Книга: Distributed operating systems

1.5.5. Scalability

1.5.5. Scalability

Most current distributed systems are designed to work with a few hundred CPUs. It is possible that future systems will be orders of magnitude larger, and solutions that work well for 200 machines will fail miserably for 200,000,000. Consider the following. The French PTT (Post, Telephone and Telegraph administration) is in the process of installing a terminal in every household and business in France. The terminal, known as a minitel, will allow online access to a data base containing all the telephone numbers in France, thus eliminating the need for printing and distributing expensive telephone books. It will also vastly reduce the need for information operators who do nothing but give out telephone numbers all day. It has been calculated that the system will pay for itself within a few years. If the system works in France, other countries will inevitably adopt similar systems.

Once all the terminals are in place, the possibility of also using them for electronic mail (especially in conjunction with printers) is clearly present. Since postal services lose a huge amount of money in every country in the world, and telephone services are enormously profitable, there are great incentives to having electronic mail replace paper mail.

Next comes interactive access to all kinds of data bases and services, from electronic banking to reserving places in planes, trains, hotels, theaters, and restaurants, to name just a few. Before long, we have a distributed system with tens of millions of users. The question is: Will the methods we are currently developing scale to such large systems?

Although little is known about such huge distributed systems, one guiding principle is clear: avoid centralized components, tables, and algorithms (see Fig. 1-15). Having a single mail server for 50 million users would not be a good idea. Even if it had enough CPU and storage capacity, the network capacity into and out of it would surely be a problem. Furthermore, the system would not tolerate faults well. A single power outage could bring the entire system down. Finally, most mail is local. Having a message sent by a user in Marseille to another user two blocks away pass through a machine in Paris is not the way to go.

Concept Example
Centralized components A single mail server for all users
Centralized tables A single on-line telephone book
Centralized algorithms Doing routing based on complete information

Fig. 1-15. Potential bottlenecks that designers should try to avoid in very large distributed systems.

Centralized tables are almost as bad as centralized components. How should one keep track of the telephone numbers and addresses of 50 million people? Suppose that each data record could be fit into 50 characters. A single 2.5-gigabyte disk would provide enough storage. But here again, having a single data base would undoubtedly saturate all the communication lines into and out of it. It would also be vulnerable to failures (a single speck of dust could cause a head crash and bring down the entire directory service). Furthermore, here too, valuable network capacity would be wasted shipping queries far away for processing.

Finally, centralized algorithms are also a bad idea. In a large distributed system, an enormous number of messages have to be routed over many lines. From a theoretical point of view, the optimal way to do this is collect complete information about the load on all machines and lines, and then run a graph theory algorithm to compute all the optimal routes. This information can then be spread around the system to improve the routing.

The trouble is that collecting and transporting all the input and output information would again be a bad idea for the reasons discussed above. In fact, any algorithm that operates by collecting information from all sites, sends it to a single machine for processing, and then distributes the results must be avoided. 

Only decentralized algorithms should be used. These algorithms generally have the following characteristics, which distinguish them from centralized algorithms:

1. No machine has complete information about the system state.

2. Machines make decisions based only on local information.

3. Failure of one machine does not ruin the algorithm.

4. There is no implicit assumption that a global clock exists.

The first three follow from what we have said so far. The last is perhaps less obvious, but also important. Any algorithm that starts out with: "At precisely 12:00:00 all machines shall note the size of their output queue" will fail because it is impossible to get all the clocks exactly synchronized. Algorithms should take into account the lack of exact clock synchronization. The larger the system, the larger the uncertainty. On a single LAN, with considerable effort it may be possible to get all clocks synchronized down to a few milliseconds, but doing this nationally is tricky. We will discuss distributed clock synchronization in Chap. 3.

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