Книга: Distributed operating systems

10.2.1. Introduction to DCE Threads

10.2.1. Introduction to DCE Threads

The DCE threads package is based on the P1003.4a POSIX standard. It is a collection of user-level library procedures that allow processes to create, delete, and manipulate threads. However, if the host system comes with a (kernel) threads package, the vendor can set up DCE to use it. The basic calls are for creating and deleting threads, waiting for a thread, and synchronizing computation between threads. Many other calls are provided for handling all the details and other functions.

A thread can be in one of four states, as shown in Fig. 10-3. A running thread is one that is actively using the CPU to do computation. A ready thread is willing and able to run, but cannot run because the CPU is currently busy running another thread. In contrast, a waiting thread is one that logically cannot run because it is waiting for some event to happen (e.g., a mutex to be unlocked). Finally, a terminated thread is one that has exited but has not yet been deleted and whose memory (i.e., stack space) has not yet been recovered. Only when another thread explicitly deletes it does a thread vanish.

On a machine with one CPU, only one thread can be actually running at a given instant. On a multiprocessor, several threads within a single process can be running at once, on different CPUs (true parallelism).

State Description
Running The thread is actively using the CPU
Ready The thread wants to run
Waiting The thread is blocked waiting for some event
Terminated The thread has exited but not yet been destroyed

Fig. 10-3. A thread can be in one of four states.

The threads package has been designed to minimize the impact on existing software, so programs designed for a single-threaded environment can be converted to multithreaded processes with a minimum of work. Ideally, a single-threaded program can be converted into a multithreaded one just by setting a parameter indicating that more threads should be used. However, problems can arise in three areas.

The first problem relates to signals. Signals can be left in their default state, ignored, or caught. Some signals are synchronous, caused specifically by the running thread. These include floating-point exception, causing a memory protection violation, and having your own timer go off. Others are asynchronous, caused by some external agency, such as the user hitting the DEL key to interrupt the running process.

When a synchronous signal occurs, it is handled by the current thread, except that if it is neither ignored nor caught, the entire process is killed. When an asynchronous signal occurs, the threads package checks to see if any threads are waiting for it. If so, it is passed to all the threads that want to handle it.

The second problem relates to the standard library, most of whose procedures are not reentrant. It can happen that a thread is busy allocating memory when a clock interrupt forces a thread switch. At the moment of the switch, the memory allocator's internal data structures may be inconsistent, which will cause problems if the newly scheduled thread tries to allocate some memory.

This problem is solved by providing jackets around some of the library procedures (mostly I/O procedures) that provide mutual exclusion for the individual calls. For the other procedures, a single global mutex makes sure that only one thread at a time is active in the library. The library procedures, such as read and fork are all jacketed procedures that handle the mutual exclusion and then call another (hidden) procedure to do the work. This solution is something of a quick hack. A better solution would be to provide a proper reentrant library.

The third problem has to do with the fact that UNIX system calls return their error status in a global variable, errno. If one thread makes a system call but just after the call completes, another thread is scheduled and it, too, makes a system call, the original value of errno will be lost. A solution is provided by providing an alternative error handling interface. It consists of a macro that allows the programmer to inspect a thread-specific version of errno that is saved and restored upon thread switches. This solution avoids the need to examine the global version of errno. In addition, it is also possible to have system calls indicate errors by raising exceptions, thus bypassing the problem altogether.

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