Книга: Distributed operating systems

7.3.2. Threads

7.3.2. Threads

Amoeba supports a simple threads model. When a process starts up, it has one thread. During execution, the process can create additional threads, and existing threads can terminate. The number of threads is therefore completely dynamic. When a new thread is created, the parameters to the call specify the procedure to run and the size of the initial stack.

Although all threads in a process share the same program text and global data, each thread has its own stack, its own stack pointer, and its own copy of the machine registers. In addition, if a thread wants to create and use variables that are global to all its procedures but invisible to other threads, library procedures are provided for that purpose. Such variables are called glocal. One library procedure allocates a block of glocal memory of whatever size is requested, and returns a pointer to it. Blocks of glocal memory are referred to by integers. A system call is available for a thread to acquire its glocal pointer.

Three methods are provided for threads to synchronize: signals, mutexes, and semaphores. Signals are asynchronous interrupts sent from one thread to another thread in the same process. They are conceptually similar to UNIX signals, except that they are between threads rather than between processes. Signals can be raised, caught, or ignored. Asynchronous interrupts between processes use the stun mechanism.

The second form of interthread communication is the mutex. A mutex is like a binary semaphore. It can be in one of two states, locked or unlocked. Trying to lock an unlocked mutex causes it to become locked. The calling thread continues. Trying to lock a mutex that is already locked causes the calling thread to block until another thread unlocks the mutex. If more than one thread is waiting on a mutex, when the mutex is unlocked, exactly one thread is released. In addition to the calls to lock and unlock mutexes, there is also one that tries to lock a mutex, but if it is unable to do so within a specified interval, times out and returns an error code. Mutexes are fair and respect thread priorities.

The third way that threads can communicate is by counting semaphores.

These are slower than mutexes, but there are times when they are needed. They work in the usual way, except that here too an additional call is provided to allow a DOWN operation to time out if it is unable to succeed within a specified interval.

All threads are managed by the kernel. The advantage of this design is that when a thread does an RPC, the kernel can block that thread and schedule another one in the same process if one is ready. Thread scheduling is done using priorities, with kernel threads getting higher priority than user threads. Thread scheduling can be set up to be either pre-emptive or run-to-completion (i.e., threads continue to run until they block), as the process wishes.

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