Книга: Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C

4.2 mikroC Built-in Functions

4.2 mikroC Built-in Functions

The mikroC compiler provides a set of built-in functions which can be called from the program. These functions are listed in Table 4.1, along with a brief description of each. Most of these functions can be used in a program without having to include header files.

Table 4.1: mikroC built-in functions

Function Description
Lo Returns the lowest byte of a number (bits 0 to 7)
Hi Returns next to the lowest byte of a number (bits 8 to 15)
Higher Returns next to the highest byte of a number (bits 16 to 23)
Highest Returns the highest byte of a number (bits 24 to 31)
Delay_us Creates software delay in microsecond units
Delay_ms Creates constant software delay in millisecond units
Vdelay_ms Creates delay in milliseconds using program variables
Delay_Cyc Creates delay based on microcontroller clock
Clock_Khz Returns microcontroller clock in KHz
Clock_Mhz Returns microcontroller clock in MHz

The exceptions are functions Lo, Hi, Higher, and Highest, which require the header file built_in.h. Further details about using these functions are available in the mikroC manuals.

Functions Delay_us and Delay_ms are frequently used in programs where delays are required (e.g., when flashing an LED). The following example illustrates the use of the Delay_ms function:

Example 4.10

An LED is connected to bit 0 of PORTB (pin RB0) of a PIC18FXXX microcontroller through a current-limiting resistor as shown in Figure 4.13. Choose a suitable value for the resistor and write a program that will flash the LED ON and OFF continuously at one-second intervals.

Figure 4.13: LED connected to port RB0 of a PIC microcontroller

Solution 4.10

LEDs can be connected to a microcontroller in two modes: current sinking and current sourcing. In current sinking mode (see Figure 4.14) one leg of the LED is connected to the +5V and the other leg is connected to the microcontroller output port pin through a current limiting resistor R.

Figure 4.14: Connecting the LED in current sinking mode

Under normal working conditions, the voltage across an LED is about 2V and the current through the LED is about 10mA (some low-power LEDs can operate at as low as 1mA current). The maximum current that can be sourced or sinked at the output port of a PIC microcontroller is 25mA.

The value of the current limiting resistor R can be calculated as follows. In current sinking mode the LED will be turned ON when the output port of the microcontroller is at logic 0 (i.e., at approximately 0V). The required resistor is then:


The nearest resistor to choose is 290 Ohm (a slightly higher resistor can be chosen for a lower current and slightly less brightness).

In current sourcing mode (see Figure 4.15) one leg of the LED is connected to the output port of the microcontroller and the other leg is connected to the ground through a current limiting resistor. The LED will be turned ON when the output port of the microcontroller is at logic 1 (i.e., at approximately 5V). The same value of resistor can be used in both current sinking and current sourcing modes.

Figure 4.15: Connecting the LED in current sourcing mode

The required program listing is given in Figure 4.16 (program FLASH.C). At the beginning of the program PORTB is configured as output using the TRISB = 0 statement. An endless loop is then formed with the for statement, and inside this loop the LED is turned ON and OFF with one-second delays between outputs.

                         FLASHING AN LED
This program flashes an LED connected to port RB0 of a microcontroller
with one second intervals. mikroC built-in function Delay_ms is used to
create a 1 second delay between the flashes.
Programmer: Dogan Ibrahim
File:       FLASH.C
Date:       May, 2007
void main() {
 TRISB = 0;       // Configure PORTB as output
 for(;;)          // Endless loop
  PORTB = 1;      // Turn ON LED
  Delay_ms(1000); // 1 second delay
  PORTB = 0;      // Turn OFF LED
  Delay_ms(1000); // 1 second delay

Figure 4.16: Program to flash an LED

The program given in Figure 4.16 can be made more user-friendly and easier to follow by using define statements as shown in Figure 4.17 (program FLASH2.C).

                            FLASHING AN LED
This program flashes an LED connected to port RB0 of a microcontroller
with one second intervals. mikroC built-in function Delay_ms is used to
create a 1 second delay between the flashes.
Programmer: Dogan Ibrahim
File:       FLASH2.C
Date:       May, 2007
#define LED PORTB.0
#define ON 1
#define OFF 0
#define One_Second_Delay Delay_ms(1000)
void main() {
 TRISB = 0;         // Configure PORTB as output
 for(;;)            // Endless loop
  LED = ON;         // Turn ON LED
  One_Second_Delay; // 1 second delay
  LED = OFF;        // Turn OFF LED
  One_Second_Delay; // 1 second delay

Figure 4.17: Another program to flash an LED

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