Êíèãà: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition Using the C-x 8 prefix Using the C-x 8 prefix

You can also insert a wide range of entities using C-x 8 after you do some setup.[45] First enter SGML name entity mode by typing C-c 8. Next specify Latin-1 as your character set by typing C-x Enter k latin-1 Enter. You can then enter a large number of entities by typing commands prefixed with C-x 8. For example, to insert the entity for a yen symbol, type C-x 8 Y. Watch the minibuffer. The literal character will appear in the minibuffer as the entity is inserted. Both ISO accents mode and the C-x 8 prefixes allow you to type a single undo command (C-_) to translate the entity back into the literal character.

Table 8-2 provides a list of accented characters and the bindings that help insert them. Table 8-3 lists other named entities including punctuation marks and symbols.

Table 8-2. Bindings for inserting entities for accented characters[46]

C-x 8 prefix keystrokes ISO accents mode shortcut Character entity Character displayed in browser
C-x 8 " " ´ ?
C-x 8 ' a ' a á ?
C-x 8 ' A ' A Á ?
C-x 8 ' e ' e é ?
C-x 8 ' E ' E É ?
C-x 8 ' i ' i í ?
C-x 8 ' I ' I Í ?
C-x 8 ' o ' o ó ?
C-x 8 ' O ' O Ó ?
C-x 8 ' u ' u ú ?
C-x 8 ' U ' U Ú ?
C-x 8 ' y ' y ý ?
C-x 8 ' Y ' Y Ý ?
C-x 8 ` a ` a à ?
C-x 8 ` A ` A À ?
C-x 8 ` e ` e è ?
C-x 8 ` E ` E È ?
C-x 8 ` i ` i ì ?
C-x 8 ` I ` I Ì ?
C-x 8 ` o ` o ò ?
C-x 8 ` O ` O Ò ?
C-x 8 ` u ` u ù ?
C-x 8 ` U ` U Ù ?
C-x 8 ^ a ^ a â ?
C-x 8 ^ A ^ A Â ?
C-x 8 ^ e ^ e ê ?
C-x 8 ^ E ^ E Ê ?
C-x 8 ^ i ^ i î ?
C-x 8 ^ I ^ I Î ?
C-x 8 ^ o ^ o ô ?
C-x 8 ^ O ^ O Ô ?
C-x 8 ^ u ^ u û ?
C-x 8 ^ U ^ U Û ?
C-x 8 " " " " ¨ ?
C-x 8 " a " a ä ?
C-x 8 " A " A Ä ?
C-x 8 " e " e ë ?
C-x 8 " E " E Ë ?
C-x 8 " i " i ï ?
C-x 8 " I " I Ï ?
C-x 8 " o " o ö ?
C-x 8 " O " O Ö ?
C-x 8 " u " u ü ?
C-x 8 " U " U Ü ?
C-x 8 " s " s ß ?
C-x 8 " y " y ÿ ?
C-x 8 " Y " Y Ÿ ?
C-x 8 ~ ~   ¬ ¬
C-x 8 ~ a ~ a ã ?
C-x 8 ~ A ~ A Ã ?
C-x 8 ~ d ~ d ð ?
C-x 8 ~ D ~ D Ð ?
C-x 8 ~ n ~ n ñ ?
C-x 8 ~ N ~ N Ñ ?
C-x 8 ~ o ~ o õ ?
C-x 8 ~ O ~ O Õ ?
C-x 8 ~ t ~ t þ ?
C-x 8 ~ T ~ T Þ ?
C-x 8 / /   ÷ ?
C-x 8 o / / ˚ °
C-x 8 / a / a å ?
C-x 8 / A / A Å ?
C-x 8 / e / e æ ?
C-x 8 / E / E Æ ?
C-x 8 / o / o ø ?
C-x 8 / O / O Ø ?
C-x 8 , , ~~ ¸ ?
C-x 8 , c ~c ç ?
C-x 8 , C ~C Ç ?

Table 8-3. Bindings for inserting entities for punctuation and symbols

C-x 8 prefix keystrokes Character entity Character displayed in browser
C-x 8 1 / 2 ½ ?
C-x 8 1 / 4 ¼ ?
C-x 8 3 / 4 ¾ ?
C-x 8 SPC   nonbreaking space
C-x 8 ! ¡ ?
C-x 8 $ ¤ ¤
C-x 8 + ± ±
C-x 8 - ­ soft hyphen
C-x 8 . · ·
C-x 8 < &laquo; «
C-x 8 = &macr; ?
C-x 8 > &raquo; »
C-x 8 ? &iquest; ?
C-x 8 | &brvbar; ¦
C-x 8 c &cent; ?
C-x 8 C &copy; ©
C-x 8 L &pound; ?
C-x 8 P &para;
C-x 8 R &reg; ®
C-x 8 S &sect; §
C-x 8 u &micro; µ
C-x 8 x &#215; ?
C-x 8 Y &yen; ?
C-x 8 ^ 1 &sup1; ?
C-x 8 ^ 2 &sup2; ?
C-x 8 ^ 3 &sup3; ?
C-x 8 _ a &ordf; ?
C-x 8 _ o &ordm; ?

Table 8-4 lists HTML mode commands.

Table 8-4. HTML mode commands

Keystrokes Command name Action
(none) html-mode Enter HTML mode.
C-c C-t SGML ? Insert Tag sgml-tag Inserts a tag, prompting for attributes. If you enter html as the tag name, inserts a template html file.
C-c Tab SGML ? Toggle Tag Visibility sgml-tags-invisible Hides or shows the tags in the file.
C-c C-v SGML ? View Buffer Contents browse-url-of-buffer Display buffer in default browser.
C-c C-s html-autoview- mode If this mode is on (this command toggles it), display file in browser each time it is saved in Emacs.
C-c 8 sgml-name-8bit-mode If turned on, certain keystrokes for inserting Latin-1 characters are captured and replaced with the appropriate entities. See "Character encoding in HTML mode" for details.
C-c C-f SGML ? Forward Tag sgml-skip-tag-forward Move forward to the next tag of the same level.
C-c C-b SGML ? Backward Tag sgml-skip-tag-backward Move backward to previous tag of the same level.
C-c Del orC-c C-d SGML ? Delete Tag sgml-delete-tag With cursor on or before a tag, deletes tag or tag pair.
C-c 1 html-headline-1 Insert an <h1>.
C-c 2 html-headline-2 Insert an <h2>.
C-c 3 html-headline-3 Insert an <h3>.
C-c 4 html-headline-4 Insert an <h4>.
C-c 5 html-headline-5 Insert an <h5>.
C-c 6 html-headline-6 Insert an <h6> (useful for footnote text) .
C-c Enter html-paragraph Insert <p> tag.
C-c C-c h HTML ? Href Anchor html-href-anchor Insert a hyperlink.
C-c C-c n HTML ? Name Anchor html-name-anchor Insert an anchor so that a link can be created to the anchored part of the page.
C-c C-c u HTML ? Unordered List html-unordered-list Create a bulleted list.
C-c C-c o HTML ? Ordered List html-ordered-list Create a numbered list.
C-c C-c l HTML ? List Item html-list-item Add an item to a list.
C-c C-c i HTML ? Image html-image Insert <img src=""> and position cursor for you to enter filename of image.
C-c C-j HTML ? Line Break html-line Insert a line break (<br>).
C-c C-c - HTML ? Horizontal Rule html-horizontal-rule Insert a horizontal rule (<hr>).
C-c C-c r html-radio-buttons Insert a group of radio buttons. Emacs prompts for a name for the group, then repeatedly for value, whether it should be checked, and associated text. Press C-g to complete the group.
C-c C-c c HTML ? Checkboxes html-checkboxes Insert a group of checkboxes. Emacs prompts for a name for the group, then repeatedly for value, whether it should be checked, and associated text. Press C-g to complete the group.
C-c ? SGML ? Describe Tag sgml-tag-help Provide brief verbal description of tag at cursor position.

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