Randomly scramble text. dissociated-press
doctor Major mode for playing the famous "psychoanalyst" game. doctor
dunnet Major mode for playing an adventure game. dunnet
gomoku Major mode for playing Gomoku. gomoku
hanoi Solve the Towers of Hanoi puzzle for you. hanoi
life Explore cellular automata using John Conway's "life" game rules. life
mpuz Generate a random multiplication puzzle. mpuz
snake Steer an animated snake towards food without hitting yourself or the walls. snake
solitaire Play the peg solitaire game. solitaire
studly Randomly capitalize letters for that polished, professional look. studlify-region
tetris Guide falling tiles to complete rows. tetris
yow Print a random quotation from Zippy the Pinhead. yow
zone Rearrange your buffer in a hypnotic way. zone

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