Книга: Practical Common Lisp

Keyword Parameters

Keyword Parameters

Optional and rest parameters give you quite a bit of flexibility, but neither is going to help you out much in the following situation: Suppose you have a function that takes four optional parameters. Now suppose that most of the places the function is called, the caller wants to provide a value for only one of the four parameters and, further, that the callers are evenly divided as to which parameter they will use.

The callers who want to provide a value for the first parameter are fine—they just pass the one optional argument and leave off the rest. But all the other callers have to pass some value for between one and three arguments they don't care about. Isn't that exactly the problem optional parameters were designed to solve?

Of course it is. The problem is that optional parameters are still positional—if the caller wants to pass an explicit value for the fourth optional parameter, it turns the first three optional parameters into required parameters for that caller. Luckily, another parameter flavor, keyword parameters, allow the caller to specify which values go with which parameters.

To give a function keyword parameters, after any required, &optional, and &rest parameters you include the symbol &key and then any number of keyword parameter specifiers, which work like optional parameter specifiers. Here's a function that has only keyword parameters:

(defun foo (&key a b c) (list a b c))

When this function is called, each keyword parameters is bound to the value immediately following a keyword of the same name. Recall from Chapter 4 that keywords are names that start with a colon and that they're automatically defined as self-evaluating constants.

If a given keyword doesn't appear in the argument list, then the corresponding parameter is assigned its default value, just like an optional parameter. Because the keyword arguments are labeled, they can be passed in any order as long as they follow any required arguments. For instance, foo can be invoked as follows:

(foo) ==> (NIL NIL NIL)
(foo :a 1) ==> (1 NIL NIL)
(foo :b 1) ==> (NIL 1 NIL)
(foo :c 1) ==> (NIL NIL 1)
(foo :a 1 :c 3) ==> (1 NIL 3)
(foo :a 1 :b 2 :c 3) ==> (1 2 3)
(foo :a 1 :c 3 :b 2) ==> (1 2 3)

As with optional parameters, keyword parameters can provide a default value form and the name of a supplied-p variable. In both keyword and optional parameters, the default value form can refer to parameters that appear earlier in the parameter list.

(defun foo (&key (a 0) (b 0 b-supplied-p) (c (+ a b)))
(list a b c b-supplied-p))
(foo :a 1) ==> (1 0 1 NIL)
(foo :b 1) ==> (0 1 1 T)
(foo :b 1 :c 4) ==> (0 1 4 T)
(foo :a 2 :b 1 :c 4) ==> (2 1 4 T)

Also, if for some reason you want the keyword the caller uses to specify the parameter to be different from the name of the actual parameter, you can replace the parameter name with another list containing the keyword to use when calling the function and the name to be used for the parameter. The following definition of foo:

(defun foo (&key ((:apple a)) ((:box b) 0) ((:charlie c) 0 c-supplied-p))
(list a b c c-supplied-p))

lets the caller call it like this:

(foo :apple 10 :box 20 :charlie 30) ==> (10 20 30 T)

This style is mostly useful if you want to completely decouple the public API of the function from the internal details, usually because you want to use short variable names internally but descriptive keywords in the API. It's not, however, very frequently used.

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