Книга: Embedded Linux Primer: A Practical, Real-World Approach

11.3.3. BusyBox Target Installation

11.3.3. BusyBox Target Installation

The discussion of BusyBox installation can proceed only when you understand the use and purpose of symlinks. The BusyBox makefile contains a target called install. Executing make install creates a directory structure containing the busybox executable and a symlink tree. This environment needs to be migrated to your target embedded system's root directory, complete with the symlink tree. The symlink tree eliminates the need to type busybox command for each command. Instead, to see a listing of files in a given directory, the user need only type ls. The symlink executes busybox as described previously and invokes the ls functionality. Review Listing 11-4 and Listing 11-5 to see the symlink tree. Note that the BusyBox build system creates links only for the functionality that you have enabled via the configuration utility.

The easiest way to populate your root file system with the necessary symlink farm is to let the BusyBox build system do it for you. Simply mount your root file system on your development workstation and pass a PREFIX to the BusyBox makefile. Listing 11-9 shows the procedure.

Listing 11-9. Installing BusyBox on Root File System

$ mount -o loop bbrootfs.ext2 /mnt/remote
$ make PREFIX=/mnt/remote install
/bin/sh applets/install.sh /mnt/remote
  /mnt/remote/bin/ash -> busybox
  /mnt/remote/bin/cat -> busybox
  /mnt/remote/bin/chgrp -> busybox
  /mnt/remote/bin/chmod -> busybox
  /mnt/remote/bin/chown -> busybox
/mnt/remote/usr/bin/xargs -> ../../bin/busybox
/mnt/remote/usr/bin/yes -> ../../bin/busybox
/mnt/remote/usr/sbin/chroot -> ../../bin/busybox
You will probably need to make your busybox binary
setuid root to ensure all configured applets will
work properly.
$ chmod +s /mnt/remote/bin/busybox
$ ls -l /mnt/remote/bin/busybox
-rwsr-sr-x  1 root root 863188 Dec  4 15:54 /mnt/remote/bin/busybox

First we mount the root file system binary image on our desired mount pointin this case, /mnt/remote, a favorite of mine. Then we invoke the BusyBox make install command, passing it a PREFIX specifying where we want the symlink tree and busybox executable file to be placed. As you can see from the listing, the makefile invokes a script called applets/install.sh to do the bulk of the work. The script walks through a file containing all the enabled BusyBox applets and creates a symlink for each one on the path we have specified using the PREFIX. The script is very chatty; it outputs a line for each symlink created. For brevity, only the first few and last few symlink announcements are displayed. The ellipsis in the listing represents those we have eliminated.

The message about setuid is also displayed by the install script, to remind you that it might be necessary to make your busybox executable setuid root. This is to allow BusyBox functions that require root access to function properly even when invoked by a nonroot user. This is not strictly necessary, especially in an embedded Linux environment, where it is common to have only a root account on a system. If this is necessary for your installation, the required command (chmod +s) is shown in Listing 11-9.

The result of this installation step is that the busybox binary and symlink tree are installed on our target root file system. The end result looks very similar to Listing 11-4.

It is useful to note that BusyBox also has an option to enable creation of this symlink tree on the target system at runtime. This option is enabled in the BusyBox configuration and is invoked at runtime by executing busybox with the -install option. You must have the /proc file system mounted on your target system for this support to work.

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