Книга: Distributed operating systems

6.5.1. Munin

6.5.1. Munin

Munin is a DSM system that is fundamentally based on software objects, but which can place each object on a separate page so the hardware MMU can be used for detecting accesses to shared objects (Bennett et al., 1990; and Carter et al., 1991, 1993). The basic model used by Munin is that of multiple processors, each with a paged linear address space in which one or more threads are running a slightly modified multiprocessor program. The goal of the Munin project is to take existing multiprocessor programs, make minor changes to them, and have them run efficiently on multicomputer systems using a form of DSM. Good performance is achieved by a variety of techniques to be described below, including the use of release consistency instead of sequential consistency.

The changes consist of annotating the declarations of the shared variables with the keyword shared, so that the compiler can recognize them. Information about the expected usage pattern can also be supplied, to permit certain important special cases to be recognized and optimized. By default, the compiler puts each shared variable on a separate page, although large shared variables, such as arrays, may occupy multiple pages. It is also possible for the programmer to specify that multiple shared variables of the same Munin type be put in the same page. Mixing types does not work since the consistency protocol used for a page depends on the type of variables on it.

To run the compiled program, a root process is started up on one of the processors. This process may generate new processes on other processors, which then run in parallel with the main one and communicate with it and with each other by using the shared variables, as normal multiprocessor programs do. Once started on a particular processor, a process does not move.

Accesses to shared variables are done using the CPU's normal read and write instructions. No special protected methods are used. If an attempt is made to use a shared variable that is not present, a page fault occurs, and the Munin system gets control.

Synchronization for mutual exclusion is handled in a special way and is closely related to the memory consistency model. Lock variables may be declared, and library procedures are provided for locking and unlocking them. Barriers, condition variables, and other synchronization variables are also supported.

Release Consistency

Munin is based on a software implementation of (eager) release consistency. For the theoretical baggage, see the paper by Gharachorloo et al. (1990). What Munin does is to provide the tools for users to structure their programs around critical regions, defined dynamically by acquire (entry) and release (exit) calls. 

Writes to shared variables must occur inside critical regions; reads can occur inside or outside. While a process is active inside a critical region, the system gives no guarantees about the consistency of shared variables, but when a critical region is exited, the shared variables modified since the last release are brought up to date on all machines. For programs that obey this programming model, the distributed shared memory acts like it is sequentially consistent. Munin distinguishes three classes of variables:

1. Ordinary variables.

2. Shared data variables.

3. Synchronization variables.

Ordinary variables are not shared and can be read and written only by the process that created them. Shared data variables are visible to multiple processes and appear sequentially consistent, provided that all processes use them only in critical regions. They must be declared as such, but are accessed using normal read and write instructions. Synchronization variables, such as locks and barriers, are special, and are only accessible via system-supplied access procedures, such as lock and unlock for locks and increment and wait for barriers. It is these procedures that make the distributed shared memory work.

Fig. 6-30. Release consistency in Munin.

The basic operation of Munin's release consistency is illustrated in Fig. 6-30 for three cooperating processes, each running on a different machine. At a certain moment, process 1 wants to enter a critical region of code protected by the lock L (all critical regions must be protected by some synchronization variable). The lock statement makes sure that no other well-behaved process is currently executing this critical region. Then the three shared variables, a, b, and c, are accessed using normal machine instructions. Finally, unlock is called and the results are propagated to all other machines which maintain copies of a, b, or c. These changes are packed into a minimal number of messages. Accesses to these variables on other machines while process 1 is still inside its critical region produce undefined results.

Multiple Protocols

In addition to using release consistency, Munin also uses other techniques for improving performance. Chief among these is allowing the programmer to annotate shared variable declarations by classifying each one into one of four categories, as follows:

1. Read-only.

2. Migratory.

3. Write-shared

4. Conventional.

Originally, Munin supported some other categories as well, but experience showed them to be of only marginal value, so they were dropped. Each machine maintains a directory listing each variable, telling, among other things, which category it belongs to. For each category, a different protocol is used.

Read-only variables are easiest. When a reference to a read-only variable causes a page fault, Munin looks up the variable in the variable directory, finds out who owns it, and asks the owner for a copy of the required page. Since pages containing read-only variables do not change (after they have been initialized), consistency problems do not arise. Read-only variables are protected by the MMU hardware. An attempt to write to one causes a fatal error.

Migratory shared variables use the acquire/release protocol illustrated with locks in Fig. 6-30. They are used inside critical regions and must be protected by synchronization variables. The idea is that these variables migrate from machine to machine as critical regions are entered and exited. They are not replicated.

To use a migratory shared variable, its lock must first be acquired. When the variable is read, a copy of its page is made on the machine referencing it and the original copy is deleted. As an optimization, a migratory shared variable can be associated with a lock, so when the lock is sent, the data are sent along with it, eliminating extra messages.

A write-shared variable is used when the programmer has indicated that it is safe for two or more processes to write on it at the same time, for example, an array in which different processes can concurrently access different subarrays. Initially, pages holding write-shared variables are marked as being read only, potentially on several machines at the same time. When a write occurs, the fault handler makes a copy of the page, called the twin, marks the page as dirty, and sets the MMU to allow subsequent writes. These steps are illustrated in Fig. 6-31 for a word that is initially 6 and then changed to 8.

Fig. 6-31. Use of twin pages in Munin.

When the release is done, Munin runs a word-by-word comparison of each dirty write-shared page with its twin, and sends the differences (along with all the migratory pages) to all processes needing them. It then resets the page protection to read only.

When a list of differences comes into a process, the receiver checks each page to see if it has modified the page, too. If a page has not been modified, the incoming changes are accepted. If, however, a page has been modified locally, the local copy, its twin, and the corresponding incoming page are compared word by word. If the local word has been modified but the incoming one has not been, the incoming word overwrites the local one. If both the local and incoming words have been modified, a runtime error is signaled. If no such conflicts exist, the merged page replaces the local one and execution continues.

Shared variables that are not annotated as belonging to one of the above categories are treated as in conventional page-based DSM systems: only one copy of each writable page is permitted, and it is moved from process to process on demand. Read-only pages are replicated as needed.

Let us now look at an example of how the multiwriter protocol is used. Consider the programs of Fig. 6-32(a) and (b). Here, two processes are each incrementing the elements of the same array. Process 1 increments the even elements using function f and process 2 increments the odd elements using function g. Before starting this phase, each process blocks at a barrier until the other one gets there, too. After finishing this phase, they block at another barrier until both are done. Then they both continue with the rest of the program. Parallel programs for quicksort and fast Fourier transforms exhibit this kind of behavior. 

Fig. 6-32. (a) A program using a. (b) Another program using a. (c) Messages sent for sequentially consistent memory. (d) Messages sent for release consistent memory.

With pure sequentially consistent memory both processes pause at the barrier as shown in Fig. 6-32(c). The barrier can be implemented by having each process send a message to a barrier manager and block until the reply arrived. The barrier manager does not send any replies until all processes have arrived at the barrier.

After passing the barrier, process 1 might start off, storing into a[0]. Then process 2 might try to store into a[1], causing a page fault to fetch the page containing the array. After that, process 1 might try to store into a[2], causing another fault, and so on. With a little bad luck, each of the stores might require a full page to be transferred, generating a great deal of traffic. 

With release consistency, the situation is illustrated in Fig. 6-32(d). Again, both processes first pass the barrier. The first store into a[0] forces a twin page to be created for process 1. Similarly, the first store into a[1] forces a twin page to be created for process 2. No page transfers between machines are required at this point. Thereafter, each process can store into its private copy of a at will, without causing any page faults.

When each process arrives at the second barrier statement, the differences between its current values of a and the original values (stored on the twin pages) are computed. These are sent to all the other processes known to be interested in the pages affected. These processes, in turn, may pass them on to other interested processes unknown to the source of the changes. Each receiving process merges the changes with its own version. Conflicts result in a runtime error.

After a process has reported the changes in this way, it sends a message to the barrier manager and waits for a reply. When all processes have sent out their updates and arrived at the barrier, the barrier manager sends out the replies, and everyone can continue. In this manner, page traffic is needed only when arriving at a barrier.


Munin uses directories to locate pages containing shared variables. When a fault occurs on a reference to a shared variable, Munin hashes the virtual address that caused the fault to find the variable's entry in the shared variable directory. From the entry, it sees which category the variable is, whether a local copy is present, and who the probable owner is. Write-shared pages do not necessarily have a single owner. For a conventional shared variable, it is the last process to acquire write access. For a migratory shared variable, the owner is the process currently holding it.  

Fig. 6-33. At each point in time, a process can think another process is the probable owner of some page.

P3 is the owner. After following the chain, P1 gets the page and the chain looks like Fig. 6-33(c). In this way, every process eventually has an idea of who the probable owner might be, and can follow the chain all the way to find the actual owner.

The directories are also used to keep track of the copysets. However, the copysets need not be perfectly consistent. For example, suppose that P1 and P2 are each holding some write-shared variable and each of them knows about the other one. Then P3 asks the owner, P1, for a copy and gets it. P3 records P1 as having a copy, but does not tell P2. Later, P4, which thinks P2 is the owner, acquires a copy, which updates P2's copyset to include P4. At this point no one process has a complete list of who has the page.

Nevertheless, it is possible to maintain consistency. Imagine that P4now releases a lock, so it sends the updates to P2. The acknowledgement message from P2 to P4 contains a note saying that P1 also has a copy. When P4 contacts P1 it hears about P3. In this way, it eventually discovers the entire copyset, so all copies can be updated and it can update its own copyset. 

To reduce the overhead of having to send updates to processes that are no longer interested in particular write-shared pages, a timer-based algorithm is used. If a process holds a page, does not reference it within a certain time interval and receives an update, it drops the page. The next time it receives an update for the dropped page, the process tells the updating process that it no longer has a copy, so the Updater can reduce the size of its copyset. The probable owner chain is used to denote the copy of last resort, which cannot be dropped without finding a new owner or writing it to disk. This mechanism ensures that a page cannot be dropped by all processes and thus lost. 


Munin maintains a second directory for synchronization variables. These are located in a way analogous to the way ordinary shared variables are located. Conceptually, locks act like they are centralized, but in fact a distributed implementation is used to avoid sending too much traffic to any one machine.

When a process wants to acquire a lock, it first checks to see if it owns the lock itself. If it does and the lock is free, the request is granted. If the lock is not local, it is located using the synchronization directory, which keeps track of the probable owner. If the lock is free, it is granted. If it is not free, the requester is added to the tail of the queue. In this way, each process knows the identity of the process following it in the queue. When a lock is released, the owner passes it to the next process on the list.

Barriers are implemented by a central server. When a barrier is created, it is given a count of the number of processes that must be waiting on it before they can all be released. When a process has finished a certain phase in its computation it can send a message to the barrier server asking to wait. When the requisite number of processes are waiting, all of them are sent a message freeing them.

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